
Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: May 9/10 Happy mother's Day


The Loopy-O
I know that the non- US moms have already celebrated mother's day, but every day should be mother's day IMNotSoHO! LOL

What is everyone doing this weekend? Today Gary and Scott are going with FIL to a Military show at Piccatiny Arsenal which sounds like fun for guys. ;)
Caitlyn is going to be at my MIL's finishing her quilt that she is entering in the NJ Quilt Guild Convention.

So..... do you all realize what that means??
I get the day to myself! Wow!
Sadly, nothing exciting- I have to finish cleaning the house- all of the floors need mopping and vacuuming. I have to make the banana bread for tomorrow. I have a ton of Faery-Wings stuff to do for the new web store.
But it will be peaceful and quiet while I do all that. LOL

Tomorrow I am having the families up for M-Day. 13 of us. Thankfully, everyone is going to be bringing something (champagne from my brother woo hoo!) so I don't have too much to do in the way of cooking.

Dawn- I was able to get outside- the weather help off, so I split my day inside and outside. Got all of my new veggies in pots. Hope the rain didn't drown them last night.
So good to hear that your headache went away.
I am an ACDsee user-- for many yeras and I know I can't scrap w/o it. Have you been to digiscrapinfo.com? They have a lot of tips and tuts on getting started. Feel free to ask any questions here or PM me!

Sandra- good luck with your house! Whew- that must have been a relief about Mathhew's leg.

Clara- I am like you- everything needs to be organized before I can scrap LOL
How is the camera?

So to all of my O-Fam- love you and enjoy your weekend!

I'm almost done grading and the last push of the school year is this week. I've been lurking a little, but just haven't had a lot of time. But I'm thinking of you all. =) Gotta finish grading today...just taking a quick break.

Enjoy the nice weather.
All I can say is rain rain go away and I'd like to have this baby today :)!!! There's not much else going on in our world. We have no real mohters day plans because we don't really know what the next few days may be like. If little man doesn't come then we'll go over to Gunar's parents in the afternoon. Its so rainy today that I can't do any walking but I've gotten everything I can done around the house :). I even have 15 or so pages "pre-scrapped" just in need of pictures. I think a nap is in order. My CNM said yesterday that she would be very suprised if I made it though the weekend because I was already 3cm and effaced, but I one to suprise ;).

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everyone!!!!
Morning girls! I've just woken up on Mothers Day here- well kind of been shoved out of my bed! Can't roll real well with the preggo belly, the four year old climbed in earlier and is of course laying sideways on the bed and my beautiful husband is snoring like a bear!!! Well, this is a nice little bit of peace and quiet anyway, before everyone gets up.

Jocelyn, I'm feeling for you...but very jealous of your organisation! I have four weeks to go, have not a)packed a hospital bag, b)put a cot or bassinette together, c)made a plan for what to do with the four year old when the labour starts, or d)washed any of the baby clothes and nappies. SOOOO impressed that you have scrapped pages ready to go! I hope your labour starts soon and goes beautifully.

Happy Mothers Day everyone- sending a lovely breakfast in bed with a nice cuppa in one of your fancy teacups (or one that says "world's best mum" on it).
Good afternoon all!!

Today is a good day. It was just me and Addie here last night. The boys went camping and we hung out with them last night but I wanted to sleep in my own bed so we came home. Then this morning we headed to where they were and watched Derek clean fish. yuck!! I hope they they taste good though.

So, now it is naptime. Yay!! Love nap time. That way I can stay up late tonight when we go to the comedy club. It will be fun I hope. I'm not a big fan of comedy clubs with my husband. he likes to be loud at these places and the last time we went we got into a huge fight because he wouldn't shut up and I was really upset about it. He promised not to be like that this time though and said he wouldn't drink much. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck. Well, I need to put kids down for naps so I'm going to get some personals out...

Chris - Yay for your day alone. I hope you get everything done you want to and maybe even a nap if you want one, although I know you've said you don't wake up well. I'm so glad I am not the only organizational OCD person. I am so close to being done, which makes me very happy. At least with Oscraps stuff. I'll do everything else slowly. I just want to have everything O done, especially since those are the designers I try and CT for and all that. I am loving my new camera. Even on auto (which I am using for now until I can get a quick lesson from a friend of mine on how to take it off of auto) th epics come out gorgeous.

timounette - I think you should celebrate Mother's Day Sunday too. I am sure that we deserve at least 2 days a year.

Sara - We are missing you. I hope things slow down for you soon.

Joslyn - I really think your husband is the key to this baby. Good luck with everything. I hope not to hear from you for a few days.
I have about seven papers left to grade (but they are doozies)...so I shouldn't be on here, but....LOOK, LOOK, LOOK....

Happy Mother's Day to me!!! My car was on it's last leg, so we got a brand spankin' new car. Never before had a brand spankin' new one where I got to pick the color and everything. It's a 2010 Mazda3 4-door in Gunmetal Blue Mica (It's sort of a dark teal...my favorite color). It's got iPod hook up, blue-tooth built into the dash/steering wheel...all kinds of stuff. (It doesn't have power seats...my only complaint.) It's got tremendous reviews and was really the best value for the money in its class. They have to get it from somwhere else because they didn't have that color in the package we wanted here, so I won't get it until Monday or Tuesday. But...YIPPEE!!!

Anyone want a used, but well-loved, 2000 Chevy Malibu that has a 140,000 miles and a few odd electrical quirks? It's very comfortable and has quite a little bit of pick up to it. =)
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oooooooooooh, Sara!!!! I loooove your new car! I have been looking at those, not to buy, my DH would kill me, , but looking at as in 'I wish I could'. Congrats to you!!!

Clara-hope you are having a fun time tonight! My DD and I went out for a while but I just wasn't into it so we came on home...guess that's a sign I'm getting old, .

Chris-I hope you had a wonderful day and got to enjoy some of it not working on housework!

Jos-oooh, a Mother's Day baby, wouldn't that be cool?! I have my fingers crossed for you :).

Hi Sarah! good to see you posting :).

Hugs to everyone, I'm up late doing a little scrapping! Happy almost Mother's Day, it's 11:54pm here :).
congrats, sara!!

off to bed...we've been busy little beavers here this weekend!! yikes!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the mommas here!! :) love you all
Happy Mother's Day *everyone* That means all non- US moms, US moms and future moms, not to mention moms to fur-babies!

Joslyn, my fingers, toes, eyes, legs. everything is crossed for ya! Today would be a wonderful day to have a baby. (LOL- I just remembered my last non-Mother's Day. It was May 19, 1996 and I was soooo crabby- I was due May 20 and no sign of baby in sight. Everyone was wishing me Happy M-Day but all I wanted was the baby. Every picture of me, I am so grumpy! I did have him on the 21st, so not to late.....
But good luck to you!!!!!!

Sara- Wow!!!!!!! That is sweeeeet!!!!!! Enjoy your day!

Sarah- welcome to the Oooo's!! Good luck on all of your baby prep!

Sally- hey girl! xoxoxo

Dawn- you are not old! Just getting out of the house is more than I can do most nights LOL

Clara- how was the comedy club? Gary and I used to got to them all of the time when we were dating. Our first V-Day, we went to see George Carlin- he was awesome!
Hope it was a good time for you.

I got the whole downstairs of the house cleaned yesterday, plus I made the banana bread and prepped everything I could for today.
I did squeeze in some time to read too.

Gary picked up a pizza on the way home and we watched a bunch of Season 2 episodes of Life. Nice night :)

So that is about it from me, Hope that everyone has a great day!
I loooooved Mother's Day!! I am the proud new owner of a laptop :). DH and the kids got me one, well, DS gave me a gc to Best Buy and DH paid for the rest. Now I can spend more time in the living room with him at night scrapping instead of in my room! DD got me a book and a booklight, we really needed those booklights this past winter with the power outages LOL.

I'm setting up this puter and getting some scrap stuff on it to play, maybe I can actually scrap a little tonight :).
Happy Mothers Day to all of you!! Congrats on the great gifts you received!! I didn't get a car or a new computer....but my daughters did get me wonderful digital touchscreen picture frame!! I love it... It has massive internal memory and I uploaded a bunch of my scrap pages already!! Hope you all had a great mothers day! I sure did!:D
So, the comedy club was awesome. The comics were pretty funny. I had a good time. I always drink margaritas when I'm out and last night was no exception. The bar didn't have a blender so I just got them on the rocks. I will never do that again. I drank them faster and didn't get as much water in my system and ended up getting really sick. I acted like a total dork, but I had a blast last night anyway.

Mother's Day was great. I felt like crap this morning and they let me sleep, Derek gave me an IV (the bonus of working in the medical field) and then I started feeling much much better after that and some sleep. Then they took me for a picnic at the park. It was very sweet. It has just been a chill weekend for the most part.

Sara - Yay for the car. That is awesome.

Dawn - A new laptop?? How awesome. My laptop is definately my baby. I love it.

Great mother's Day gifts.
okay...so i just have to say that is cheating, clara!!! an IV??? come on!! LOL!!! heehee!!!

:) had a great day here...have to say goodbye to mr gorgeous for a week again tomorrow early morning...not gonna be good!! :( but we'll make it...we always do! :)

I'll see you guys tomorrow!! so glad you guys had a great weekend!!

dawn, congrats on the laptop!! addictive, huh??? :)
LOL, Clara, on the IV! We've done that at work before, LOL, not me personally, but other girls/guys. Especially after our company Christmas parties ;). Glad you had a good time!