
Hello from Central Texas


Active Member
HI everyone! New here, a transplant from Scrap Matters! I'm a mom of 3, grandma of 4. I've been a crafter and designer for about 20 of the last 30 years. I designed for craft and needlework publications and yarn manufacturers for many years but writing the instructions for every project took the passion for it out of me after a while. I switched to designing dolls which I had just as much passion for, but without the tedious writing of instructions. I really loved designing dolls and won numerous awards and sold around the world. (They were one of a kind dolls). An accident last fall ended all that as I lost the use of my fine motor skills in the right hand when it collided with an operating electric bush trimmer. I can type again, and do many things, but I struggle with fine detail work, scissors, and being tidy as I work. The hand is just not that cooperative. I have a doll half sculpted sitting on my work table that I may never be able to finish. ack...
I had done a lot of scrapping years ago and took it up again after the accident. I used a pazzles machine to help with cutting things out, but I still struggled with not making a complete mess glueing things down. And yes, I tried the tape thing, but that requires a bit more hand coordination than I have as well. I discovered digital scrapping a few months ago and fell in love. A wonderful creative outlet, non messy, doesn't require find motor skills or writing down instructions. Yet anyway. :)
I love it. I've put all my energy into learning how to do this and how to use Photoshop so that I can design myself. Because I need to be creative to live or breath and I'm a designer at heart.
I also became good enough to with a place on the royal court in SM's recent Queen of scrap competition and to find a place on Clever Monkey Graphics' creative team. Made lots of friends there and hope to keep in contact with them and now hope to make new friends here.
Thanks for having me, looking forward to making this my new "home".
I'm still learning my way around and trying to find all the FAQ's and rules of being here, so please be patient with me if I screw up along the way.


lOve the O!
:welcome: to the O Pamela, sad that you lost your online home, but happy that you found us. Just ask, we are a friendly bunch.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Pamela! The great thing about digital is that you can always easily start over and try new things!! Glad to have you here!


I love the "O"
Seems like you are a very creative person, sorry to hear about the accident.
Can't wait to see some pages ! Welcome here !


The Loopy-O
Hi Pamela, welcome to Oscraps! we are happy to have you!
My MIL is a quilter and used to write instructions for magazines too and it was a total drain on her as well.

What a nightmare for you with accident and your hand. But ITA with everyone that at least with digital, there is a great outlet and o worries if you make a mistake. Ctrl-Z is my best friend!

If you have any questions just yell!


Active Member
Thank you!

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I will be uploading some of my layouts that I've done in the past. Have to figure out which ones have product from Oscraps in them first. Hope they are some of my favorites. :)
Looking through my stash to see what I have so I remember to use them in future layouts too! :)
