
Daily O's - Monday 1/19


Well-Known Member
Here's slacker girl, checking in! Sorry I've been so absent.

Between trying to get off to a healthy start in 2009 and the fact that performance reviews are due in January...well, there just hasn't been much extra time. But I think of you all frequently and miss you terribly. By the end of the week, I should be finding scrapping time and time to cruise the gallery. Hope Monday is good to everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning! I just got up because there was no school today and so I didn't have to babysit! Good thing it was a holiday, cuz otherwise it would have been a snow day, and I would have 5 kids here today! I'm soooo glad I don't!

Gabe starts his new job today... he's got a phone meeting at 8:30, a meeting with a guy that lives on one of the streets behind our house at 9:30, lunch to meet the rest of the group at noon and then another meeting right after... busy day for him... I'm hoping to go out later today, since I was too lazy to do it yesterday LOL... I just didn't want to get out of my pj's... so I didn't :lol:

Not much going on here today... I'm going to try to get Piper to work on her letters and their sounds... I register her for kindergarten next month :shock: okay, I'm off... my coffee is ready, and I desperately need a cup!

Linda - nice to see you! have a great day!

have a great day everyone!


back hOme and loving it
Hi there Linda ! I've been quite a slacker too :(
DH was in NY for 3 days last week so I was quite busy alone with the 3 kids !
Marine celebrated her 7th birhtday last friday.... OMG 7 years already ... we had her firends at home on saturday. I had organized a cool treasure hunt which they really enjoyed with coded messages and all, so I was pretty pleased with myself :lol:
And on sunday we had to cleanup the mess ... !!!!
Today DH is in Paris, attending the burrial of one of his aunts ... :| I wish I could've gone too, but I have this so very important meeting this afternoon which cannot be re-scheduled :(
anyhow, I hope you all have a great monday !
wishing you an awesome week too


The Loopy-O
Good morning Oo's- We have no school today and I am just getting out of bed.
I am still feeling kinda out of it. I am really stiff and sore for some reason, all over.

Cait's friend's mom took her to the party last night which was so nice that I didn't have to leave the house.
It really really stinks that I can't do two day in a row of activities without really suffering from it.
My MIL (The one one has lyme too) said that she has been feeling great and so has Caitlyn so I have to keep focusing that it is possible to get better and to feel good.
Since Scott started back on Rifampin (to treat the Bartonella relapse) he has been doing better too.
It has just been so long.

I had wanted to do something with the kids today for the "Service Day" - I had thought about calling the animal shelter to see if we could come by and help clean and feed etc. I never called and I guess it turned out to be a good thing. I don't know if I am up for that today. Not to mention, we'd most likely come home with another cat.... ;)

Hi Linda- never say you are a slacker- Jan is really hard time for ya- and we just so glad to see you post!!

Sandra-- good luck with Gabe's new job-- and if it doesn't work, he can always use it as a transition one while he looks for another. How did everything work out with the insurance?
And how is Dad doing?

Hey Dumpty! Sounds like you have been very busy too- So sorry to hear about dh's aunt.

Happy Belated Birthday Piper and Marine!!!!!!!!!!

Me Me Monday- I am hoping to play some Raving Rabbids (sp??) with the family. If you haven't seen or heard of it, it is a *crazy* wii game. All four of us can play at the same time and it is hysterical. We played for 2 1/2 hours Friday night and I had not laughed so hard in ....... probably months, maybe years! I was literally crying!
As they say, laughter is the best medicine :D

Have a wonderful day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Hey O's. WOW, I have been so out of it these past few days. Between work and all the snow we've been getting I haven't seen my hubby much (he does some plowing on the side for extra $), poor guy he had to wake up at 3am yesterday to go plow, bring the truck back and then get home by 6am so that I could leave for work. Work yesterday was CRAZY just a really busy busy day, and someone tried to BITE me...sigh. I am happy to have a week off.

Not much else going on. I'd like to do some scrapping, but Gunar got me a new HD and is transfering my files ATM, so I can't access anything yet. I'll be happy once its in though because I'll actually have some space again :).

My brother is coming by today with a care package from my mom (he got home last night) so I'll have some good Kona coffee for everyone tomorrow :)! Hugs O's.


Well-Known Member
Sandracvrt: Wow starts a new job on MLK Day.

Linda: I'm new nice to meet you

Dumpty: they grow fast don't they, just wait I have one itching to drive this year.Ugg.

faerywings: Hope you feel better as the day goes on. Have a great day.

Dabittymama: HI!

Today the kids are off and I seem to have all the neighborhood kids over also. We had to wake up early because my poor middle son (age 13) had to get a big appliance put in his mouth (he has braces). This appliance moves his jaw forward. He will be very sore and can only eat really soft stuff for this week. The Dr said even peanutbutter and jelly would possibly be to much for this week.

Stocked up on mashed potatoes, rice, Carnation choc. drink, puddings and jello. Poor kid. It is hard enough being in middle school. You really can not tell from just looking at him, but to him it feels like his mouth puffs out. We will see if he goes to school tomorrow, depends on how he feels.

I have already mopped the floors and cleaned the bathtub, now to tackle Mt laundry. I sure wish days off, were just that "days off." No rest for the Mom though :p


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! A quick post for me. I've got today off, and Christian is home with me so it's naptime, and I want to get some scrapping in. :) It's SNOWING here!! I am surprised. But it looks beautiful, and I can like it, since we've got nowhere we need to be. hehe.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
OMG it's a busy Monday. I've been going like a mad woman all day. My seniors have big award applications due on Wednesday so we've been doing a lot of that and also getting going on scholarship apps. It's that time of year. So now, while I see if I can get a little bit of lunch down my neck I'm finally checking in. Gotta be quick today tho :)

Sandra - so cool that Gabe got a job! I'm praying that they will discover how truly fantabulous he is and match his former salary or that another offer will come along with good bucks and health insurance!

Chris - you could take the kids to work at a food pantry or homeless shelter.....doubt you'll come home with any homeless people?

Linda - we've missed you you slacker :) hope all is well now that the weather is warming up!

Jos - can't wait for the Kona coffee. It's the best! I stock up whenever I am home!

LoriK - love the Mt Laundry reference! I did that this weekend. Hope your son will soon be feeling better!
ME - lucky you - a day off! We've still got school today and of course all the kids want to know why we don't have mlk day off.


Well-Known Member
Hey girls. I'm pretty absent right now but wanted to check in!

Eric is gone until Thursday, he left Saturday for some training in West Virginia. He took the laptop. :(

Anyway, Friday night I burned 3 of my fingers on some steam, 2nd degree burns. Typing is hard. My mom was supposed to come on Saturday and stay until Eric got home, but she came Friday night so I would have help right away since my fingers are making things hard.

Miss you all!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning everyone!!

Today is a pretty good day I think, except that I am working instead of hanging out with the kiddos and dh!! I'm okay with it though. Ethan has a birthday party to go to today at Charlie's Safari which is a playplace with bouncy stuff, a huge climbing structure/playhouse (3 stories tall), an arcade, mini golf and lazer tag. So, because of his broken arm he only gets to play in the arcade. We talked to him about it last night and this morning so he knows he can't play like he usually does when he is there. He's doing pretty good with the broken arm. He uses his sling and has started noticing that it gets sore if he doesn't use it. I haven't had to use painkillers for him and the ibuprophen seems to be doing the trick. Tomorrow he will have his first ortho appointment where they decide how to take care of his arm. I still can't believe he broke it. So crazy. Not to mention it happened 5 minutes after we got to the party.

So, that is pretty much all that is going on here. I am pretty excited about MLK Day today. I am just amazed at how far our country has come. We went from wishing that black and white children could play together to having a black president. I may not agree with his direction he wants this country to go in but I have faith that he is going to do what he thinks is best for our country even if I don't think it is the best for me. But I am amazed that he is in fact our president and I am proud to be a citizen of a country that grows and builds on itself. Our economy may be in bad shape but even that shows our economic growth and socially we have grown leaps and bounds. So, today for me really reminds me of my own patriotism and how important it is that we celebrate people like MLK and all the other people who have stood up to oppression, including the woman who stood up for women's rights, religious leaders, gay rights activists, and anyone else who fights for the rights of any type of person. Yay for human rights!!

Okay...I'll get ogg my pedestal right now. I hope you all have a fantastic January 19!!


always chatty at the O!!
Linda - we've missed you. Hurry up and get your work done and come back to our little world.

Sandra - yay for a lazy day. I'm glad Gabe got to start work today and I am hopeful that things will work themselves out.

Dumpty - I am sorry to hear about dh's aunt. It is so hard when the little things we can do to help are not always possible. I felt the same way when I couldn't go to Michigan with them when my aunt died. It was hard to not beable to be there for them. I am glad you had a good birthday party. A scavenger hunt sounds so fun.

Chris - I am so glad you got a later start to your day. I hope you feel at least a little rested. That Raving Rabbids game sounds so fun. I want to get it for my kids for Easter since they are rabbits and all. I thought it a little fitting for Easter.

Joslyn - aren't those patients the best? At least they didn't try and pee on you or sling poo. The ER is so brutal. I hope you didn't actually get bitten. Enjoy your time off of work. get lots of rest.

Lori - Wow!! YOu sure have one busy day planned without any of it being for you. I hope you are able to find at least a little bit of me time. Good luck on tackling Mt. Laundry. At my house it never seems to go away. I am always losing that battle.

ME - Enjoy your snow. I hope it is gone by Wednesday when you have to brave traffic again.

LindaP - Why don't you have MLK Day off? I hope you are able to get everything done without going too crazy.

Tali - OMG!!!!! That is crazy. Your poor fingers!! I hope they heal quickly. That goodness for moms. Isn't it great that even as grown ups when we call for our mommy she comes running when she is able to. Gotta love it.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, Friday night I burned 3 of my fingers on some steam, 2nd degree burns. Typing is hard. My mom was supposed to come on Saturday and stay until Eric got home, but she came Friday night so I would have help right away since my fingers are making things hard.

Oh my goodness! Poor girl...poor fingers! I know it HURTS.

I'm at work. Half the office has off. Sucks for me! I'm exhausted too. It's boring being here when there aren't too many people here. The employees for Universal Creative are half GE employees half Universal Orlando. GE gets WAY MORE holidays than us! Sort of screwy.


Well-Known Member
hey girls! hope everyone is enjoying the day......

ran some errands this morning, we are having company for dinner tomorrow night and i needed to get some stuff, making that chicken with fresh mozzarella & prosciutto again (yummy) so I ran to the grocery store. of course my husband greets me back home with "is that all you know how to do is spend money?" :twisted: holy grumpy husband today. hes at work now where he belongs. lol. just kidding but geeez buddy relax!!!! im not out buying jimmy choos! im buying groceries! hes still wrapping his brain around the fact that we spend a few hundred bucks this weekend, with regular grocery shopping, and our trip to babies r us for the new carseat,etc.....anyway enough of that nonsense...........

first of all...TALI!!!! Yikes!! how did you do that!! im so sorry, what bummer to have something like that happen this week!!! im sorry pal!! hugs to you!!!!

ME - where are you again? i thought MD but i dont remember, just wondering because my best friend (my bff lol) now lives in Annapolis and shes been so excited about some snow flurries down there lately......

Linda, I've been MIA too...dont feel bad, it happens!!!

Hi Sandra & Dumpty! Hi lindapete and Mikkel

Jos - yikes!!! a guy my husband works with got the tip of his finger bitten off a couple years back but he was in the process of arresting the biter so....lol

Clara! ok i def. missed something....Poor Ethan!!!!! yikes!! sorry!!!

Hey Chris!!!

Hi to anyone I missed...enjoy the day gals!!!


Well-Known Member
Clara - we rarely have MLK day off. Don't know why. Our calendar is set by the school board and the union's calendar committee. I guess they just pick which days we'll have off and then work around that calendar to get us out of school at a reasonable time.

Tali - OUCH - hope you're getting better soon. That really hurts!

Basketball game I was supposed to supervise tonight just got postponed so I get to go home after school. They re-scheduled for Feb 14th - Valentine's Day - not excited about that. This game was supposed to have been played last week Monday when we postponed it because of the blizzard.


Well-Known Member
Tali - ouch, your poor fingers!! Hope they feel better. How did you burn them?

Kelly - we are in MD, in Montgomery County, not too far from Annapolis. Have you been to visit your friend there yet? It's really pretty by the bay. You are making me hungry - I love that dish!! i get that same response from my husband too sometimes about the $$.

Clara - Poor Ethan! I thought the arm was okay ... I must've missed something. Have to go back and catch up.

Mikkel - hope your work day went quickly.

Sandra - hope Gabe's first day went well!

Linda - what subject do you teach?

Hi Dumpty, Chris, and Linda, and anyone else I missed.

Okay, gotta go make some dinner.


always chatty at the O!!
It looks like I mis-wrote about Ethan's arm. Yes he is going to be okay...but he does have a broken arm. He broke his humerus at his elbow. Can you believe he is already planning how things will be for the NEXT time he breaks a bone? What the...??? Crazy kid. Sorry to confuse you guys. I looked back at what I wrote and saw that I didn't explain the situation very well. Ooops!! I'm a dork.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone quick fly by for me! No school today so I have been immersed in snowball fights with the little guy :) It finally snowed...not a lot but just enough to play! ((hugs))


Well-Known Member
ME - I teach agriculture. Five different classes: Natural Resources, Animal Science, Horticulture, Floriculture, and Biotechnology