
Earliest Memories - Food 4 Thought


Guess Who!
For parents and grandparents of young children, food for thought (especially since digiscrappers spend so much time documenting memories)

The Power of the Earliest Memories <--Google this exact title and open the 4/7/2014 Wall St. Journal article that pops up

by Sue Shellenbarger

Sorry, Facebook: Parents, Not Snapshots, Are the Way for Kids to Capture and Benefit From Memories
While the lives of many youngsters today are heavily documented in photos and video on social media and stored in families' digital archives, studies suggest photos and videos have little impact. Parents play a bigger role in helping determine not just how many early memories children can recall, but how children interpret and learn from the events of their earliest experiences.


I haven't actually read the article so I probably shouldn't comment but speaking for myself, Alyx had a lot more fun, stimulating and outside the box adventures than he would have had I not wanted to scrap it :) Otherwise, I'm a total homebody. That being said, I always made sure that I spent atleast half the time actually "doing" whatever we were doing as I did taking pictures and while I was taking the pictures, usually grandma was the one actually interacting with him doing whatever we were doing :)


Well-Known Member
I think it's quite interesting. I've always kind of wonder how much of now would my daughter recall when she grows up. I think it's a sound advice to reminisce events with younger children. It's something that I am already doing. I didn't do it for the sake of her remembering things, but I'm doing it to kind of make her get used to telling me things. I want to make it into a habit for her to feel it perfectly natural to talk and share with me. Especially as she grows older and become more friends-oriented than Mom-oriented, I want to be kept in the loop of her life.

But I think photos and video can still definitely be useful because we can look at them together and then talk about what happens then.