
Hi from BC


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I've been a paper scrapper for yrs but just this yr started digi scrapping. I still love my paper scrapping but have to say that its great being able to re-use pieces in digi scrapping and there is no mess! I'm still learning all the basics of digi but already I can see how much fun it is. As I was blog hopping I came across this group and found the blog train. There's lots of great talent in the store and the gallery is awesome. I'm glad to have found oscraps.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hi there, welcome to the O - a great place to learn about the dark side - hehehe. Check out the Tutorials sections at the top right of screen. Also join in with the challenges - they are such good fun and the designers are always really generous with their stuff.

I still paper scrap when the feeling takes me (I usually have an urge to get my hands dirty and end up with a heavily inked mini album - and a whole load of mess that needs cleaning up!) and just love combining both so nearly all my paper LOs now are hybrid.


The Loopy-O
Hi there-- so glad you found the O- if you need any help just post and some one wil be sure to help.

Be warned- digiscrapping is addicting :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome here bcgal00! I'm a newbie too, you'll see how nice everybody is here! :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi bcgal... I am also from BC Vancouver Island, you will love this site everyone is great and you will get a lot of inspiration here! Welcome


Whoopie! Another BC Gal - I'm from the Island too
O'Scraps is a fantastic place to hang out - you'll love it here I guarantee it!
Check out the 52 week inspirations - I subscribed early in Jan and it's a blast. - you can't go wrong. Have a peek at the gallery. The other challenge I love (which has just restarted) is the Copycat Challenge. And to top it off the designers here are the best.
And no, they don't pay me to promote O'Scraps :)


ONA - Administrator
Hello and welcome! I used to paper scrap as well but haven't touched my supplies since July 2008!! Thinking of giving it away to my DIL's as they are just starting to become interested in paper scrapping. If you need a hand just yell, there is always someone around to give a hand!! :)