
Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: Jan 24-25


The Loopy-O
Dang it ladies, where did the month fly off too?
And if flew somewhere warm, why didn't it take me too? :)

Just a quick "hi" since it is almost 11 am. I crashed hard last night- not even last night- 4pm! And I slept from 8 pm til 9:45 am! So I need to catch up on life today.

Have wonderful day! I am sure I will be back later.


Well-Known Member
Happy Saturday everyone! It's cold here again :( super cold forecast al week. Not much planned other than keeping warm. I've got a new kit by InAFog that I will be playing with this weekend and see if I can get some LO's done for Amanda. I'm also helping my best friend's daughter with her science fair project so have been busy teaching her how to scrap her pictures to use in her dispay board. It's so fun to work with a kid that really wants to learn! She's a gifted child and chose a project that is a complicated lab that I usually do with my seniors in my biotechnology class!
Chris - glad you got caught up on some of your sleep!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Well-Known Member
hey everyone... we had 50-ish degrees yesterday and it's only supposed to hit 32 today with a storm front expected early in the week ACK! Not much going on here today... we're lazing around, and I'm gonna try to rest up for next week... with Dad's surgery Wednesday, and 2 days of ICU after that I'm gonna need lots of rest!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!


Well-Known Member
Hey all.....

just checking in after lots of drama! Spent some time in the Pedi E.R. last night, I was getting Nico dressed for bed on the floor of my bedroom, and he lost his footing and fell and smacked his face right on the side of my bed (its a hard wooden sleigh bed, super thick hard wood.....) anyway instant bloody mouth that was just crazy, kept bleeding and gushing blood clots for 2 hours, (sorry TMI, I know its gross!) finally we decided to take him in.....so it ended up that he tore his frenulum, which is that little wierd flap of skin sort of above your upper gums under your top lip....not really used for anything and they dont do anything to fix it! It will prob. just heal but remain torn...so, all in all not an awful injury but we were nervous because we couldnt tell where the bleeding was coming from there was so much of it and......phew!!!

So, that was our Saturday nite! Poor lil guy but he is doing much better now and having a much needed long afternoon nap. well, I hope long....lol. GOing to leave some love in the gallery and enjoy some down time, hope everyone is having a drama free FAB weekend! LOve ya all!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Also...im going to reach 500 posts this weekend, im at 480 now so i really want to get there now. its crazy that im only in the 400's!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Chris, Sandra, Linda, Kelly, and everyone else who pops in!

Oh, Kelly, poor little Nico and poor you. Hope the little guy is feeling better today. Hugs to you.

Well, our playdate this morning was lots of fun - it was all BOYS! 2 2 1/2 year olds, 2 5 year olds, and 1 16 month old, but what a hoot. They had so much fun driving cars around and playing with legos. I came home and took a nap. LOL.

Love to you all!!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies! It's cold here in Iowa too! I think it hit upper teens here...started the day below zero. Work should be back to normal next week so I'm trying to get my mojo to flowing today! What better way than catching up in the forums and galleries!

Kelly, last night must have been so stressful! Glad to hear that everything is back to normal now! Good luck on those last few posts to hit 500!

Chris, I hope that much deserved rest gave you some energy for the weekend!

Sandra, I hope you can get some rest for the upcoming week. I hope you get some of those warm days back for while you are at the hospital...no bad weather for this week for you.

Mary Ellen, sounds like it was a great play date! I managed to sneak a nap this afternoon too...and boy does that feel great!

Linda, how old is the girl that you are helping with the science fair? What a neat thing for her to get your help!

We did basketball this morning...Shaun scored his first basket ever. He was so excited! Then we went over to the Chinese New Year's celebration at a local school. Haoyi had District Speech contests and she had two I's so she's pretty excited!

Oh, it feels so good to be back in here! I've missed all of you terribly!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning, well I guess it is afternoon. Kelly, poor Nico!! Why do injuries always happen at night? Ethan broke his arm at about 9 last Saturday night. It definately makes for a long night in the ER, doesn't it? Hugs for Nico!!

So, no big plans today. I was going to skip church tonight because I have a class at the church tomorrow for most of the day but my friend (the one who broke her face after drinking too much) asked if she could go to church with me tonight so I'm going both days. I love the Saturday night service though, so it is all good. The rest of my day is just going to be chill. I need to do some cleaning and organizing today. I just realized that my husband skipped duck season this year. Last year he made me crazy with it. He went this morning for a little bit but it is the last season of the season. I hate hunting and fishing seasons generally because I always get ditched without really being asked if I mind. It was better last year though.

Well, I'mm of to get some stuff done. Ciao ciao!!


Well-Known Member
Yay Kelly! And I love the new avi too. I hope your little one is feeling better. Sounds like that could be a fairly nagging injury.

LindaS - Sounds like you had a good day! Is it snowing there too? It started snowing around 9 tonight here. Supposed to snow all day tomorrow too.

Sandra - Get as much rest as you can honey. We are all thinking of you!

LindaP - Isn't it fun to teach others to do something we love? (Oh wait...that's why we are teachers isn't it?! hee hee)

Chris - I'm glad you got some sleep. I would kil to be able to do that right now. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with life right now.

ME - That sounds like a heck of a playdate! It tires me out just hearing it!

Clara - *hi*

I cooked, cleaned out a closet, worked out, and worked on potty training Ben. Every about 15 min. we went to the potty. A couple of times, Ben would go on the potty (really go), twice even, then come out and wet his pants less than 5 min. later. We had a lot of successes, including #2, but we still have our work cut out for us.

I was also a bit frustrated because we were supposed to clean out the basement this weekend and start "getting the house ready" to sell. My DH and my DF (Father?) decided it was too cold to have Ben go somewhere and be babysat. (Like they were going to babysit him outside?!) So today, DH promises he'll take down the border. Yeah right. He never does anything. He sat and worked on some program for work that is a brainstorm idea. Not a bad thing, but then didn't help with Ben, didn't clean, didn't take down the border...acted like his eyes were broken whenever it came time to look for something....grrrrrrrr. I was irritated most of the day.

So...now I'm enjoying the peace and quiet and trying to pull together my BIL's wedding album pics. They are so gorgeous it's been difficult to work out which ones to use and how to crop them to fit the album I made for them two years ago. BIL gave me the album back and asked me to complete it for him as a present to his wife. I have....oh.....less than a week now to finish. I got a little behind.

Well, I'll check in tomorrow y'all. Gotta finish more pics and go see if ADSR is posted yet. Maybe it will be here this time!!


The Loopy-O
Good Sunday morning to you all!
Another frigid day here -1*! Every day I am thankful we got the home heating assistance check. Even at 65* my house feels so drafty and cold. Yes, I am wearing my Anti-Terrorist Terrorist Hat.
Did I ever share the pics? I don't remember. If not they are on my p365 blog.

Yesterday, I got a lot of housework done and then I started reading Twilight #3. I am also reading This is not the Life I Ordered
That book is giving me chills of inspiration. What these authors went through and thrived-- makes my life seem so much ....less of an trial.

Kelly- Poor Nico!! And what is up with our KiddO's-- so many injuries :( Hope everyone is feeling better! And yay on 500 posts!

Sandra- good for you getting rest!! Soak it up!!!

ME_ it always cracks me up how different boys and girls play. Th eplaydate sounds fun, but yes, I'd need a nap too LOL

LindaS- what a nice weekend! We missed you too

LindaP-- stay warm!!

Clara- I am so glad that things with your friend seem to be turning around for the better. I think she really needs a friend like you.

Sara- UGh- Dh's can be sooooooo frustrating!! Hope that today is easier on the PT-ing too. He'll get it. Eventually ;)
(Another way boys tend to be different than girls LOL)

Before I was a parent I always thought- if the way you parent them that makes the difference- give the boys dolls and the girls cars etc.....
Bah! You can give girls and boys cars, the girls will pretend that they are driving to the mall and the boys will crash them all together. :D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Quick stop in this morning, got lots to do today...as usual. I said a few min ago that I was happy that today was Sunday for R&R, LOL, yeah right....got laundry, a roast to put on, dust, vac, clean kitchen, THEN I can scrap and rest :).

I'll catch up with y'all after while, hugs and happy thoughts to all!


Well-Known Member
Saying extra prayers for a successful surgery for your dad and a peaceful week for you and the family!


Well-Known Member
Linda, how old is the girl that you are helping with the science fair? What a neat thing for her to get your help!

Linda - the gal I'm helping is in 8th grade, so I suppose she's 13 or 14. Brilliant child to say the least. It's been fun working with her and helping her design a great project both visually and scientifically!


Well-Known Member
Happy Sunday all! It's cold, but above zero. We seem to have missed all the snow - sorry LindaS - looks like you are far enough south of us to get the white stuff. I think last night was the coldest for the next week or so. Hope so!
Mr. Wonderful and I did lots of window shopping yesterday. We are in a constant state of remodeling at our house. We looked at doors, cabinets, flooring, car siding, light fixtures etc at threee different stores yesterday. We hadn't planned on spending HOURS doing this so ended up hungry and went to a sports bar type place for supper. We both managed to find things on the menu that were healthy eating friendly! Then it was grocery time. I get so frustrated with grocery shopping - you know how it is, you find a product that you like then when you go to buy more, they are either out of it or have stopped carrying it. Grrrr!
Kelly - so sorry to hear about the little guy's fall! Hope he's doing better today.
Sara - I feel your hubby pain! That's all I'm saying :)
Chris - I'm into Breaking Dawn now. I was reading Practical Magic, but left it sitting on my desk at school, so out came book number four. They are all SOOOO good!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


always chatty at the O!!
Sara - do you think we are maybe married to same man?? That sounds like a regular day in my house too.
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always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. My allergies are making me crazy today and my face feels like it is about to explode. I hope it doesn't though because that would make a mess I am not in the mood to clean up.

So, today I have a class at the church. It is the 3rd in a 4-part series. The next one will be in the next 3-6 month. I am amazed though. My husband is not a Christian and therefore does not go to church with me. In fact he gets very angry when I spend too much time there. Whenever these classes come up he gets extra irritated but this time not so much. I'm impressed. I know there are lots of different thoughts on religion and stuff here but I'm sure you can all understand having parents have two totally different belief systems. It is a little trying sometimes. I'm glad it isn't this weekend.

Sara - good luck with potty training. We attempt with Addie every once in a while but she's really sporadic with it and like Ben she wets her pants every time she puts on panties whether she just went or not.

Sandra - get lots of rest. I'll be keeping you in my prayers this week.

Kelly - yay on 500!!

ME - that playdate sounds...exhausting. Sounds like you had a good time even if it wore you out.

LindaS - good luch with your mojo and I hope you stay warm. When are you going to SF??

Chris - stay warm and enjoy the books. A day of snuggling up and reading a good book sounds so awesome today. I hope you get to do that.

Dawn - I hope you get some time to scrap and get all of your other stuff done.

LindaP - I am the worst grocery shopper ever and I hate it. I always forget stuff and end up circling the store several times before I get to be done. I hope it didn'ty make you too frustrated. Window shopping sounds fun. Our window shopping always ends in fighting or extreme spending.

hollie h

Well-Known Member
Morning All!!! Just dropping by to say hi. Have a busy day. Putting the finishing touches on a new kit, finishing stripping wallpaper in the bathroom, going to hardware store to pick out a new toilet (oh, the excitment...lol) and then to my mom's for dinner.

Hope you all have a great one!