
Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: Jan 3-4


The Loopy-O
Wow, it is not seriously the last weekend of winter break Noooooooooooooo!! I don't wanna go back to reality!!! I don't wanna wake up at 5 am. I don't wanna make the kids do HW!
Thank all the gods that I didn't have to get up at 5 am today- I didn't get to sleep until after 4 am. *moans* I was so exhausted but my mind was like a ping pong ball on steroids.

So I slept way later than I wanted to today, but I might as well get the most of what I can from this last weekend, right!?

I still haven't finished getting the tree/decorations all put away. It is such a drag and of course no one else wants to help. But as long as the kids are keeping their rooms clean, I am not going to complain too much.

For my leftover personals of yesterday:

Merkee, yes, I am confused! I live for my planner- and I get Google daily alerts and use the Google calendar. And I still never know what day it is.

For the new O-Fam members: I need to warn everyone to never use my dates on the Daily Ooo threads as the correct date. I am known to royally screw them up! Seriously! :)

LindaP-- yay, another calendar challenged girl like me!

Sally- I checked out most of your pics on your blog- OMG-- just fab!!!!!! So glad you are "good." I'll be needing that this monday *starts channeling early* "Monday = good. Monday of a New year/month = good"

Donna! WTG! Good start! I am going to try making some acv as a tea today. I can't drink too much cold stuff when I am freezing myself.

Hi Clara- hope that your allergies and head are feeling much better today!

Jos- poor girls, hope that they got some good rest in and are feeling better today. Any news on the van shopping?

MyBelleShell!!!!!!!!! ((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) I was so happy to see your post, but I am so sad about your news. Please give Jer a big O-Hug from all of us. And a huge one for you.
Love ya girl. And please take care of yourself and come back soon, we all miss ya lots.

Anyone have fun plans this weekend? We are going to shoot for some more family time- games and/or a movie. But I have got to get some work done first. Bah. :(
better get going!


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies. I'm just checking in quick before I shower and and workout. =) Sorry you couldn't sleep Chris. I posted one more year in review layout, still have to do my New Years layout. I can't seem to get caught up. =)

It's o.k. though because we are contemplating selling our house and getting that ready. So I'm sooooo excited!

O.k. I'm going to get moving. Have a great day all!


...loves her some "O"
Morning my OFam!!

I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling rotten! Yesterday, I had two goals and I reached them for the most part, but it was hard! 1. to upload my Paris pics to my FAcebook acct and 2. to undo Christmas at the house (i hate that! LOL!!!)...I realized that i was having a lot of trouble focusing. I thought it was cause i just had a lot to think about and goals always overwhelm me, etc, etc...but when I got up this morning, I realized I am sick! UGH!! that's the bad news...

the good news is that it will be easy to eat smaller portions. Sugar always makes me feel bad when I'm sick, so it should be easy to avoid that, right? And my quartet party is postponed, so no stress. I've been given the option to just lay around all day today. I think I may get better faster than usual!! (Remember, I'm the optimist in the family!)

Chris, you take some naps today and take it easy, and don't think about Monday until Monday (or Sunday night :) ) that gives you all day today to enjoy your sweet fam!!! {{{{hugs}}}} doll!!

Sara, i'm excited for your house moving...are you moving to Houston so we can play? You can bring Tess, too!! it would be sooo fun!!! and the housing market isn't sooo bad here! :) work out for me too, please! :)

and to everyone else on this glorious saturday, love ya!! enjoy!!!


Well-Known Member
morning everyone. Just thought I'd invite myself in for a little chatter.
I'm taking dd#1 to my sister so they can go to her nieces birthday party, and then dd#2 and I are headed to the church so i can get my weekly volunteer work done before tomorrow.

hope everyone has a good day. I plan to be home this afternoon and settle in for some scrapping!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!!

So, the boys went up to the mountain today to ski or snowboard or something like that so it is just me and Addie girl. Today we are going to the store to pick out some big girl panties. We'll see how that goes. She likes to tell us she has to use the potty right after she uses her diaper most of the time. Unfortunately, I left my wallet at work so before I do anything we have to go get that. Grrr...

Chris - sleep right on in. Not sleeping is the worst. You still have one more day to get on track. It will all come together by Monday I am sure.

Shell - OMG!! My condolences to your family. YOu are in my thoughts and prayers.

Well...I was going to do more personals...but Addie has other plans so I'll be back during nap time.


Well-Known Member

NUtella is one of my most FAV things in this world.... try it with peanut butter....YUMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! :p


Well-Known Member
Hey giorls!!!!

Hope al is well......we had my cousin and her kids over today, Nico loves playing with them, so he is out cold right now which I am loving because I seriously need a few moments of downtime / scrap-time / computer time, etc.....No bog plans for rest oft he day.......hopefully be back on tonight at bedtime, have a ton of great pics that im itching to scrap!

Chris - sorry you had a rough nite. Hope you can take it easy today and early night for you tonighjt....have some nice tea and hope you can relax.

SeaShell....SO very sorry, my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.....:sad: HUgs to you!!!!!!!

Jos - How did it go with the car???

Stephie...welcome!!!! The O rocks!!!!

Sara - same here...cant get caught up no matter how hard I try!!!!!
Hey Sally!!!! (and Cora) (Nutella....yum yum yum, drooling.....)

HI to LInda, ME, Lindapete, Merkee, Kat and Clara!!!!! and anyone I may have inadvertently forgotten!!!!!!!!!!

Have a fab day ladies!!!!! Enjoy your Saturday!!!!! (((HUGS))) to all!!!


Well-Known Member
Holy typos in my last post...sorry ladies....my fingers are typing way faster than my brain is working today.........whewwwww........


Well-Known Member
Hiya ladies, checking in much later that usual. My parents are visiting. :) We took Christian to a Tiny Tots puppet show this morning, and it was so fun. He really enjoyed it. Good times. Tonight DH and I are hoping to sneak away for some shopping after bedtime and my parents will babysit.

Chris - I heart my igoogle calendar. love it, love it, love it.

Sara - selling your house?! wow -- good luck with that, but that sounds so exciting.

Sally - I'm going to go check out your Paris pics.

Hi Stephanie, welcome to the O's!

Clara - enjoy your girl time with Addie.

Kelly - naptime is one of my favorite times of the day. ;)

Shell - big hugs to you my friend.

Love to all of you!!


Well-Known Member
Just popping in really quickly. I'm 300 pages into the second "twilight" book. I had to tear myself away for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and let the dog out:)

Hope everyone enjoys the last weekend of Holiday break!


Well-Known Member
Hey O's. Just poking in, kids still sick but I think they are on the mend. Gunar is bowling with Kalin on the wii now so I get a few mins off nurse duty ;). Not much else going on here.

We may have found a van. Its a good deal and in our price range, but the dealership that its at offered us $1,500 less for our trade in than another did. We may just sell the old one on our own and front the down payment. I'll know more on Monday after we get an ins. cert for it.

Linda~ Enjoy new moon! My hubby is still teasing me that I am as silly as a teenager for reading through all of the books, but he still went to see the movie with me :)!

Sally~ I hope you feel better soon. I have plenty of chicken soup right now, I'll send you some.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much my sweeties~!
Your kindness means the world to us~!
You are all angels for sure~!


Well-Known Member
well just spent some more money in the shoppe...shh don't tell dh. Now I have to scrap with it!

So, what exactly is Nutella?


Well-Known Member
OMG Stephie. Nutella is chocolate hazelnut spread the consistency of peanut butter. It's incredible stuff...but so not in our Healthy O's. =) The best is crepes with Nutella and strawberries.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.



Well-Known Member
Sara...love that new avi! And those nutella crepes sound so yummy. So that means I need to get my weight under control before we get to Cozumel next fall, right?

Sally, sorry that you have a bug. I think that after being confined with 4 sickies in the house over the holidays, I finally have sucumbed and have this dumb cold. Ugh...

Sydney has lots of cavities and she broke a tooth yesterday. That's the bad news. The good news is that I love the dentist that we found yesterday. Because it's such extensive work, they will need to put her under but I think that will be much better than the stress of trying to let the dentist do that much work...2 silver crowns and 4 fillings and 1 tooth removed.

And, I'm doing a 365 project which means that I'm taking a photo each day and adding it to a special blog. So I can see that 2009 is really hitting the ground running! LOL I'm sure glad that I have all of you to share it with!


Well-Known Member
Quickie from me. Things have been really hectic. We got back from Omaha Friday night. Big news = we got a laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, we got home Friday night, unpacked, laundry, cleaned the house. Then this morning my family got here and we had our Christmas together. Wild day. I'll be back in the swing of things soon!

I'm hoping Eric can get the networking figured out tomorrow for our computers. I don't really want to transfer all my digi stash over to my new laptop via flash drive! I got my PSE on this sucker tonight so I can at least mess around a little. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yay for the laptop Tali! I LOVE being able to sit in my comfy chair with the kids playing and talking with me...and scrapping!


Well-Known Member
Tali - Did you get the 64/32 bit thing worked out? I hope so.

Not much going on today for me. Cleaning, scrapping, then my hubby's bday dinner at his parents. Hopefully the nasty ice from yesterday has melted and people can drive again. =) We canceled a bday dinner (for both of us) last night with my dad because there was freezing rain and the roads were crazy icy.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Shelly, special love and hugs your way.

TTYL everyone!


Well-Known Member
I totally missed this thread yesterday. Wavin hello a little late to everyone. Brought some coffee and healthy but yummy treats for today.

Shelly, ((hugs)) for you and your family.

Hope everyone has a great day today!


...loves her some "O"
hey girlies!! I feel like I'm playing hookie since I'm still in bed trying to get rid of this virus. It wipes me out physically and mentally...ugh!! So no church for me this morning. and my sweet fam is going to my moms for lunch to help her take down her christmas stuff. So it's just me, the three cats and the playoffs!!! woohooooo!!!

I totally went shopping in the OStore yesterday and got about four LOs done with some of the very cool stuff I got!! I still need to upload them into the gallery. My brain gave out after a while and my wonderful "SHARING" daughter needed her computer back after not being on it at ALL for over 24 hours!!! :) So I just went to bed and watched football last night...poor colts...so now I'm an Eagles fan...don't tell Mr Gorgeous...he's such a diehard Dallas fan, he won't even let the word Eagle come out of his mouth!! heehee...i still love him, tho!! :)

btw, I think one of my issues is that I ate too much sugar over the last month. So please pray that I can resist today! One reason I'm just staying in my room! :)

okay...off to check the HealthyOs today...

Linda, sooo sorry about Sydney's teeth predicament! I feel her pain!! :) there is nothing better than a good dentist!! Lillian has one silver crown she got when she was 3...she did it with four of us holding her down...doesn't that sound terrible? she did really well, though. But i'm all for sedation. :) hugs, doll!

and to everyone else, happy sunday...love you all!!


always chatty at the O!!
Hello today!! I got to sleep in a little bit but then my husband ran off to get a nap so now it's just me and the kids. We have no real plans today except haircuts for the kids which is nice. I did put Addie in panties this morning instead of her diaper so we'll see how that goes today.

Sally - I hope you are feeling better today. Lots of fluids and some chicken noodle soup from Joslyn sounds like a plan.

Kelly - I hope you got some scrapping time in.

ME - enjoy your parents' visit. That is great that they are watching Christian for you. Enjoy your night out.

Linda - those books are so addicting. Even if they are teen novels they are so much fun.

Joslyn - Good luck on the van. I hope you get the resale value on your old vehicle.

Stephie - Have fun with your new products. If nobody already told you...nutella is a chocolate-hazelnut sauce that you can spread on stuff. It seems to be a big thing pretty much everywhere but the US!!

Tali - I hate unpacking from trips. Yay on the laptop.

Linda - that is so hard with little teeth. My son has soft enamel so no check up to the dentist is complete without scheduling to fill some cavities. Ethan had to get 2 silver caps, two extra fillings and a root canel but they broke it up instead of doing it at once. I think having a great dentist makes all the difference. We drive 45 minutes to get to our dentists so that we don't have to find someone else and take any chances of having a bad experience. Our dentist is wonderful. I know he has someone he refers to in our area but I am scared to switch anyway. I might go by there and check it out though. Addie has her first appt next week. Eeek!!

Hi to everyone else!!! Enjoy your Sunday!!
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Well-Known Member
Just had to run over here and kick it with you girls...ha...don't know about you but More Work this weekend then fun!!! erk!
Me and DH have just had way too much time off (if that's possible...lol) tomorrow marks the first day in 2weeks we have to get out there in the SNOW and COLD and commute to work and boys to school. Count them---->45miles ONE way!!!!
Since the snow is suppose to fall another 5" tonight this will totally be a challenge for me!! even with studs I think I will be creeping along 15mph until I get used to all this freeze stuff!!ha.
I hope each one of you have a Wonderful rest of your weekend and a super week coming up. I will try to get back and let you know how we faired in 'this' stuff! ox