
Hello from Margate, Kent, UK!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

An onlone friend told me about your wonderful site, so I came to see for myself!!

I only started digi scrapping in January (this year!) so am still learning lots!

Looking forward to exploring the site more!

bernie x

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey Bernie,

Welcome to the O. Was it me who brought you here from UKS?? Cool! Good to see you over here.

You've joined in the best week ever - there's a huge party going on with lots of freebies & challenges. Cruise round the forum and make sure you check out the blog train ride that's been going on all week (you can join anytime).

If you're free on Saturday afternoon there's an online chat going on 1 pm which will have loads of give aways, if the previous chats are anything to go by.

Do shout out if you get lost, everyone's really friendly here - and no, I'm not on the payroll!


Well-Known Member
hi Selena - what's your UKS name then?!! Sorry I'm terrible with names and often we don't always get to see faces in avvies!!! A gal called Scrappydandydo (Julie) told me abotu this site and the fantastic newsletetr emails she gets!!!

Thanks for the heads up about the blog train - I found one of those when I first started digi in Jan and they're great! So helpful for newbies!!

And chat at convenient UK time - great! I've found other sites but their chat works out at about 3am, so NO chance of me being awake for that, LOL:D

Looks like a great place and once I've found my way around and where evrything is at, I hope I'll be joining in with lots of things!

Now, if someone could just find me that elusive extra 3 hours in a day I'd be happy:D

Bernie x
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O' whip cracker whip
Welcome Bernie :) *cough* I have a chat tomorrow at 2pm out time ;) And believe me, you HAVE to be there, I promise not to whip to hard bwhaahaaahaa

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey Cat, the Saturday thread says that the Chat is 1 pm (on account of America being on summertime, so we're only 4 hr ahead of New York right now)....????


The Loopy-O
Hi Bernie, welcome to the O! Hope you have been enjoying all of the fun and partying!

And after the party is over, we will be starting our Designer Spotlights, so don't stray too far- they always had lots of freebies and fun challenges for us :)


O' whip cracker whip
Thanks Selena, I will change it, or you will be attending a chat with no host LOL


Well-Known Member
LOl thanks for that - I may be around for a little while then but my eldest DD will be riding at 3pm and I *have* to be there IYKWIM:D Have noted it on calendar and pooter desk already!!

Have been finding some useful tutes on here and used one already - a blending one...I'm just starting to realise the potential of that!!!

Thanks for the lovely welcomes!
Bernie x


O' whip cracker whip
Oooh, believe me I know the riding thing, I have 3 horses, my own horse, DD's horse and a rescue pony, which my DH knows NOTHING about lol


O' whip cracker whip
easily, he hates horses so does not come to the farm with me ;) and they are all on the same feed, no extra money, but, when it comes to vaccinations, I will just say that the vet increased their charges, erm, double! I will be screwed if he comes on here as the O is my home page and he happens across this post though!


Well-Known Member
LOL at you hiding a horse:D

DD1 would loe her own horse...and DD2 would love her own pony for that matter! DD1 has decided she's gonna be a part-time lawyer to pay for her expensive hobby, and the rest of the time she will be riding:D

Bernie x


Well-Known Member
just do what I do....."oh, this ole thing? I've had it for yrs, remember when I wore it....". hmmm...wonder if that WOULD work with a horse, I've been dying for one!


Well-Known Member
Bernie, welcome to the O! As you will quickly learn, we are a friendly, silly bunch who can easily turn a welcome thread into a convo about how to hide a pony! LOL

We're glad you're here...jump in and enjoy yourself!


Active Member
Hey Bernie, looks like your Digi Scrapping is coming on a treat ! I'm in sunny old Gloucestershire but I used to spend some childhood holidays in Margate very many moons ago ! Nice to see a name I recognise on here - I'd better post a newbie hello as I think the last time I came here was probably in the days of horse drawn carriages ;-)