
Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: Jan 10-11


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend ladies!

Would you believe that I am actually glad my dog made me get up at 7:30 this morning? I have a bunch of things I want/need to do but as soon as they are done, I am claiming the day for me! (Never really happens, but it is kind of nice to think that it could LOLOL)

And of course, we are expecting another snow storm (6-9") (Stop laughing Krista!) so I don't even know if we are going to be able to go to my brother's for my mom's b-day tomorrow if it lasts til tomorrow. Did I ever tell you how much I hate snow? :D And I really hate living in the mountains with bald tires and snow?

Sandra- Ty for the update on Dad and Gabe. I am so glad that things are not as bleak as the sounded the day before. You know I am always here for ya!

ME- ITA- sounds like night terrors. Ugh- they are so hard om the parents - mroeso than on the kids. They tend to be a phase, Scott went trhoughhis rather quickly- one time it took a few weeks the run the course, another time it seemd to be just days.
I don't blame you for staying home onthe 20th. Asmuch as I woudlove to be there, I think I am going to stay on my couch LOL
Or maybe if MIL doesn't go down (I doubt she will) maybe I'll go over to her house...watch with her. The kids are off on the 19th, I really wish they were off on the 20th too.

Thnak so much Merkee- like Sandra said, I know I can always get support here. xoxoxoxo

Linda P- ((((hugs))) must be so hard for everyone everywhere. How do you console a parent? *said rhetoricallY*
And ty again for your help with Scott and his 504. He had a meeting with his counselor and the school nurse to update the gym info into his plan. After I wrote the last set of lettes and sent in his symptom charts (he has to record the severity of his symptoms daily) , I think that they are finally getting it. I joked that by the time he graduates 8th grade - he is in 7th now- they will have it all figured out, only for us to have to start over again in HS LOL

Yay Sally! 6 lbs is a great start , no matter how it came out, I mean...off. :mrgreen:

Clara- I am in the same boat as your with your dh. Even the little things seem to be getteing on my nerves. Spmetimes a break is good, even for a day. In my case- even for a few hours!!!! :D

((((((hugs Tali and kids who are sick))))

Hi Jos! Sounds like you have perfect plans for the weekend!

Dawn- oh yes, I swear by garlic pills. Ask anyone here LOL They are a great anti-bacterial, anti viral. Just look for the odor free :)

Ok ladies, my O-Fam!
gotta get my butt moving....

See y'all later!


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm second to post? And I slept late today. Wow.

I am bound and determined to clean. But I also have some errands to run and maybe some scrapping to do. We were supposed to go to a crop last night but between the weather and my husband actually being in a good mood and wanting to spend time with me, I decided to stay home. The only problem is that I left my Crop In Style at the store the other night when we went to help someone make a memorial scrapbook. So, I have to at least drive out there and get it. If we don't end up cropping.

Chris - I'm glad things are working out on the 405. I hope your day is productive. Even with the snow. We got a couple of inches last night. More than they though we would, but they also thought we'd get some freezing rain and ice and the blew by and went North. So I think this is better.

Sandra - I'm glad things are looking better right now. Hang in there.

ME - I've actually had night terrors into my adult years. They stink.

Everyone else - Have a great day. Enjoy a cup of tea or something for yourself today, even if it's just a few minutes! Love you all.



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. As we speak, I'm waching my brother drive in to clean the driveway. He has a blade on his truck and plows our driveway for us. We got more snow than planned as well. When we left for my nephew's basketball game last night, we had freezing rain. When we came out after the game, it was beautiful sparkling snow. We have about a 15 minute ride home and there was very little visibility in places. Today the day is covered in fresh, white snow.

I need to go back through the Daily O's and catch up. I haven't even had time to do quick drive-bys this week. But I've been staying focused on the Healthy O's so that is happy. Work is crazy right now but I'm sure things will stabilize soon.


Well-Known Member
hey all... its another headache this morning... just way too much stress this week... plus I've got 5 kids this morning and they're driving me all batty! I had planned on getting back on track with my exercise/diet this morning, but with a headache and not feeling well it's just not going to happen... I'm hoping to get back on track in the morning...

Chris - thanks, and I know you are sweetie... it means a lot!

Have a great day, everyone!


Well-Known Member
Yay, sort of - Yes, it's the weekend but I'm camped out at a meeting :( Yes, I am doing the work I'm supposed to be doing, just taking a few minutes to catch up with the boards.

Chris - so glad to see that folks are starting to listen and actually hear you where Scott's health issues are concerned. As far as how to console a parent - I've known this Dad for about 20 years, had all his kids in class. It's so hard - I really have never been in his position so I don't know how he feels at all but can easily imagine. I'm in the people business and it really doesn't take folks long to figure that out - so I get LOTS of visitors!

Ooh - Sara - come clean my house, please! I have dog hair everywhere!

Linda - sounds like you got the nasty weather that must have just missed us! We got about 2 inches of snow, that's it. Had a touch of freezing rain the night before.

Sandra - still praying! :) for headaches to go away too! and kidlets to be mild mannered and cooperative!


Well-Known Member
Hi girlies, happy weekend! I was a healthy woman this morning - dental checkup and vision checkup too! Woah! :) No cavities and only a very slight change in my eye prescription. So how is everyone's weekend.

Chris and Sara - you know I had never heard of this night terror stuff until Merkee mentioned it so off I went to research it, and it sounds likely ... last night was better, knock on wood.

Chris - hope you don't get as much snow as they are predicting for you. Would you believe we haven't had any here yet except a flurry or two?

Sara - come and clean my house too? My house is so cluttered. When I should be cleaning, I'd rather be here hanging out with you all or scrapping. Go figure.

Linda - hope you have a good day!

Sandra - hope you can take a break and that headache goes away.

Linda - hope the meeting ends soon.

Love to everyone!


Well-Known Member
O.k. I love you all, but I can barely get my own house cleaned! :p

I decided to make stuffed peppers and those waylaid me from cleaning. Now I'm checking the boards. Then I want to go out and get my Crop In Style and try to stop a couple places to find a wii. (Don't have much hope though.) Then tonight, Tessie and I are going scrapping.

So....yet again, I may not get the toys picked up, boxes put away, etc. We'll see.

Have a good afternoon!


Well-Known Member
Okay - so I'm going to jump in with both feet!

Today my whole family is bumming! I've only given the boys a bath, washed the dishes, and done a few minutes on the tread mill. Tonight we are going to have a few friends over to play Guitar Hero on the wii.


always chatty at the O!!
Good afternoon!! I am taking a much needed break. I have been busy busy today and my house is thrashed!! I had this big plan to premake a bunch of meals instead of going someplace else to do it. I think in the future I will go someplace else. It is a lot of work. But everything is WW agreeable so I have to weigh the options. I took a little break from the kitchen to fold some laundry and this is what happens when you ask a 6 year old to watch a 2 year old for a couple of minutes:



I was not thrilled but I have gotten it mostly cleaned up and have found some humor in it. I have this stuff that is made by Elmer's Glue that removes things and it got the marker off the tile and the door but not the wall. It is cheap contractor paint and just makes the paint look worse so this is just a little reminder that we need to paint the walls. The picture of the tile is after I had cleaned most of it up.

Well, I have Addie down for a nap so this is my opportunity to get stuff really done. I don't think I've really even eaten anything yet. So, off to eat some lunch and make some food. I'll do personals later I hope.
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Well-Known Member
Clara, I remember our youngest daugter - a platinum blonde, doing something similar. She colored her HAIR with permanent pink, red and purple markers. This was when Christina Aguilera ( however you spell it) had all the colored extensions. It took quite a while to wash out of her hair! Hope things get a little more mellow at your house!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls!!!

Not much going on here, just got the baby in bed and im going to scrap!!! did some errands today and just braced for the monster snowstorm, we're supposed to get up to 10 inches....its been snowing here since 2pm.

Clara!!!! that is too funny! she looks so friggen cute!!! hope it all cleaned off easily!!!!!!!! I use those Mr. clean magic erasers and they work really well......

Chris- glad you are doing well and that the school is starting to listen. :) Are you snowed in or what in NJ....up here in CT its like a blizzard!!!!!

ME - well arent you the healthy responsible one today...lol. good for you though!! reminds me, I have to make a dentist appt. Glad you had a better night w/ C. Hope tonite goes well too.

Sara - what is crop in style? hope you guys had fun tonite!! ;)

Sandra hope your headache is better and all the kids didnt make you too nuts!!

Linda Hi !!! Hope you are enjoying the (snowy) weekend! My husband just got a plow for his Quad (atv) so no more shoveling for us....especially since we are getting 8-10 inches or so this weekend!

LindaPete - yucky saturday meeting!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend...

Hi to everyone else hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, Clara -- those are some pictures! Hope the day calms down around your house.

And for those of you with all the snow, please don't send it to Maryland. I am happy with our rain. ;)

I'm finally scrapping tonight! Woot!


Well-Known Member
Kelly, My yuky Saturday meeting was really good for my weight loss goal. We had lunch in the hotel restaurant and the food was TERRIBLE! Everyone in our group had a bad experience. Didn't seem to matter what you ordered it was all bad. At least their staff is consistent!


The Loopy-O
Oh Clara- I am so sorry for laughing --- but that was too funny! Loved that pic of the kids- perfect for P-365!!! Hope the rest of your day was uneventful.

LindaP- Hahahahah!!!! That is a riot! (Well, now it must be, but I bet not then!)
And bummer (?) about the food- but at least it worked out for you weight goal-wise.

Kelly- thankfully we didn't get as much as they were saying, but what else is new? When I lets the dogs out this morning, it was very crunchy, so I am guessing lots of ice on top of it. Yuck.

ME- no prob- I am going to send my snow to Krista- she likes that darn stuff!

Yesterday I had another one of those days.
I should have learned ages ago to **never ever** say that I am going to have some time for me, never happens.
I was in one of those scrambled eggs for brains days and couldn't focus on anything. Everything was making me angry and frustrated. I pretty much worked all day and helped Caitlyn decorate her cake (really not my thing :D)
Finished the night off watching a CSI rerun and sorting coupons. Such a drag!

Today we are off (fingers crossed) to my brother's to celebrate my Mom's b-day. It was supposed to be a brunch but we are going to wait a bit for the roads to clear up before we head down. And I am going to have to shovel us out of the driveway/clear the cars which will take a while.
In fact, I think I am goign to start that now- that way I can shower and get dressed when I am all done.

Have a great day and to all you football fans, hope your teams win :D


Well-Known Member
Oh Clara. I agree. That was the perfect P365 pic. I can't believe how covered she is. Hopefully, it all comes off.

Kelly, did it snow that much? I wonder if it's the same storm we got the other night, but much stronger. A Crop In Style (Deluxe in my case) is a big bag that can hold your paper scrapping supplies. It is pretty cool. http://www.scrapbook-creations.com/cis60001.html I haven't used it in a while though because I've been digi scrapping so much.

We didn't end up scrapping. The crop we were going to go to was full. We went out to dinner, did a little shopping, and then saw Bride Wars. I thought it was cute. After I get the living room cleaned up, I'm going to Dance Dance Revolution. Yay!

Have a good day gals!


Well-Known Member
Clara - OH MY WORD!!!! What a shocker!!! Did it come off it the bath? (((hugs))) So glad you found the humor!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)


...loves her some "O"
hi girlies!! I got so much done yesterday!! I was really excited...after being sick for a week and a half, it feels so good to make a goal to clean up/reorg something and then actually accomplish it!! yay!! you can read my blog to see what all i did.

today, we are YOU KNOW WHAT!!!! watching football, of course!! :) My fingers are really sore, because I played guitar this morning in church for the first time in four weeks!! I felt like I'd been playing hookey!! (I guess I have been from the guitar!! heehee) LOL!! Anyway, it was a wonderful service!! Felt soooo good to be back worship leading.

Sooo I've got the computer this afternoon and Cora gets it tonight, so I'll miss you all...LOL...and Mr Gorgeous is here this week, so my Sunday is happy! :)

off to scrap my happy thought for today!


always chatty at the O!!
I am so glad that everyone found my daughter covered in marker humorous. I did too. I totally agree it was a great p365 pic. You know what is funny about the whole thing though...I got all the marker off the tile and the door (the wall was useless. thank goodness for paint) but it is not coming off of her very well. I got it off of her face but short of going to her with a brillo pad...I think we will just have to wait it out.

I went to church last night. I love the Saturday night service. Younger pastor, younger crowd. Over the holidays there was so much going on that the sermons were getting a little bit lost in the hustle and bustle so I am glad that we are back on track. I love things like the candlelight communion services and stuff but then there is hardly any message and I think at the holidays it should be especially about the message. Sorry, I'm rambling. Then my friend needed to find milk thistle seed for some crazy healthy concoction she is making and we had to go to a few places to find that. I got to go to my favorite grocery store. It is the coolest. It is just like grocery stores used to be with the produce in the middle, and fun kitchen gadgets and all sorts of stuff. It is on the other side of town so I don't get to go there very often. It is a trendy store but I love it. Then off for Korean BBQ. I love Korean BBQ. Nothing quite like short ribs and bulkogi (sp?). NOt to mention the whole take out container of their fun sides. Good stuff.

Today I need to go get Addie off for a nap and then I need to tackle my laundry room. It is trashed and hard to use. So today is the day. I want to get something organized every weekend. This weekend the laundry room. Next weekend the pantry. Hopefully my bank account gets fixed this week so that I have cash to use at Costco. It is slowly getting fixed. Everything is in place we are just waiting for it all to go through. Then my husband can try and get some of the $200 in over draft fees fixed. I can understand some fees but $200 for pushing the wrong button? I little much if you ask me. We'll see what happens. If they can't help us I may decide to switch banks. It would just be a pain because My husband has 2 direct deposits and I have one. Big giant pain in the butt!!

Well I need to get Addie ready for her nap and start the laundry room. I will talk to you all soon.


Well-Known Member
I was busy today. I had two football games to watch :0
I put ALL of the hunting stuff away. Everything is clean, folded and back in the appropriate rubbermaid tote. Now to some of you, this may not sound like that much of an accomplishment - I had hunting clothes, socks, long underwear, pants, shirts, sweat shirts, snow pants, coats, hats, balaklava's etc to put away for five people. We have 10 or 12 of the huge rubbermaids that everything gets stored it. It's so nice to have it all put away. Goodbye clutter! I also cleaned the freezer - you know the one over the fridge. Found some stuff in there that could no longer be identified so out it went into the compost. Well the freezer is neat and tidy, we'll see how long that lasts!
Noelle stopped in for the afternoon to watch football and has now headed back up to school. Classes start again this week for her. Jenna called after supper, she just got back from a weekend getaway planned by the college to Tahoe. Sounds like she had a good time, no skiing though, we can't afford for her to blow her knee again, her competitive season starts here in about four weeks. So she read, watched movies and hung out in the chalet.
Hoping for a snow day tomorrow. They have forecasted one to four inches tonight with high winds......


Well-Known Member
You gals have just made my day! Clara, those pics are priceless :).

This is a quicky for me, I've got a horrid migraine from you know where. I wish someone could share some snow with me so I could stay home from work tomorrow.
I really should've stayed off the computer today but I really had to get some layouts done.

I just wanted to pop in and say hi, hope everyone is doing ok! I'll catch up tomorrow!