
Hej from Stockholm, Sweden!


Well-Known Member
I'm Iken, or actually Ia, or even more actually Elisabet. But I'm Elisabet only at work, and Ia everywhere else. Iken is my brother's nickname for the nickname he first gave me (Ia) before he had learnt to talk that well.

I'm mother to Carl (8) (hm, cool? 8 yrs!), Emma (6) and Oskar who was born in March. Oskar was born with a cleft lip, palate and upper jaw, and he had his first surgery in September. I'm on maternity leave, but will be back at work in January when my hubby takes over (paternity leave?) until Oskar can start at dagis (kindergarten).

I've been digiscrapping since 2005.

I'm sure I'll love it here!

/Iken :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome Ia! I KNOW you will love it here! I hope your DS recovers from his surgery! Hopefully some scrapping will keep you occupied at home ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi Ia! Welcome to the O! I'm looking forward to seeing your Layouts and getting to know you better! :D


I lOve Me Some O!
Glad to see you joined here Iken!!

You'll love it, as you can see I've already been posting crazy, but the girls are wonderful here and the inspiration is overflowing with the challenges & in the gallery & with the designers here.

So welcome welcome welcome! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome Iken! I'm new too and am finding everyone is very friendly and helpful here!


ONA - Administrator
Hello Ia!! welcome to the O!! I have already seen some of your lovely layouts in the gallery!! so glad you found us!!! :)

Maria W

Well-Known Member
Hej Ia!!! Va kul med fler svenskar här! Ser fram emot att fa se dina sidor och att lära känna dig lite bättre!