
EHD Questions!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Sigh.........It has become time for me to get an EHD. I'm looking for any recommendations, comments, etc. Once I have an EHD, do keep all my scrapping stuff on my C drive still or does the EHD replace my C drive for scrap stuff? Also, what kind of sizes should I be looking at?
(im looking to free space, get more space for scrrpping stuff, and help my machine run faster than it does now since it is bogged down by so much scrap stuff!!!)

I have been checking Newegg.com, and see some deals but too chicken to take the plunge and spend with my limited knowledge. Anybody use the Iomega? Ok girls...Im awaiting your suggestions!!! Thanks all!!!!!:)


always chatty at the O!!
I got a "MY Book" from Costco and I like it, although it is a bit cumbersome if you want to transport it anywhere. Easily portable but I wouldn't use it with a laptop by any means. I also have a Maxtor one that I use and it has worked out great. I keep all my scrap stuff on the "My book" and it is working great. I have it half full of all my scrap stuff and pics. I like having it off of my computer. Just do it girl. Hit the buy button and you'll be a happy camper. I got my first one as a gift so I didn't have to make the decision myself. Why don't you go someplace like Bestbuy and ask them questions about it and see if they can answer your questions. You don't have to buy it there but a lot of times they know what they are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Clara...you are quick! Do you have all of the same stuff on the Maxtor that you have on the Mybook? Like a backup deal? Or are they just 2 separate EHD's for different stuff?


Well-Known Member
I have filled up several drives on the computer...so I am in the process of moving all the digi everythings...to my new EHD (1 terabyte, and a Maxtor).
We have another 1T EHD (also Maxtor) that backs up everything.

I also burn the kits onto CD's and store them in notebooks, using the refill papers that hold cds.

maggie i.

Well-Known Member
I just bought a 500 gig Western Drive for a couple of reasons--one, is that from a lot of scrappers, I've heard that the Western Drives don't break down as often as other brands. Two, I wanted one that would be easy to use with my laptop, and wouldn't need it's own plug for power...this one has a USB cable to Ethel (my laptop), and that's it.
She will synchronize between the laptop and EHD, and I think that's a good thing, and I'm told that I can also store stuff on it. I haven't really played with it, other than backing everything up on it the first day (actually it took all night).

One thing the guy at Best Buy told me was that once you start to move folders onto any EHD, just walk away and don't touch your computer until it is done, otherwise it can get all fouled up.


Well-Known Member
I bought a 500 G to replace the 320 of mine that broke. I would not keep all your stuff on just one. My dropped on the carpeted floor and I lost everything that was on it. I lost layouts, kits, freebies, photos, etc. I recommend having most of your stuff that you use frequently on your EHD and photos to stay on laptop and stuff. I had a Maxtor.


Well-Known Member
I also have a Western Digital 500GB & 1TB MY book for our computers. They are fabulous.

I have my favorite precious things that I bought on both computer and EHD otherwise I back up to CD/DVD. Unfortunately lately I learned personally the hard way that CD/DVD's can fail and become corrupt :( So I am now not too confident with doing that.


always chatty at the O!!
My two drives are seperate. One is for my desktop that stays put. I mostly have it for music. Then my other I keep my scrap stuff on. I should have my stuff backed up but I don't. I am hoping to get a new laptop that has a ton of hard drive space on it but I haven't done that yet. Working on it still.


As a newbie here...I just wanted to add a thought here.

I just bought a 1tb WD My Book EHD. I am planning on backing up everything on CDs and then moving them from my C drive to the external.

The "geek" at Best Buy gave me the best tip on keeping the EHD running smoothly. Keep it turned off and unplugged if you aren't using it. In his opinion, there was no reason to keep it running 24/7 if I wasn't using it.


Well-Known Member
I have two 500 GB Western Digitals and have never experienced any problems with either. (I use both as I'm paranoid that something will happen to one.)


Well-Known Member
I got a 250GB Western Digital Passport hard drive for Christmas and I LOVE it! It's small so it's portable and you don't have to plug it into the wall, just the computer (USB drive). It holds all my scrap stuff (minus the stuff on my C drive that I haven't put to disk yet) and all the files I'd need to put back on the computer if I needed to reformat. It also holds all my photos, music, movies, and there's still lots of room! I even dropped it on the floor the other day and it's still working fine. I'd recommend this EHD to anyone!


Well-Known Member
Jennilyn Ohhh I am so glad you posted this! DH wants one because it's so portable and we didn't know anyone who had one! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
We got one months ago, and I can't remember the name or size. :D I'm so lazy about backing things up and it is going to bite me one of these days.

Since we got our laptop in January I have only used it, so all my new supplies plus layouts are on this sucker. I need to get an EHD specifically for this laptop, but I just haven't done it yet.

I am considering using Mozy - online backing up service. But I think it's kinda spendy.


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes:So I bit the bullet and bought an EHD, it should be arriving via UPS today.....found it on Newegg.com....I have purchased stuff from them before and they have some fantastic deals. My brother & Uncle are computer freaks and they swear by this company. SO I took their suggestions and everyone's suggestions here and I ended up ordering a Western Digital My Book Essential and it's 1TB!!! so plenty of room. Im waiting for it to get here!! I'll let you all know how it works out! Im just ready to start backing up all of my stuff, when I think about how much $$ I have spent on scrapping stuff, if anything happened, id poke my eyes out!!! Thanx for everyone's help!!!!! Totally appreciate it!!!;-)


Well-Known Member
I ended up ordering a Western Digital My Book Essential and it's 1TB!!!

Kelly that's what I have and I love it :) Tons and tons of room! I have several years photos shot in high setting stored on it and plenty of room left :) Enjoy!!! Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Tali - I checked into Mozy. It is outrageous...the "unlimited" back up space is crazy outrageous. And the cheap version that they advertise isn't even worth it. Maybe a couple of kits worth or something. =) Don't go there!