
Hello again!


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember me ? :)

I've been in and out for a few years, but I'm back again! Finally finished with school so I have a little more time for scrapping again. But.... not as quite as much as before because we have 18 month old foster twins!! We will be adopting them, but it's a process still in the works right now :)

Happy to back again at my favorite scrap home!


lOve the O!
:welcome: back ZID! Looks like you will have some fun/stress relief scrapping in your future. Praying that all goes well with your foster to adopt process!


always chatty at the O!!
Welcome back ZID. You may have less time adopting the twins...but much more scrapping material.


The Loopy-O
Hi ZID!!! What a blessing you have! My brother and SIL successfully adopted a (gorgeous!) little boy last year. What a roller-coaster that was, but such an amazing journey! Glad you are back and can't wait to see scrap pages!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back Zid! I am newbie myself here ... enjoy your stay and you choose the right time, it's birthday party here!
Enjoy your shopping and stay! *grin*


Well-Known Member
Welcome back Zid! Congrats on the twins! You are a busy lady! But you are going to have so much scrapbooking material! Great to see you back at the O!