
Happy birthday faerywings !


The Loopy-O
thanks dears!! I was just catching up on some LOs that I never posted for June challenges, oops, when I saw this! Thanks so much for thinking of me!!! ::grouphug


The Loopy-O
You all rock! It was a quiet day, which is a HUGE plus in my life right now, hahahha!!! My parents came up with bagels for b-fast, i got some new sneakers and underwear from them as gifts. LOL They also gave me a new book, and some eye cream and skin serum. I love Boots No 7, in case you are looking for something that works for "oily yet aging skin"
The family tagged teamed taking care of Jaida, and puppy snuggles are wonderful. Cait and I snuggled with her rats, also a big stress reliever.
I ended the day with pizza (yay mom who left me some $$ to order!!) and a glass of wine.

Hugs to all of you for wishing me well!