
Hello from the oven :)


Active Member
Hi everyone, my name is Allison and I was born and currently reside in Arizona. I am married and have 2 boys. I stumbed upon this site and am amazed at the talent here! Just thought I'd introduce myself. :D


Well-Known Member
Hi Allison and welcome. Your subject made me look. :D

I've been thru Arizona once and it was 114. I don't know how you can stand that. I'm in No. California and our hottest summers are in the 90's to low 100's.


The Loopy-O
Can I borrow some of your heat? I am in NJ and it only got up to 73 today- that is wrong wrong wrong! (I like the heat- not the humidity as much)

But anyway- glad you are here- the O-Designers rock!


Active Member
Can I borrow some of your heat? I am in NJ and it only got up to 73 today- that is wrong wrong wrong! (I like the heat- not the humidity as much)

But anyway- glad you are here- the O-Designers rock!

I have about 20 or so degrees to spare today, it's 107. Only 14% humidity though, so not bad at all!


ONA - Administrator
Hi Allison and welcome to the O, thanks for stopping by, hope you stay with us for awhile!! :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O, Allison! I don't envy you your heat, 107 degrees? UGH! It's been hot here in Ky but not that hot :).