
Daily O's - Tuesday 7/27/10


The Loopy-O
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday July 27

yikes-- not liking the date here, getting too close to the end of July. Once Aug hits, i start to freak out about back to school even though I know I shouldn't.:help:

But a happy Tuesday to my gorgeous O-Fam!

I had an interesting day yesterday. Right after I posted here, I checked in onthe cats, and sure enough, one of them had peed blood in the bathroom. I callled the vet and they said to bring him in at 9. This was at 8:38, and I needed a shower. I shower, grab the cat and fly out of here. Bladder infection, dehydrated, needed fluids, Vit C, abx and prescription canned food. And all the while, my big ol' 17 lb black cat is purring and hanging out. He is so mellow I can't stand it :D Of course he isn't the one who had to pay $177 for all that either.

I get back home an hour and a half later and had asked Gary to tell Cait to get ready for the lake. She's not ready, he didn't clean up the bloody urine, I had to get the regular am chores (scoop litter, wash dishes, now mop the floors etc) plus get ready for the lake. And I am stressing over $$. Cait starts to give me a hard time so I finally say to her, fine you don't want to go, I'll go alone. So I did. Spent 3 hours at the lake with friends and a book.

So there poopy-head family! :fish:


Well-Known Member
Nana Linda, where are you going to be staying? I love drinking coffee and looking at the ocean...totally relaxes me. I'm sure that you are counting down the days!

Chris, hope you got the cat situation sorted out!

Kayleigh...Mel is on facebook. Just stopped designing I think.

Laurie, I definitely say that if you walked 2 miles before work and you got the house cleaned, you need both of those beautiful kits!

Oh Clara, sounds like you are having some much needed relaxation! Good for you! And you get to hang with Nana Linda in Myrtle Beach...how lucky you both are!

Well, to the showers for me...I've goofed off long enough this morning! Hope everyone has a great day.


The Loopy-O
Clara-- sounds like the trip is going good- with the exception of Ethan;s bike. :(
Awesome spending stress free time with the family too! You deserve a good night's sleep that is for sure.

Laurie- good for you- sounds like a very productive day, As for the kits.... I got to play with Vicki's last week and it is sweeeet! Vicki is honestly my fav. designer (to all of my other O-Designers, I really adore all of you, but Vicki is just amazing!)

Kayleigh- Melanie left here a while ago. I see her on Facebook a lot ,but I don't know if she is designing any more. Hope you enjoyed that quiet house (so jealous, I never have a quiet house!!)

Nana Linda- Hi babe!!! xoxoxo


Well-Known Member
Good Morning....or is it still night time?? It's SOOOO DARK!!! We are suppose to have a lot of showers today....it must be somewhere close already, since I see NO sun!! I am not complaining...we need it...plus my parents are out of town and I have to go water the plants and flowers in the evening...I think those mosquitoes knew I was new fresh meat!!!

Oh my Mom has so many flowers!!!!

We had a quiet day yesterday!!! Kiddos always are on Mondays...seems they get worn out on the weekends!! Savannah was so stinkin cute yesterday...She will be 11 mos on the 1st....she is jabbering up a storm too!! She would look right in my eyes and just talk and talk and point at things...I wish I knew what she was saying!!! and then she would crawl to the playroom and bring me back presents...by the end of the day, I had a whole little pile of small toys!! But this little girl is a TALKER...Once the actual words start coming...OH BOY!!!

Chris....YAY for figuring out the cat situation, but boo on the $$$...I suppose this was one of the reasons that I never had animals...GET USED TO THE POOPY HEAD FAMILY!!! Teenagers get worse and worse...it got to the point my kids never even talked to me for a while...I would cry and cry...my Mom would tell be that they would be back...OH AND DID THEY EVER MORE COME BACK!!! and as for the DH not cleaning up the mess...this is a trait that ALL men portray, and it sucks!!! Afraid to say that will never change!!! But the lake sounds like it turned out great!!!!

Hi LindaS!! Hope you have a fabulous day sweetie!!!


Laurie...BOTH BOTH BOTH!!!!! and you so tire me out!!!

Good morning ladies (well it's still morning here!).

I got absolutely NOTHING accomplished yesterday. But I guess I have an excuse to be lazy. :)preggers: ) I am not one of those lucky women who have that "amazing" pregnancy. My pregnancy is HORRIBLE. I am sick all the time, I am exhausted all the time, and here recently we found out that I have a insanely active fetus. Not kidding. She (Fine! Or he!) is treating my uterus like their own personal bounce house. I wasn't able to feel it before because the baby was so small. But now it is all I feel. Luckily, when I sleep she/he usually sleeps but not last night. I got maybe an hour of sleep. All I felt all night was "boing boing boing " I assume it looks something like this - :rofl:

So =] I get to be lazy all day again lol. Maybe today after I sleep a little while longer I will actually accomplish something. Who knows? Maybe the sky will fall...

LindaS - Thank you!

Chris - Haha. Yeah. Well my house will only be quiet for another 5 months and then.............:hurt:

Nana Linda - Good morning :)


Well-Known Member
OMG! Chris!! I GOT IN TO THE OLD ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muahahahahahaha. =]
