
Hello from Ottawa, Canada!


New to Scrappin"
My home and my partner of 18 years are in New Brunswick, where we recently purchased a new home. Currently, I am living in Ottawa and I teach ESL at one of the universities here. I do get to spend half of the year on the east coast and that gives me free time to pursue my hobby of scrapbooking.

When it comes to digital scrapbooking, I am a bit of a fish-out-of-water in a couple of respects. First of all, my name is Vincent, (aka memorywrinkles), and being a male who likes scrapping is a bit unusual. Secondly, I am relatively new to this digital world and am learning as I go along so would appreciate feedback when I post. I guess I have become a bit of a “horder” when it comes to buying kits. LOL—Now, I just have to start using them. I will try to become more active in the Oscraps community. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Vincent. I'm a Canadian on the west coast (Vancouver area), originating from Ontario many years ago. Hoarding is to applauded here LOL. We love our digi kits :)
When you have questions, ask away! Also, pls tell us what program you are scrapping with which will help us with answering.


The O is awesOme
Hello and welcome Vincent! you came to the right place! you are going to love it here! Looking forward to see you your pages!


New to Scrappin"
Thank you for the welcome Marje. I look forward to posting some of what I have worked on. Anna recommended I start putting some of my work here thought it does not compare to what I have been seeing!


New to Scrappin"
Thank you very much BC Gal. I am very familiar with the Vancouver area as I lived there for about 16 years. However, I am originally from Cape Breton and have been working my way to retiring on the east coast. The program I currently am using is PSE 12.


New to Scrappin"
Romy....I do have one of your kits and a couple of extras of yours and am pleased to say so. I do think I need to slow down on my purchasing and speed up on my creating.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the O Vincent, well if you're a hoarder you are amongst many fellow hoarders so should feel at hOme straight away.
Great to see another man scrapping.


She Who Never Sleeps
Hi Vincent!! I always found the easiest way to start creating was to participate in the challenges. It always pushed me to find new ways to do something, and learning new tricks was an extra bonus!

It must be so hard living away from your partner 1/2 the year. I've done long distance relationships and boy, do they yank you up and down. =(


New to Scrappin"
Thanks HeatherT...It is at times very difficult, but to quote Denzel Washington, "You do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do." We are working towards our "retirement" in NB which means there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I will definitely be doing some of the challenges and have been viewing the entries to date. Is there a time constraint to posting, even if you aren't tracking the progress?


Well-Known Member
I do think I need to slow down on my purchasing and speed up on my creating.

Hi Vincent - welcome!! I think many of us have this problem! LOL As the others have said, post away and ask questions whenever you have them - there's always someone here to help.


The Loopy-O
Welcome to Oscraps, Vincent! It is always neat to have another male in the mix :)
I think we all can relate to being hoarders. Just last week I deleted some kits that I had from 2006. They were horrid! :rofl:

Jump right into the challenges, they are a great place to start!


ONA - Administrator
Welcome to the O Vincent, so happy for another male to be joining us! :) and YES, now its time to start creating! looking forward to seeing your layouts in the gallery! and as Rae (b cgal) already said, just holler if you need a hand with anything! :)