
February Collab Challenge - Bloom Where You're Planted


The O is my hOme.
I’m back with another OScraps collab challenge. Before we get started, I want to show you this month’s collab from the OScraps designers, Bloomin’ Creativity

This collab is gorgeous. Plus it is so versatile. You definitely need to go take a look.

The theme for this month’s challenge is Bloom Where You're Planted. So for this challenge, we are going to create an All About Me layout. Now, before you go screaming from the room at the thought of a layout about yourself, hear me out. We are going to keep this simple and easy.

For the Bloom Where You're planted challenge, you need to create a layout about you in some way. A layout about your favorite food, your favorite pastime, your dream vacation. They layout can be about any subject you want, as long as it relates to you not your children or your significant other. It doesn’t have to include a picture of yourself, although it can. Nor does it have to serious. Feel free to have fun with this one. I also have a couple of twists for the layout. Cause who doesn’t love a good twist? You need to include paint on your layout and at least three flowers.

There you go, easy peasy. A fun, simple All About Me layout. Everything used in the layout must be 100% OScraps product (don't forget about the OScraps Freebies). Once you have completed the layout, upload it to the OScraps Gallery and then post the layout here in this thread. (Be sure to include a link to your layout, so we can leave you some love.) All layouts must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST on Friday, February 28. All participants will be entered in to a drawing to win of one of two March collabs BEFORE the collab has been released

Here is some layout inspiration to help you get the creative juices flowing.


From zwyck


from scribler


From zwyck

100% OScraps Products
Theme: Moving Forward
Due: February 28, 2014 at 11:59 P.M. PST
Uploaded to the OScraps Gallery and posted in this thread.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll be glad to answer them. I look forward to seeing your layouts!​
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Well-Known Member
Oooh, LOVE this collab and the great LOs! Off to go play and come back with something to share (once I find a few pics of elusive me! lol). :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hope that this layout qualifies!! My favourite thing to do besides digiscrapping is to paint, its an obsession that I have had for many years. I don't consider myself a great artist, but I love it!



The O is my hOme.
Tropt, I can't wait to see what you create! Trudy, that gorgeous layout definitely counts! Of to leave you some love!


Well-Known Member
Trudy, that is a gorgeous LO and so is your art!! Wow! :)
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Well-Known Member

Link: https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=303640

Love learning to do new things. When I was very small my grandmother made me a pine needle basket purse, the top had a beaded, crocheted drawstring bag. I loved that purse and have always wanted to learn the art of making the baskets. Started about 3 years ago and have given most of them away as gifts, maybe to offer inspiration to the next generation.
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The O is my hOme.
Lynn, you are doing great with those baskets! Just left you some love. (Also added a link to your layout so others could checkout your layout.)


Feeling at hOme!
One of my favorite pastimes is to create with my little fingers. This is a photo of my first ever outdoor installation... in my parents' garden in Normandy! something I would love to do again because it was much fun to create, and it was so funny to see the faces of people when they saw it!

Thank you for the great idea and challenge, Cindy :)



Well-Known Member
One thing I love to do is dancing. I don't dance very often, but I love enter in the dance and let myself move like the music tell me !



The O is my hOme.
I want to thank everyone who participated. We had such beautiful layouts created this month. I will be back later to announce the winners.