Hello all! My name is Susan, and I’m addicted to digital scrapbooking. I have been doing it in some form or another since about 2005/2006. I started out making “signatures” for myself and my friends on Mommy boards. I started out at “Two Peas in a Bucket”, and I can tell you that Digital Scrapping was the red- headed step child of scrapping in those days. We had a board there in the midst of all the papers scrappers, and the big fight was whether digi-scrapping was “real” scrapping or not. It was brutal.
Some time later, us “digi” gals migrated to a new site that came out of the 2Peas era: DigiShopTalk.com – and it’s still around today! I built a lot of friendships and scrapped a lot of pages there. This was my first gallery – and I’ve kept it all these years. I’m sad to say I can’t even find it anymore.
I joined some design teams, and during this time (around 2007-2009) I ran a blog called “Digi-Scrap Lift with Pachimac”, and later it was changed to “Lifts with a Twist”. I scoured the DST gallery and picked a layout and posted it to my blog. I also had a “designer of the week” who sponsored the lift and would give out freebies or coupons as prizes for doing the lifts. It was very popular, but it took too much time for me with a young home schooled child at home, so I let it go dark. It’s still up, if anyone wants to browse and look at where scrapping was in these times:
Lifts with a Twist
Another funny thing is that, in looking through the galleries – I used a certain person’s layouts for 3 times – Dagmar – and now she is an amazing template designer!
Dagi – here’s a blast from your past:
Dagi’s Lifts
I joined a few design teams, and was very active in the scrapping community. At that time there was a HUGE drama fest going on, and I just decided that I didn’t have time for it, so I left the community and just scrapped for myself. A few years passed and I tried again for a little while in 2010 and 2011, but I really felt that the community had passed me by. My style was always graphic and clean and simple – and the vast majority of scraps were artsy, piles of flowers, and lots of blended photos and backgrounds. I just didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere.
Fast forward to June of 2014, and I was itching to get back into scrapping. My daughter was in 6th grade, and I had more time on my hands to sit down and learn the craft again and catch up with where the community had gone. A Facebook friend of mine, Danielle, was on a wonderful design team and I LOVED her layouts, so I asked her where to find a community that I could become involved with again. She told me 3 or 4 places with open galleries and a somewhat active community, so I tried each of them out, settling on Ginger Scraps. The styles the designers were making, and the vibrant community drew me in right away. Soon after I joined, they had a contest called “Survivor”. I thought I was crazy, but I joined anyway, and much to my delight – I made it all the way to the last cut of 10!! Through this time, I met some wonderful ladies who have become my scrap mentors, my cheerleaders, and my friends. Michi, Tracey, Jill, Rachel, Mandy, Claudi, Bekki – and so many more welcomed me with open arms.
I was asked to be on the scrap teams of Rachel, of Seatrout Scraps as a guest, and after my stint was over, she asked me to stay on, so I happily CT-ed for her until she changed formats and started designing for a software company. Then I answered a call for Created by Jill and was thrilled to be asked on the team. I was heartbroken when Jill passed away from pancreatic cancer. She was such an artsy mentor to me, and gave me wings to try and be more artsy. Mandy King invited me as a guest and offered me a permanent spot as well, and I was so thrilled to be on their teams. They were all so wonderful, and they each stretched me in a different way. I am ecstatic to have been chosen as a CT member for many years at Gingerscraps but I recently stepped down. I’ve been a guest CT member for many teams and The Lilypad twice.
My scrapping style has changed through the years. I’m in an art journal artsy type phase, but through it all, I never forget the main reason I scrap: memories for my daughter.
I’m glad to be here and meet a new group of ladies! I hope to be stretched again!