


Well-Known Member
Hello from Nebraska!! im freezing my bootay off!! haha

my name is Kristy, i am 29 years old...i have been making siggies for over 8 years now...and have started making Layouts...which i love to do!! I have been doing that for about a year or two now...i have 4 daughters, Frankie my stepdd is 13, Raianna who is almost 10 Elyse who is almost 8 and Helena who is 3! been married for almost 10 years...


Well-Known Member
Kristy!!!!!! Where are you at in Nebraska?? And come on! It's not that cold yet!! LOL! I'm in Omaha and so is my friend here Tessie B.

Welcome to Oscraps!!


The Loopy-O
Welcome to the O! Don't mind Helen, she thinks its all fun to make fun of us when we are cold.

So glad to have you with us!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O! I'm over here in Iowa...and after last winter, I don't care if I never see snow again!


Well-Known Member
Sara i just moved from Omaha actually to about 20 mins south of lincoln! i was born and raised in omaha...but now out in the country...and yesterday it was windy as all get out and the wind was soooooo cold!!!! lol if there was no wind it wouldve been 50 degrees out lol but that dang wind!!!! thanks for the welcome! i have already uploaded 2 LO's i have made!


ONA - Administrator
Hi Kristy and welcome to the O!! I am another one from the HOT AND SUNNY continent downunder! So happy you found us!!


Well-Known Member
Dear me...if you were cold yesterday...what are you today?? It's getting arctic out there today, and the crazy wind!


Well-Known Member
welcome to the O Kristy hey that's a new signature isn't it?
the last one I saw was from the spring I think


I lOve Me Some O!
Welcome to the O Kristy!!! Glad to see you posting around here! You'll love it!

I can't wait to see more of your siggies & Los! Your current one of Helena is adorable!


Well-Known Member
Ooh those Nebraska girls.... LOL
Welcome to the O Kristy!! I'm sure you'll love it here :)
I'll wave when I pass your house, and Sara's too (I drive a semi) - I'm in Nebraska frequently, passing through on I-80.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Shellie. :) No snow right now. Just cold. And heartbreak....(our Huskers lost their last conference championship tonight).


Well-Known Member
Welcome Kristy you found the best place to be :) and don't worry I am freezing here in Southern California lol. So your not alone