
DAY 3 JUNE 15 - Show me your HAPPY! | CHALLENGE


Well-Known Member
I had a very happy birthdays when I was child, but when I married and we moved here and there, I managed to lose all my photos, including family photos that were in our family for almost 100 years, oops :couchhide: anyway, my most happy birthday was my 40, for some reason the weather was good, not so warm although it was still summer, the cake (homemade) was delicious, we had homemade ice cream, and a delicious dinner, but the most happy memory was to receive a birthday card-letter from my dad.
Thank you so much for this challenge, and allowed me to scrap this page, I love it!


Well-Known Member

My 16th Birthday The roses are long gone and I lost the bracelet in college but I still have the vase. I haven't seen Keith Watterson in almost 40 years. I often wonder where he ended up.


Well-Known Member

link: https://oscraps.com/community/media/day-3-show-me-your-happy.394101/


Well-Known Member
My dear husband loves to throw me a "surprise party" every year! Our oldest daughter finally convinced him that it wasn't a surprise if it happens every year. I love his sweet and thoughtful heart! This "surprise party" was special because we had moved to our home right before the COVID lockdown to be closer to our children and grandchildren. It was so wonderful to be able to have everyone together after being apart during the lockdown,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the fun challenge Jenn!
I turned 34 last week, and I think this was one of the best birthdays I've ever had! Well, here I am, still alive and surviving, lol!

Here's my layout


Well-Known Member
Going to have to think about this one.. .Still playing catch up here... I am way behind! Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family and at the moment not a single one stands out in my memory....


Well-Known Member
As I said in a previous post here, no birthday stands out in my memory... I have just scanned the year 1985 in preparation to make my son's album from that year... so I looked to see if I had a Birthday that year??? Well, I was pleased to find that I did with some really great photos. Oh dear, I meant to put the date on there, guess I got sidetracked...
