
Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: March 8 & 9


Well-Known Member
Hello to all you Wonderful Women! :)

Sorry I was not around yesterday. The video shoot went well but we had the added adventure of climbing through a barbed wire fence to get to the site (You do not want a visual of me attempting that, trust me!) and rain starting just after we hiked to the 2nd site for the first interview (We collected about 2 hrs of action clips and scenery shots so at least that was done.). So, we held umbrellas over the camera until the rain was just too much. After trying to wait it out, we realized there was a problem with the battery now so we have to go back again on a dry day to shoot the other interviews. All in all, it was a very good day and the subjects of the vid are just amazing people.

Chris - Ditto to everything everyone else said. You're not supposed to feel normal yet. You ARE supposed to take good care of yourself and not try to do stuff yet. :hug:

Phylis - Itchy ears? Oooh, that must be so irritating. SO sorry! But at least you got out in the sun, hopefully.

Nancy - Yay on the new haircut! Sometimes a simple thing like that makes a huge difference. ;)

Trudy - How was the walk? Hope the weather cooperated. Oh, and I really, really hope you were able to fit in some scrap time. :)

Sounds like everyone else was off doing something else on Friday (like me! ;) )

How is your weekend? :)


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Saturday!
I have been up for a couple of hours, sipping coffee and chatting it up with Caitlyn. Man, I love that girl :) I am now pooping out a bit. My parents are coming up and bringing lunch in a bit so I guess I should get some b-fast and a shower.

If you could have been flies on the wall while Gary and I were trying to navigate the online food shopping you would have been rolling. Shop Rites website is not the eaiset to deal with and I am a very "involved" shopping. I like to see and compare and I know where the different items actually are. But Gary was right (as much as I hate to admit! LOL) there was no way I would have made it through the store on my feet.

Hugs and love and many thanks for your support!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all, another huge storm approaching us today. A Pineapple Express coming in from Hawaii and it will bring about 100mm, that's almost 4 inches of rain and strong winds with it. We are hoping to get to Costco today and have to drive over the Malahat to get there so we are really praying that the :rain: doesn't make an appearance until later today.

T - Sounds like your Video shoot is keeping you busy!! Not much fun climbing over a barbed wire fence... Ouch!! Would love to see the final outcome of your interview!! My walk was very nice, however the weather was not quite as good as the weather man predicted but still it did not rain and the temps were mild. I did not get the scrapping done that I had hoped to do, but maybe later today I can do that.

Chris - Would love to have seen you and Gary trying to get your shopping done online :becky: DH and I would have gone crazy, as he has no patience for stuff like that and would probably spend twice as much as planned. Nice that you are feeling a bit better, but hope that you still are taking it easy! Enjoy your visit with your parents, so great that they are providing a lunch for you! :love: you have the most wonderful Mom and Dad!! Keep taking it easy and get better soon!

Ok I better get busy and get in the shower and on the road before the storm hits us. Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
We've seen something new today - THE SUN! The world has been grey and dull since October, so it was kinda fun to see the sun again. The cats have been laying sunbathing in the window all day - they've must have missed the sun a lot :)

I've had a lazy day - reading & scrapping. Just what I needed today.

Only plan for the rest of the day is to watch the Swedish final for the national Eurovision. The winning song tonight will represent Sweden in the big Eurovision in May. I'm sure people will vote as idiots (as usual) and we'll end up sending the wrong song (as usual) to the final ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm currently wishing that the O Birthday celeb was this week not next week as Les left yesterday on a back country ski trip for a week (the house looked like a bomb hit it before he left with all his gear strewn all over the front entrance and living room) so I have a whole week to myself to scrap and get caught up on a couple of scrapbook classes I'm taking (oh and I better fit in some cleaning too). Today, mum and I are going to see The Monuments Men this afternoon and then go for dinner.

Tropt - climbing through a barbed wire fence does not sound like fun! Glad to hear you got some great footage on your shoot to make it worthwhile.

Phylis - I've had very itchy ears before and found it was allergy related. A mild cortisone cream helped mine.

Chris - What a great option to have for grocery shopping right now. I don't even think we have online grocery shopping available around here but I think I'd be the same, I need to read labels and check out the produce.

Trudy - Hope you get your trip to Costco in before the rain hits. We had to drive the Malahat in a snow storm once. It wasn't fun - cars sideways everywhere! So far it doesn't look like the storm will make it here - crossing my fingers! It rained like crazy the last two days we were in Hawaii - I wonder if its the same front coming through here now.

Eva - Isn't it lovely to get a sunny day after so long. We finally had sun yesterday too, but back to clouds again today.

Nancy - Ugh on having to replace the furnace. Old homes can have great character but there's always something to fix. A color and a cut can definitely perk up your day - something I should do more often!


Well-Known Member
howdy. just a fly-by to say hi. i'm a little out-of-it today,
so i'll just go crawl back under my rock now.
hope everyone is enjoying Saturday. :becky:


Feeling at hOme!
Hi there.
I just have a little time to pop in and say 'hello' as my day has passed too quickly and I still have some things to do!

I've been working a great part of the day on some homework for my rewriting course: had a 8 page article to rewrite and it took some time... but now it's just finished and ready to be sent by mail on Monday!
Anyway, I took a break to have a great lunch with friends and enjoyed a delicious hamburger ;) And stopped to buy a canvas for tomorrow workshop.

Oh, and just to make you jealous, in Paris we're having an extraordinary weather with a blue sky and a bright sun, 19°C... This is the warmest winter since 25 years!!! The flowers on my balcony are starting to bloom.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice weekend :)


The Loopy-O
Good morning my O-Fam. I am just going to post and run. I am feeling very sorry for myself ATM. Not that there is crap going on but that I am NOT BETTER YET!!!!!!! I HATE it!!I am flipping between feeling depressed and angry at myself.
I just hurt all over and I am done.
But on the good side, my nephew is coming up to visit for lunch and he *always* makes me happy.

Going to try and get myself in a better head-place.
Hugs and love to all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning well my Devils won their game in a high scoring 5-4 win. Was a fun game as my team came out with the win. It was a great day too weather wise. There was actually sun and warmth and you could not see your breath LOL. Got in a good walk with my girlfriend. While walking to train station my DH and I saw a herd of deer in our neighbors yard and by herd I mean six. Still amazes me to see them in our suburban town. Got some scrapping done. Now today I will scrap and walk and watch some hockey.

Chris I still think that shopping online sounds so fun! Glad you are still resting.

Tropt I hope to see your video - rain if that is not what you were hoping for can be a pain.

Trudy hope the rain did not dampen your plans and you made it to Costco.

Eve glad you are seeing sunshine! Enjoy your TV show.

Jane I have heard that movie is good. Have fun with your mom

Phylis hoping you are feeling better!

Sabine yes you make me very jealous. My sister and I went to Paris last summer and now every time I see a commercial or movie made in Paris I now get to say I have been there. Such a beautiful city!

Have a great day all!


lOve the O!
Have I told you lately how much I hate daylight savings time- a week of getting my head and body to function. Nope really do not like it. I think I will go crawl under the deck and clean out the dryer vent to make sure that lint is not the cause of my ever increasing dryer times. I did the inside cleaning last week. Now to crawl under. Wish me luck!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies.... Sun is peeking out of the clouds today after our full of :rain: yesterday. It is good to see that bright round yellow spot in the sky!!
. We got to Costco and missed most of the really heavy rains and we were home before 2pm and that is when the downpour really began here and remained throughout the rest of the day. So today will be a great day for DH and I to get outside for a nice long walk. We really wanted to do a hike, but it is far too muddy and wet to attempt that just yet. We also have to bottle some Red Wine today, so I am sure we will be putting on the Eagles and BeeBopping around the kitchen as we bottle :becky:

Chris - Don't get down on yourself, its going to be a long road back to feeling healthy again my friend and if you refuse to be a good patient then it will be an even longer road back. You don't want that now do you? :nono:

Jane - The house all to yourself for a week
, enjoy yourself and hope that you get to scrap the hours away!! Oh yea and maybe throw in some house work in there too LOL

Sabine - Sounds like you have been a very busy girl!! Enjoy your nice warm temps and I hope that the great weather continues for you!!

Nancy - A great hockey day for you yesterday!! So happy for you that you get to walk outside with a good friend!! Seems the deer population is growing everywhere, but then I suppose we have to learn to share our pieces of land with the wildlife, after all they were here before we were!! Sounds like another great day for you again today!! Enjoy!!

Phylis - I worry about you my friend!! You have not been feeling well for a long time now!! I sure hope that it is nothing serious!!
I hope you are taking your own advice and taking good care of yourself!! :hug:

Ok, I better get a move on and get brunch made and get this day going, I slept in far too long today, but it sure was nice to have a great sleep for a change!! Have a good Sunday everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey Laurie!! So glad to see you here, still can't believe that you will be leaving the Dark Side of the "O", but I sure hope that things improve for you and your family! Darn life just gets in the way doesn't it!!! :hug:


lOve the O!
Yes, Trudy life does get in the way. My venture under the deck is done, drying clothes now to see if it fixed the problem. If not- yikes a service call will be in order- double yikes :rant:!!