
Do you have favorite colors? Seems I do


Mistress of Mayhem
Was just scrolling a bit in my own gallery. Makes me wonder: Are there other colors than blue and green??? LOL

I really need to challenge myself and try and scrap some other colors.

Am I alone in this? Do you tend to end up using the same colors over and over again? If so, which ones?


Well-Known Member
Blue, green & blue-green are my favs too, but my gallery shows I don't stick to them. I hate pink (or the idea of it more likely) but it's there too.


Queen of the Universe
I'm sort of all over the place, it seems. There's a decent amount of blues and greens for me too; I know I prefer lighter colored pages. When I do dark or vivid colors I'm never quite sure if I like them. Being a CT member sort of forces you to experiment around a bit.


Well-Known Member
I really hadn't thought about it.lol I choose colours based mostly on the kit palette or image being used. That being said, I think I tend toward the earth tones and 'fall' colours.


The O is awesOme
I love bright happy colors the most!~In my scrapping you can find all sort of color palettes! (Making CT pages a lot)


The Loopy-O
I have different favorite colors for different things.
Overall Fave: Purple
Clothing: Grey
Decorating: grey/sage although basically, most things I own are hand-me-down so I take when I can get :)

My Gallery seems to be a lot of brown/beige which are not colors I usually use in my everyday life. The second color that is in my gallery is pink. Also a color I don't have much around me.


I love the "O"
I've never really thought about whether I have favorite colors , but I think I should check out my gallery

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
I'm right there with you @tanteva and with you, too, @scrap-genie. I see lots of blues, greens, and spots of yellow. I see pink, too, but I am not a pink person at all. It must have been all those cotton candy pink rooms when I was younger. I like it okay and use it, but it's not my favorite. I love the jewel tones of the blues and greens, teals, and purples.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about favorite colors, though recenly I go more for white and pastels and earthy palette, but there are colors I hate and try to avoid at all cost - bright, bold primary colors like yellow, red, blue, green (though I love the soft 'soficticated'versions of those)... oh, and eveyrthing associated with rainbows - the latter just feels like a social and political statement and I want to steer clear of that in my hobby.