
Hello from Husker Nation :-)


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I'm Dianne and I've been a member of the boards here for quite awhile and visit often for inspiration, but I'm just now joining in. I have been digi scrapping for less than a year and I can't believe how addicting it is!

I'm a SAHM to 4 kid-o's. An 18 yo girl, 16 yo boy, 13 yo girl and 2 yo girl. So, I'm kind of starting over as a new mom! I'm also a huge football junkie, so this is my favorite time of year. lol

I can't wait to get more involved here and start participating in some of the great challenges!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O Di!! You will love it here!! Join in on our challenges and come see us in the Daily O's!!


ONA - Administrator
Hello Diane and welcome to the O!! so glad you came in to say hello!! look forward to seeing your LO's in the gallery and catching up in the forum!!


Well-Known Member
Oh Diane!!!!! Another Husker!!!!! Welcome with big open arms. (And a hanky for that game on Saturday.) Where do you live in the state? You can PM me and we can chat! =)

Glad to see another Husker here! :p:p:p:p:p


Well-Known Member
Hi Diane. Welcome to the O! Huskers??? Now where is that? Just kidding. I'm a Hawkeye so I'm right next door! Glad to see you here.


The Loopy-O
dane -- it all about college football out there LOLOL!
NJ has the NFL rivals- Jets and Giants but most people I know are huge Giants fans.

Anyway Dianne-- so glad you are here- looks like you have quite a bit of football company!
And I have an 11 yo DD and a 13 yo DS and am always asking for advice on how to keep my sanity with them- hope you can help me with that! :p

Come visit us in the Daily Ooos!


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, ladies! I'm anxious to join in on all of the fun and very glad to see some football fans here! lol


Well-Known Member
lol I forget that these boards have people from all over the world and that *gasp* not everyone knows what a Husker is. lol I live in Nebraska and the University of Nebraska in Lincoln are known as the Cornhuskers.....Huskers for short. I'll just say that it's all about the Husker football here in Nebraska and they call Nebraska "Husker Nation". On game day, pretty much everyone you see has red on (the school colors are red/black/white), every store you go in has the game playing on their speakers, Husker flags are flying everywhere....it's pretty crazy and you can feel the electricity and excitement all over! But, I am a big football fan, so I just love it!

Thanks for the warm welcome!