


Well-Known Member
hello! i'm anna, i live in western australia, and i've been a member for a while (but only so i could buy stuff... what? LOL ). i decided mid last year that i was going to give up traditionaly scrapbooking and start digi scrapping... but i haven't done much yet. blushblushblush... so - i thought i'd check out the challenges in the forum to give myself a push... so here i am! :humble: <--- i am so not like this, but it might just be The Most Amazing smiley i've ever seen... tee hee!


Well-Known Member
yep. the smileys here are The Best!! welcome, Anna! don't blush, just jump right in! that's the best way to start. this place is filled with nice people who are trying to do just what you are. so, have some fun! there are always people to answer any questions you might have. welcome!


lOve the O!
:welcome: to the O Anna, what a great time to come to the forums- I hear they may be a bunch of new challenges showing up- we will soon be celebrating our birthday!!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:welcome: to Oscraps, Anna ... your timing for "de-lurking" couldn't be better ... we're just about to go into PARTY mode and it's gonna be fun, fun, FUN all around!!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Welcome to the "O" Anna!! So nice that you are going to try out the challenges! Like the others have said you couldn't have picked a better time to try out your new skills!! Its PARTY TIME!! Stick around this weekend and find out what great fun you will have here at the "O"!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the welcome - more birthdays? my younger daughter turned four today, so i guess i'll have to keep partying... :-D


The Loopy-O
Hi Anna- I know that I said welcome in the Daily oo's thread, but you need and "official" welcome in this thread too.
:welcome: to the O!