
Hello from the Gulf Coast of Florida


Hello I am Pam from the Gulf Coast of Florida, I have been scrapping for most of my life started digi-scrapping about 8ish months ago and have fallen in love!!!! I love the shop here but hadn't ventured into the gallery or forums much until today boy was that a mistake WOW is the gallery amazing I can see myself spending hours drooling over all the amazing layouts there!


Hey fellow Floridian. Welcome I am new also. Are you staying warm today =)
Oh my goodness I am freezing to death! OK maybe I am being overly dramatic but it sure feels like it! Hopefully this won't last long cause it is just too cold for my thin blood!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O Daisy - you will soon be addicted to this place like the rest of us! No worries, you'll be in great company!


Well-Known Member
I too am freezing today, but I can't voice that compared to what others are living through. We Floridians are wimps, heheeh.


Well-Known Member
Hi from the Dutch newbie
You Florida girls should not complain! It is raining and cold here today, as it will be the rest of the winter :)