
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday September 7


The Loopy-O
Make it stop raining, please. Or better yet- can I please send this rain to Texas???? Our basement was barely dried before its all flooded again. And it is supposed to rain straight through until Saturday.
Again-- I shouldn't complain, people all over my area are worse off than I am. We had record rainfall is August and we are probably on track for record breaking Sept. :rain:

off to the supermarket and errands today since I couldn't go yesterday. I have got to get something for my poison ivy. My arm is so swollen and itchy and weeping. Calamine, ivy dry, cortisone cream and vinegar are all not doing the trick.

Does anyone have a good remedy for poison ivy? I looked online, but I don't think I buy into the whole bleach idea, and I think it is too far gone for Dawn dish detergent to work.

I wish my poison ivy would go away!
I wish my rain would go where it was needed, not NJ.
I want to scrap this afternoon.
I want Shop Rite to be a pleasant experience.

(you can stop laughing at that last one. I despise food shopping and being on such a tight budget depresses me LOL)

Have a fantastic day!


Well-Known Member
Swinging through quickly. I need to get supper in the crockpot. It's lasagna this time. But since I don't get home from work until 5 and since Sydney needs to leave for gymnastics at 6 (and doesn't get home until 9), the crockpot is going to be my "go to" this year I think.

Hope everyone has a great day today. I'll be back for personals tonight. (And, yes, I did get my FB message and was able to give Sally the stroganoff recipe).


lOve the O!
quick drive by for me too! 30 min till blast off! I got two miles in on the treadmill today and have a busy day at work. The best tomorrow is my day off! Hurray- so I wish, it were 730 pm and I were home!


Well-Known Member
Morning all. While it's not raining exactly here in MD the chilly rain that was so nice yesterday has morphed into warm humid today. So it's back to a/c again.This is the time of year that I think of packing summer clothes up and then yank them out again.

Making a meatloaf for my dh this am and freezing it up. He's going off to SC for a week of beach/bicycling Sunday so I usually make him some meals to go. I'm having a week alone to tidy up the house! and just chill. :)


always chatty at the O!!
Chris - get an antihistamine (not benedryl)...maybe Claritin, zyrtec or Allegra. It should help some.


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies...I just sent Ethan off to school and am about to go snuggle back into bed until Little Miss wakes up...but I wanted to stop in and say hi first. Nothing major planned today. I do need to finish up school shopping for Addie. She starts pre-K on Fridy. Friday will be interesting...the service is Friday but I don't know what time or anything yet. I need to find out about that today. I have a bunch of stuff going on that day so I need to figure out what I need to rearrange. Everything else is pretty secondary.

Well...personals then back to bed.

Chris - you are always so good about trying to get things into perspective...on the other hand...having a flooded basement is a pain in the ass and you don't have to feel bad about thinking so. Just sayin!! How did the first day of school go without power?

Linda - Yay for the crockpot. I feel the same way about my pressure cooker. I cook everything at the last minute with it. I think I can use it as a slow cooker too. Your weekdays sound super crazy...like back when I was a kid and my parents were taking me from here to there all the time.

Laurie - Yay for a day off. I hope you have some me time scheduled in there.

Maureen - That is very sweet of you to get food ready for your husband. If I did that for my husband I'd think we were saving some money but he'd think that gave him more money to spend on beer. LOL!! Sounds like a fun weekend for your hubby. I love the beach. The weather is probably awesome right now.

And...that's it. Have a fabulous day everyone.


always chatty at the O!!
Oh...get this...one of our newbies in the forum...AmberR...went to school with me. As in Elementary all the way thru HS. She was a year ahead of me. I knew I recognized her. How cool is that?


Well-Known Member
Day three of rain here!!!! but it has slowed down quite a bit....we were starting to get worried...much more like yesterday and we would have officially had an indoor swimming pool soon!!!

Sharon comes home tomorrow....I pick her and Miss S up at the airport at 9 am....HAHAHA....guess what time they have to leave Fla???? Flight is 7:15.....be at the airport 2 hours early....two hour drive from where she is staying......HMMMMM.....sounds like a long day!!!!

Traci is super depressed....I am hurting for her so much right now....I just hope she sticks to the plan!!!!! I want her to get back to where she needs to be for her kids!!!! NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT BEING A MOM STOPS AT 18 YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better run...I have washing and cleaning to do ......my computer time is very limited now....HOW DO YOU MOMS DO IT????? OH YEAH...You are all a heck of lot younger than me!!!!!!!

LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Hi there!

My kids had a LONG day at Kiga today, they were both there until 2pm and were happy as clams when I picked them up, which was a nice change. Now they are playing. This is my son's first year at Kiga with his sister and they are getting along famously, so far...plus, the teachers are all totally charmed by him, he saves the tantrums and terrible behavior for me. :p

So I was going to the gym this morning, first time in about SIX weeks (ack!) and about half-way through my run on the treadmill, realized I was rubbing a blister on my foot. MAN! I did 30 mins, only half of that running, half walking, and when I tried moving to the cross trainer, I had to give it up. What a waste! I've been having trouble sleeping and was hoping an intense and LONG workout would help. Trying again tomorrow evening and I'm taking the outside running shoes, dirty or NOT, at least they don't give me blisters!

Laurie - I saw you mention your two miles, which is why I brought that up!

And we finally got our caterpillars! DD is celebrating her sixth birthday in butterfly style and we are raising butterflies. I'm excited. We did it as kids with caterpillars from our back yard, but that isn't possible here. So we've got little fuzzy things eating brown goop instead. :)

And now I've talked a ton and will stop. I DID read through all your posts, but so far, am having some trouble keeping up. I'll keep at it!! Eventually I'll contribute more. :D

and yes - Clara and I went to school together and even lived in the same neighborhood - so weird! and cool!



aA Creative Team Member
Sorry about the poison ivy, Chris ... no fun.

Clara, I just read Amber's post. How cool is that?

Today I will be running on lack of sleep. Need to work, clean, read ahead of my son and get together his next writing assignment. Then I need to figure out how to explain to my neighbor that we really can't keep the bees nest in our backyard until the end of September because one sting and my son isn't recognizable for a week.

Hoping you all have a great day!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Goodness Adryane, your neighbors want you to KEEP a beehive in your yard? even without an allergic kid (I assume) it freaked us out the year we had one over our garage. We couldn't get rid of it though, they are under protection, those bees! Tried smoking them out to get the queen out and move the hive, but nothing doing. it stayed until the fall when a cold snap made them literally start falling to the ground. crunch crunch crunch...for weeks!


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies!!! I have a doctor's appointment this morning... Going to have my ICD read (Internal Cardiac Device... It's a defibrillator/pacemaker) I'm hoping they will tell me I need a new one soon... I've had this one for 5 years... That's usually the limit on the battery. although things are improving all the time!

Linda - Stroganoff sounds delicious!!

Chris - LOL Gave me the biggest laugh at Skele-grow! Iain actually said something a couple of weeks ago about feeling like she'd been hit by Gilderoy Lockhart instead LOL.


Well-Known Member
Chris, the benadryl/antihistamine thing is the best for poison ivy. i had it for the first time EVER last year--all over me. i ended up having to take cortisone orally. it lasted for over a MONTH on me. hope you get off easier.

spending the day doing laundry and trying to stay out of the way of the workmen all over my house. we're having insulation blown into the walls and roof of our elderly house. what a mess. i now have holes drilled in every wall at about 16" intervals. lovely.

well. at least it stopped raining.

have a great day, ladies.


...loves her some "O"
Morning, chicas!! I'm finally getting over here to my computer. I tend to spend the morning checking stuff on my iPad, and because of the touch keyboard, I don't post on it. But my laptop has been very finicky lately and has to be plugged into the internet instead of using the defunct wireless. So it's perched on my craft table and I tend to get on it more now that it's stationary. Weird, I know!! :)

Anyway, I did the important stuff on my list yesterday and today will be the rest that I didn't do...mainly the quilt cutting. I want to whip up something for my aunt and uncle in law who are celebrating their 50th anny this Saturday. Think I can whip up an entire quilt before then and get all of my work done??

And amidst all of this, I really am taking time to focus on the kids' school (not that I didn't before, but...well, you know me...!! LOL!!). So I'm still adjusting Lillian's science (9yo - 4th grade). It's been troubling me. I tried to adapt Emma and Quentin's (7th-8th grade general science) and she (lil) isn't getting it. One of my big things in our homeschooling is NOT to set these kids up to fail!! So I'm going to just go to Biology with her. It'll be a lot easier, but hopefully she'll gain a love for science that at least one of my kids has!! It's kinda sad, because I was really getting into it!~! LOL!! and I'm not really a "sciencer" so it was a pleasant change. But we'll still have fun exploring plant and animal life!!

Amber, I'm completely inspired by your butterfly experience. We've done that in the past, too, when my oldest was doing what i call Baby Biology. So I may have to hit you up for where you got your caterpillars! Sounds perfect!!

well, I'm off to get a grammar test going with my Emma (7th grade!!). Love you all!! enjoy today!!

ohhh and my friend posted my quilts!! http://www.welovefrenchknots.com. There's actually a FREE embroidery pattern for you there that I made!! yipeeeee!!!




A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Sally, your quilts are beautiful! I've been wanting to make one forever, but I'm too chicken. :p

I think the butterfly thing is livebutterflygarden.com, but I'm not sure. just do a google search for livebutterfly garden, the company should be insect lore. the reason I'm not certain, is because I had to do it thru a UK company as the US company cannot ship to Europe!


Well-Known Member
Taking a lunch break from work.

Went to the gym early this morning- if I don't work out before work it just doesn't happen.

Work. Work. Work.

Taking off early to play in a 9 hole golf tournament tonight.

Maybe scrap tonight if we get in early enough.


Well-Known Member
here for a while...got myself a little part time job...nothing big just cleaning a house a couple times a month...hoping to get another house or two to clean....ummm just been busy with keeping up with my own house and kids...and yard work....we got two GOATS!!!! hahaha here is a picture of them the brown one is Mintzy (named by elyse) and the white one is Joker (named by Raianna)


Well-Known Member
Oh...get this...one of our newbies in the forum...AmberR...went to school with me. As in Elementary all the way thru HS. She was a year ahead of me. I knew I recognized her. How cool is that?
Seriously??? That is crazy! Talk about a SMALL world. (And now I have the song "It's a Small World After All" playing in my head.