


Well-Known Member
I just d/l'd Firefox because a site I was trying to access didn't support IE. So far I looove it, except for certain areas, like shopping the O. For whatever reason it won't accept a coupon...so I have to switch over to IE which is not a big deal...I just wondered if anyone else has ran in to this here or anywhere else. I did have problems on another site but can't remember which one. If you have had this problem have you found a work around?



I lOve Me Some O!
My browser of choice is Opera.. it has the bookmark style I like like in IE & it is super fast! Some sites though aren't compatible, but lately those are fewer & far between. I've used the browser for 6 years now.

As for Firefox I only use it occasionally so I don't really know ways to help you :(


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I use Firefox most of the time (much to my husband's dismay) and have not had an issue with the store here. I wish I could help you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies! I am actually starting to think it is my connection today, now that I am trying to d/l it is beyond slow! Like downloading at less than 300bytes! ugh! It's probably the weather, our phone lines aren't the best and we have DSL through them.


Well-Known Member
Dawn, I use FF too and have no problem with the coupons. Let me know if I can help you troubleshoot though.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm a FF user and don't usually have a problem with it per se. Sometimes I find coupons won't work unless I've logged into the shop previously. This doesn't happen all the time, so it's not a major problem - I just have to remember to log in first. You see, in my hurry to spend, spend, spend I end up by passing necessities in life (like house work!)


The Loopy-O
Dawn- I use FF and don't have an issue w/ coupons here. But I have had them in the past with other sites. There is an add-on called IE tab- you can install that, then if you want to see the page in IE, you Right Click, select View Page in IE tab and it renders the page in IE. That usually does the trick.


Well-Known Member
Hi Dawn, I am a FF user and totally loving it! I have trouble using a coupon if I forgot to log in, like Selena. Hope it works out..