
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, September 3


The Loopy-O
It's the Back to School Edition for my family.
Neither kid is happy about that. We got a pretty harsh email for the HS Guidance office telling the kids who have messed up schedules that they can only go to guidance during lunch or study periods. I guess it is a good thing that they incorrectly gave Cait a lunch. So she will end up missing the first days of many classes and be stuck in classes she will need to be switched out of. Poor kid. It is hard enough for her on the first day but the insanity of scheduling makes it a 100 times worse.

Scott's first class isn't until 10.30 so he gets to sleep in a bit and at least he is happy about that.

I have an appt with my breast surgeon today. It should just be a everything looks good, see you in 6 months. Then I have about a billion errands to run on the way home.

Cait often says that she wishes that she could shrink me down and keep me in her pocket during school. I wish I could do that too.
I wish that I had enough money to buy the things I need to get today.
I want to be thankful for credit cards, but I can't-- I hate having to use them.:(

I want you all to have the best day ever!!!!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis--100% TRUTH about the weather! We have had our AC on more the last week than I think we have had all of Aug.
How did the chiro go? Hope that you are all un-kinked.

Trudy- That is crazy that you have fall weather again. I don't think weather will ever be "normal" again.
Yes, I do get to see Cait at the end of the day. I can't imagine not seeing here. How hard for you to have to do that with Heather.
Ugh about the gravel and shed!

Hugs to everyone!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam! When you wake up at 4am and decide to lay in bed and think until the alarm goes off at 5- you should have just gotten up at 4- yikes the dreams- and then I kind of woke up and said- oh I am dreaming- I want to experience flying- and I flew all around the room I was in and bounced off a wall- amazing feeling- I used to dream that all the time when I was a kid. Now to try to get my dreams out of my head and to work on time. Oh maybe I should not have had amish spice cake and choc chips before bed either!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Well we should be back to our summer weather today, the sun is shining, but it is still a bit cool so far. The temps are supposed to get quite warm again this afternoon.

Chris - Sorry that things did not get straightened out for Cait! Hopefully it gets taken care of quickly!! Hard enough to go back to school again without all this hassle!! Hope your appt. goes well Chris and that you have enough $$ for your grocery trip today! I keep thinking that I should cut up my credit cards, but ya I don't think that will happen. :becky:

Laurie - Welcome to the wake up at 4am club!! I am so sick of not being able to sleep past 4!!! :rant: What strange dreams you have!! But being able to fly around the room would be pretty cool!! Perhaps you were having an out of body experience??

Today I am off to the grocery store also, I have nothing to put in hubby's lunches for work and no milk left in the house. When DH gets home its outside to get back to work on this shed, I will be very happy when it is finally all done and I can get the garage cleaned out! Have an amazing day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Chris, your poor Cait! i don't get this schedule mess stuff. WTH are they getting paid for, the administrators and guidance counsellors? this kind of thing makes me nuts, so i can imagine hoe you both are feeling. i hope it gets fixed up soon.

Laurie, what a dream!! i usually can't remember what i dreamed. i've been up since 4:24 myself. i just stayed in the recliner and turned on my iPad and read my email until Hubby got up at 5:15. hope you made it to work on time and aren't tired out from the early rise and the adventurous dreams!

Laurie, too bad that shed turned into a bigger project than it was supposed to be. isn't that ALWAYS the case!? your weather today sounds like ours. pretty cold and foggy early. now it's heating up, so i gave in and turned on the AC.... how did Heather make out at that carft show thing where she had a table for her clothing business?

i've been out looking for sugar-free snow cone syrup. the place that was supposed to have it, didn't. so, i just went on the Internet and ordered it from that same store. i should have just stayed home and did it that way to begin with! did some grocery shopping, went to Home Depot in search of a large brass nail. i'm starting to feel like i need a nap, so i might give in. at least the contact lenses are coming out.

i am even more boring today than usual! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Phylis - You are not boring!! You get out of the house more than I seem to do lately!! As for Heather's fall fair well... Not one sale!! Lots of interest and that is all she really expected and at least she got the word out anyway. She is having a meeting tonight with a young woman in hopes of her becoming a Nanny/mommies helper for a couple days a week. I am keeping my fingers crossed for her, she sure could use the help and hopefully this woman will become a friend also! :D