
Daily O's ... Monday, October 12th...


...loves her some "O"
Hey girlies,

I'm guessing everyone is sleeping in because of the holiday!! Yay!!! LOL!! I go back and forth each year on whether or not to give my kids the day off on columbus day, but this year I needed a day to go through the house, mainly the playroom, and clean it out for garage sale stuff for our church. It should be exciting. I'm getting my friend Megan to come and help so that there is someone without any emotional attachment to the "stuff". I'm excited!! :)

What about you girlies??? How are you celebrating Columbus day??? Hugs to all of you!! And know that today is going to be a GREAT day for each and every one of us!! yay!!!!!

love you all!!


Well-Known Member
Heeeeeeeelllllllllllooooooooooooooo O family - who wants coffee???? I made a huge pot of coffee - help yourselves :)

Today - I am relaxing and going to make cupcakes with Nick. Later today we have an appointment with his allergist.

Ohhhhh I so think that is a great idea Sally to have someone help you who isn't attached to the items!!! I need to do that in the basement. I want to call DH's sister to help for his side of the basement :) She is no non-sense about hoarding and will tell him what has to go :) He won't listen to me - probably thinks I just want his space *LOL* Good Luck on your cleaning today - hope it goes smoothly!!

Have a great day ladies!!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning on this quiet day here at the O!! Looks like I get to be the one to up the word count for the day. Yay me!! Hahahahaha!! I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. I only have a regular weekend unlike my dh and daughter. DH doesn't work and dd goes to a federal daycare so neither works. Ethan had school today though. I made dh get him ready. He was pretty sure Ethan could get himself ready and I still had to walk him through it so I didn't really get any extra sleep. It was still kinda nice to lay in bed and just listen to everyone else hustle and bustle in the house before I got up and moving. DH has a hard time walk Ethan to the bus. I don't know why. So he ended up driving him to school, which is just fine. I just don't know what the issue with walking him to the bus stop is. I really enjoy walking him to the bus stop.

So, we had an awesome weekend at Oktoberfest. We used to take the kids with us every year but I am glad we haven't been taking the kids. It seems to get more and more crowded each year and crazier and crazier. It used to be easier and more fun to take the kids to but now I'm not so sure it would be so fun to take them. We had a blast though. We ate and drank and were silly. We ended up carpooling over with some friends which was a lot of fun. Haven't done that in a long time. I forgot how much fun a road trip with friends is. My friends got along awesome with my family and it was just an awesome. the best part was at the end of the night...dh and his friend took off to drink and left the rest of us and we all had an absolute blast being totally dumb. We got some awesome gelato and couldn't find any real food so went to the room the had a little living room area and sat in there hanging out for quite awhile then eventually went to our room and went to bed. Then the boys came in just a few minutes later. Then after talking to me a few minutes dh said, "ah...i wish we would have just hung out with you guys." Haha!! We know how to have fun to. You dork. I love it when that happens. Then not having the kids we got to sleep in. It was awesome. I loved it. We went wine tasting, ate awesome German food, bought yummy cheese, ate more gelato, drank more beer and had more fun. It was awesome. Now we are already planning for next year. Whoohoo!! Totally excited. I think next year we are going to try and get all the rooms in the hotel. There are only 6 rooms. The place is awesome. The bottom floor is a bookstore and a Starbucks then there are 5 rooms above it the above that is one more room that is a one bedroom suite with a little kitchen and stuff (that's the room we were in). All the rooms are themed. So the room we were in was the chocolate room. So the walls were all painted in browns and stuff with charlie and the chocolate factory stuff all over. Then my parents room was the ShakespeareRoom and was blue with quotes from his play all over the walls and books all over and stuff. It was awesome. And it is less expensive than most of the other places...and it is right in town. It is so cool. I love it.

So that's my world and weekend...


Well-Known Member
A quick pop in today too. Can you say MONDAY? It's one of those days....ugh

It's supposed to storm tonight and all day tomorrow. I am so looking forward to it. We need the rain.

Hope your Monday started better than mine.


always chatty at the O!!
Sally - Sounds like a good adventure. Explore the unknown of getting rid of all the stuff you love and don't use. LOL!! Smart to have someone there to help you seperate emotion with practicality. I hope it helps. Our church had a de-clutter garage sale and raised over $4000 for our double down payment for our building fund. It is pretty cool.

Kat - I want some cupcakes. Yummy!! Ooooh, and some coffee. Have fun at the allergist. I am hoping to not have to see the allergist ever again. I've been getting my allergy shots and I am hoping those start to help. We'll see sometime in the next year or so. Blah!! It feels like it is going to take forever.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! How is everyone today? It's pretty quiet here.....which is nice. Our weekend went well, except for the snow! lol Luckily it didn't snow until Saturday and our trip to the pumpkin patch was Friday. It sure did get cold out there as soon as the sun went down though! We had a bit more snow this morning, but mostly it was mixed in with rain. It's been gloomy and COLD!

Sally- it's it great to get rid of some of that extra stuff? When we were in the military, one of the reasons why we liked moving so much was because it made us get rid of our junk that was cluttering us up. When you have to pay if you go over the weight limit in the moving van, you tend to let go of that extra stuff pretty easily! lol

Kat- your cupcakes sound yummy! I hope the trip to the allergist goes well. I've struggled with bad allergies all of my life and spent most of my childhood in my allergy doctor office. lol

Clara- how neat that you went to Oktoberfest! We missed it here this year, but I sure did want to go! We've never been, but this year we did make it to a Greek festival and a Czeh festival. It was a lot of fun!

Merkee- I hope you get the rain you're wishing for, but no bad storms to bring it. This morning was so-so here, but thankfully I wasn't a part of it. I guess my DH ticked off my 2 older teens, because he made them go upstairs and make their beds before they could leave for school. I heard some door slamming. lol

Okay, I'm off to try to finish a layout I've been working on. Gracie has been very busy in my things today.....oh how she loves to get in my little drawers! lol Today she got out a small jar of white seed beads. They are now all over my living room carpet! I tried our little Dirt Devil, but it can't get them up and I can't use our regular vacuum because Gracie is absolutely terrified of it! So, I have to wait until the other kids are home and can take her upstairs. At least they kind of blend in a bit.....lol I hope you all have a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
Hi my Loves!!
Just popping in to say hi and send hugs- I had a quiet and very relaxing weekend- scrapped 4 lo's and just added 2 to the Gallery.

I'l lbe back tomorrow to catch up with everyone



Well-Known Member
Hi girls....better late than never!!! I have been in a run since EARLY this morning...I was gone by 8 am....and just got home .....I feel like my name should be Sally today!!! Buhahahahahaha....sweetie I could never live up to it!!

I am like Chris....I will catch up and fill you in tomorrow!! LUV YA GIRLIES!!!