I hope this isn't true! I still have a fair amount of print credits I haven't used yet. I better go check it out!I usually print using Persnickety Prints but they seem to have stopped printing 12x12 size. Is there a place in Canada or the USA you would recommend that doesn't charge an arm and a leg plus your first born?
@AZKI hope this isn't true! I still have a fair amount of print credits I haven't used yet. I better go check it out!
What a relief! I keep buying print credits when they're on sale during DSD or whatever and then I end up not using them so I've got quite a stockpile.@AZK
I stand corrected. It was my PC. I did get through properly and sure enough the 12x12's are still there for $1.99US which at this moment in time is $2.66 CAN
It isn't the easiest place to navigate but the prints are good.