
Hellloooo :):) from NC


Well-Known Member
Hey there everyone! I'm a newbie to your forum but not the store! :):) Short and sweet (as you will find this is a rarity with me...I'm a talker :)) I'm a Contract Manager by day, Crafter by night (at least was been dealing with pregnancy issues:)) mother to one 5 year old little girl and soon to be little boy (Jan. if not sooner :)) Owner of two wonderful doggies..and one very funny cat! And of course can't forget the hubby! :) I've been scrapping off and on for several years now and personally wish there was more time in the day to do so! So that is me...the short and sweet version...can't wait to meet everyone! Catch you later..

Quirkyk aka Kristen :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Quirky or Kristen, lol not sure yet what you want to go by. Welcome to Oscraps! We love talkers..Check out the daily Ooo's sometime and talk away. lol


FeiFei Stuff Designer
Hello Kristen! almost same here - scrapaddict by night! hehe! Welcome to Oscraps!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the welcome ladies!!! I have spent the evening downloading products so I can play along with the challenges here...and as you might have noticed I like to talk so I've jumped right in and chatted away!! As for what I prefer..doesn't really matter...most call me Quirky or Quirkyk as I'm a Kristen Rice but not the designer Kristen Rice :)