
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, September 25


The Loopy-O
I did it! The HS session went great (at least IMHO :D) Although, I have to admit I was *exhausted* when I got home. 100% wiped out. One of the kids that was signed up never showed so there were only 3. One of them is whip-smart and ADHD alllll over the place. He counts for at least 2 kids. His mom stayed on-site and when we walked past her for a separate activity she was teasing about it since she could probably hear him chattering a mile away. He said it was his best day ever so that makes it all worthwhile ♥ They loved the sunflower dissection and we made little envelope packets so they could bring some of the seeds home to plant next year. They wanted to plant some of the seeds where we were working, so we did that too. They won't grow most likely, not enough sunlight, but they had a blast digging little holes and putting the seeds in.
The hardest part was getting the timing right. You'd think that 2 1/2 hours isn't that much time to do three projects and a game (They *loved* the seed-spitting contest. Loved it!) but it is really a lot of time. I think I rushed through a few things and ended up with too much time at the end. We still had the seeds and bucket so we back to the seed spitting.
I'll add some notes to the lesson plan today while it is fresh in my mind. I'm also going to redo the entire day of plans for tomorrow. Sun and Shadows and the solar oven, out the window. It is supposed to rain all day so we'll need to work on some stuff under the pavilion. I still have some of the sunflowers... I can take out the seeds and we can make "stained glass" murals with them.

Today I am cleaning for my friend in the morning, hopefully, that will be easy enough. Then I need to do some Cheery O work and figure out what to make for dinner.


The Loopy-O
So glad the side effects are over with for you! But I'm sad that Gary isn't doing well. Is it cold/flu type of stuff? I sure pray he starts feeling better!
You will do great on the Homeschooling.....no matter that it is different! It's still teaching, right?! Plus, you will be a little more free to teach experientially since nature is your thing! You've got this, girl! :heartpumplove:
Gary tested for Covid twice and was negative so it must be just a cold. Scott had it last week and when was here for dinner last night, he was still coughing and congested. Whatever it is has messed up Gary's blood sugar and his balance.
Thank you for the sweet words and support for my teaching. :hug2:

You will rock this! Just be prepared for more questions. Up here at least, I find the HS kids are a little more tuned in. They get distracted but they seems to be a bit more focused cause for them school is that moment then they can goof off after.
That is what I am hoping for with these kids, that they are excited already about nature and science-y things. One other thing I need to be more conscious of is to "stop and observe" when we see something cool, not focusing on the activity and blocking everything else out.
Thanks so much for your confidence in me!
I guess it would be too difficult to put the power lines underground based on how remote you are? I'm glad the crews get on the repairs quickly so you aren't without power for too long.
How are you doing with PT, not as painful afterward as it was in the beginning? How much longer before the insurance company approves the next surgery? *fingers crossed for luck*

@taxed4ever The movie sounds like it was a good one! Christmas cards. Gift ideas. Ahhhhhhhhhhh :lalala: I don't wanna think about it! Is it still raining by you on hiking day? Have fun in the craft room if that is where you end up.

@Terri M Yay for driving!! My dad was the same way after her shoulder surgeries. When he was able to drive himself to his firehouse, he was like a different person!

@BoatLady I'm trying to not be jealous that you are still enjoying pool weather :D It feels like fall here in NJ, cool and damp.
Be safe from the hurricane, I am sending lots of good thoughts your way.

@mimes1 Great news about Mark's shoulder. Does he have that ice bucket contraption for it? That thing is next to impossible to set up correctly, this strap here, and that velcro there. I hope he is a decent enough patient and doesn't overdo it while you are at work.
I am with you, I'd be worrying about Tracy if the power outages were long. We dealt with 3-4 days w/o power (post-Sandy and a freak October blizzard in 2011) and that was miserable enough. But winter in AK? heck no!

Vicky -- we watched the first episode of High Potentail-- we like Kaitlyn Olsen (however she spells her Katetlyn- I don't know! LOL). Seems like a quirky female Sherlock Holmes-ish show. I'll look for brilliant minds.

We are watching My Lady Jane and I am soooo disappointed that it got canceled. It is such a fun show. They always seem to get rid of the ones I enjoy the most. boo.



Love my O Family!
I did it! The HS session went great (at least IMHO :D) Although, I have to admit I was *exhausted* when I got home. 100% wiped out. One of the kids that was signed up never showed so there were only 3. One of them is whip-smart and ADHD alllll over the place. He counts for at least 2 kids. His mom stayed on-site and when we walked past her for a separate activity she was teasing about it since she could probably hear him chattering a mile away. He said it was his best day ever so that makes it all worthwhile ♥ They loved the sunflower dissection and we made little envelope packets so they could bring some of the seeds home to plant next year. They wanted to plant some of the seeds where we were working, so we did that too. They won't grow most likely, not enough sunlight, but they had a blast digging little holes and putting the seeds in.
The hardest part was getting the timing right. You'd think that 2 1/2 hours isn't that much time to do three projects and a game (They *loved* the seed-spitting contest. Loved it!) but it is really a lot of time. I think I rushed through a few things and ended up with too much time at the end. We still had the seeds and bucket so we back to the seed spitting.
I'll add some notes to the lesson plan today while it is fresh in my mind. I'm also going to redo the entire day of plans for tomorrow. Sun and Shadows and the solar oven, out the window. It is supposed to rain all day so we'll need to work on some stuff under the pavilion. I still have some of the sunflowers... I can take out the seeds and we can make "stained glass" murals with them.

Today I am cleaning for my friend in the morning, hopefully, that will be easy enough. Then I need to do some Cheery O work and figure out what to make for dinner.
WTG! You did it! And I can just hear the inspiration running through your head! You Teacher, you! ;). So happy you are in your happy place!


Love my O Family!
Gary tested for Covid twice and was negative so it must be just a cold. Scott had it last week and when was here for dinner last night, he was still coughing and congested. Whatever it is has messed up Gary's blood sugar and his balance.
Thank you for the sweet words and support for my teaching. :hug2:

That is what I am hoping for with these kids, that they are excited already about nature and science-y things. One other thing I need to be more conscious of is to "stop and observe" when we see something cool, not focusing on the activity and blocking everything else out.
Thanks so much for your confidence in me!
I guess it would be too difficult to put the power lines underground based on how remote you are? I'm glad the crews get on the repairs quickly so you aren't without power for too long.
How are you doing with PT, not as painful afterward as it was in the beginning? How much longer before the insurance company approves the next surgery? *fingers crossed for luck*

@taxed4ever The movie sounds like it was a good one! Christmas cards. Gift ideas. Ahhhhhhhhhhh :lalala: I don't wanna think about it! Is it still raining by you on hiking day? Have fun in the craft room if that is where you end up.

@Terri M Yay for driving!! My dad was the same way after her shoulder surgeries. When he was able to drive himself to his firehouse, he was like a different person!

@BoatLady I'm trying to not be jealous that you are still enjoying pool weather :D It feels like fall here in NJ, cool and damp.
Be safe from the hurricane, I am sending lots of good thoughts your way.

@mimes1 Great news about Mark's shoulder. Does he have that ice bucket contraption for it? That thing is next to impossible to set up correctly, this strap here, and that velcro there. I hope he is a decent enough patient and doesn't overdo it while you are at work.
I am with you, I'd be worrying about Tracy if the power outages were long. We dealt with 3-4 days w/o power (post-Sandy and a freak October blizzard in 2011) and that was miserable enough. But winter in AK? heck no!

Vicky -- we watched the first episode of High Potentail-- we like Kaitlyn Olsen (however she spells her Katetlyn- I don't know! LOL). Seems like a quirky female Sherlock Holmes-ish show. I'll look for brilliant minds.

We are watching My Lady Jane and I am soooo disappointed that it got canceled. It is such a fun show. They always seem to get rid of the ones I enjoy the most. boo.

So sorry the cold has Gary's sugar so messed up! I pray he feels better soon!
I wonder if the producers have Katelyn's name wrong on the credits, maybe?? The way I spelled it is the way Mark's GD's name is spelled. Whatever, I love the show! You will love Brilliant Minds, too!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Had to do some daily ATC catchup today, but got them done (3 days).
I need to post my Sept. CP page.
Waiting on Mark to say he wants to go to lunch. ;)
Waiting on my grocery order to be filled.
That's about it for me. I got a bunch of Somerset Mags (from their clearance sale) that I want to browse today!
Have a great day!


HI!!! :waving1 Waving like mad!!! Turns out that DSon-in-law1 needed DD#1 to go with him today for the clinic. The clinic was cancelled yesterday as they didn't have enough help able to make the trip up to Cuba, New Mexico. He asked if DD#1 could go with him today to help (she worked in the practice with him before). So they are both gone for the day. He flies back home to Arizona this evening.

DD#3 and her hubby came over most of the day on Monday... and he sprayed the weeds in my front yard. He was looking at my bush in front of the living room window and said he would come down and cut it back sometime soon. DD#1's son came over that evening for a steak dinner Monday evening. Yesterday was a fun day... DSon-in-law#1 was able to get rid of the Pop-up ads on my computer(25+ of them every day)... bless him!! I made enchilada sauce which turned into a challenge. Both daughters are now on gluten-free diets. DD#3 brought down her almond flour to use to thicken the enchilada sauce in place of regular flour I normally use.... well, it turns out the almond flour DID NOT thicken so it was a scramble as to what to use. Thank goodness I had a box of corn starch that did work and they could have on their diets. Plus I was using a different brand of New Mexico Chili powder (only medium hot ... not the hot I usually use). We were laughing and holding our breath over all the scramble to make it. It turned out really well - in fact, DSon-in-law#3 told DD#3 she needed to get my recipe. We all had a big LOL over that. DD#3's oldest son and grandson also came over for dinner, I put the food away and the girls did the rest of the clean-up. DD#1 is going to spend part of tomorrow with their son - so I hopefully can get some Color Play scrapping done today and tomorrow. Then Friday will be the last get-together here with DD#1 and DD#3, It has been wonderful having the family visiting and I know I will miss them once they are gone.

Will have to go back and read what all was going on with everyone this week... but that will be next week. Now I need to get dressed and work on a few Color Play LOs.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
Welcome to another soggy wet fall day in AK. Keep the windows up, tarp on car and wear a sweatshirt that you can strip off in about three hours when the sun is up and temps climb to a whopping 52*. Ahhhhhh life is great!

The hardest part was getting the timing right. You'd think that 2 1/2 hours isn't that much time to do three projects and a game (They *loved* the seed-spitting contest. Loved it!) but it is really a lot of time.
WOO HOO!!!!!! I knew you could do it!!!! How fantastic!!!! Yes, time goes fast and slow especially when you only had three kids. HS is like that, small groups, fast intense teaching, then time to play. I love the one kid told mom it was the best day ever! I knew it would be!!!!!!
I guess it would be too difficult to put the power lines underground based on how remote you are? I'm glad the crews get on the repairs quickly so you aren't without power for too long.
How are you doing with PT, not as painful afterward as it was in the beginning? How much longer before the insurance company approves the next surgery? *fingers crossed for luck*
Power lines cant go underground because the "frost heaves" when freezing could cause lines to break then the ground is frozen so solid you couldn't dig it up to fix it. Once the ground is frozen, you cant move a speck. Even heavy equipment wouldn't be able to do anything. So we cant have them underground.They've talked about it for years and years and so far no solution on how to achieve underground.

PT is a joke. I really like the therapist. But knowing that its just a check list for insurance makes it hard. I know its not doing what they want it to do. My pain isn't reduced. Its early enough in the day that she doesn't see the extent of swelling and my pain isn't bad at 11 a.m. Now if I saw her at 5 pm. it would be a different story and her notes would be different. Nov 5th is my last PT and then I can send in the application to get insurance to approve the surgeries.
It has been wonderful having the family visiting and I know I will miss them once they are gone.
Kay it sounds like you've had a wonderful time so far. I'm so happy for you! Its wonderful when kids visit and its fun. Glad to see you were able to pop in and say hi. Have fun the rest of the week!!

Things today are not slow. Finishing my coffee and looking at LO then I will have to get ready to tackle today. We're making hamburger stroganoff, salad, and bread pudding. And I giggled thinking yep raisins. Bread pudding to me is gross but then they add raisins and its way gross. Okay, need another cup coffee. Have a wonderful day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It is raining cats and dogs out there today! No hike for me! The change in the weather must have been good for me as I slept until 7:45, that never happens!! Yesterday was a non scrapping day again for me as I was on the hunt for some items that Heather is trying to get for her boys. No luck though. So while I was out shopping I also was on the look out for a couple of things that I have been trying to get. After hitting just about every store I could think of I finally found the keto chocolate bites with sea salt and caramel that I have been searching forever for. The other items will have to be done with online shopping. Then MIL asked if I could give her a hand with bringing in all of her garden decorations so that she could clean them and put them away for winter. Let me tell you its a way smaller job than it used to be at the other property!! Thank goodness! However looking out the window I see that there are a few in the front yard that need to be brought in so that will be another day, when the rain has stopped. FIL was busy yesterday blowing out his underground sprinklers, a bit early for that job, but hey he is bored and it gave him something to do. Good thing it was a lovely sunny day to do that job, he would not want to be out there today! Today I will work on some Colour Play items and watch the rain.

I did it! The HS session went great (at least IMHO :D) Although, I have to admit I was *exhausted* when I got home. 100% wiped out. One of the kids that was signed up never showed so there were only 3. One of them is whip-smart and ADHD alllll over the place. He counts for at least 2 kids.
We all knew that you would do great!! Sounds like the kids really had a great time! Too funny that the one kid counts for two :giggle4: , one of my nephews is like that he has ADHD and also has Tourettes Syndrome so it was like having 2 or 3 kids around. He has turned into a fine young man though and is a wonderful father to sweet little Sophia. Hope your cleaning for your friend goes well and that you get to spend some time doing something crafty today!
Waiting on Mark to say he wants to go to lunch. ;)
Your Mark sure likes to go out for lunch!! Lucky you! Have fun with scrapping today!
Will have to go back and read what all was going on with everyone this week... but that will be next week. Now I need to get dressed and work on a few Color Play LOs.
Sounds like you are having a whirl wind visit with your kids!! Glad that the recipe was able to be saved for all to enjoy! Yes you will miss them when they have all returned to their homes, so enjoy every last minute with them!! I feel your love for them! :lovey3:
PT is a joke. I really like the therapist. But knowing that its just a check list for insurance makes it hard. I know its not doing what they want it to do. My pain isn't reduced. Its early enough in the day that she doesn't see the extent of swelling and my pain isn't bad at 11 a.m. Now if I saw her at 5 pm. it would be a different story and her notes would be different. Nov 5th is my last PT and then I can send in the application to get insurance to approve the surgeries.
Sorry that your PT isn't really helping you much! Do you tell them how bad the pain is at 5pm?? Hopefully the pain lessens soon and I hope everything gets approved for your insurance! Ya why do people put those darn raisins in recipes?? Gross!! :sick:

Well its time to get off this computer and tackle my morning chores and get on with the day, have a great one and stay dry everyone!! :waving1


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It is raining cats and dogs out there today! No hike for me! The change in the weather must have been good for me as I slept until 7:45, that never happens!! Yesterday was a non scrapping day again for me as I was on the hunt for some items that Heather is trying to get for her boys. No luck though. So while I was out shopping I also was on the look out for a couple of things that I have been trying to get. After hitting just about every store I could think of I finally found the keto chocolate bites with sea salt and caramel that I have been searching forever for. The other items will have to be done with online shopping. Then MIL asked if I could give her a hand with bringing in all of her garden decorations so that she could clean them and put them away for winter. Let me tell you its a way smaller job than it used to be at the other property!! Thank goodness! However looking out the window I see that there are a few in the front yard that need to be brought in so that will be another day, when the rain has stopped. FIL was busy yesterday blowing out his underground sprinklers, a bit early for that job, but hey he is bored and it gave him something to do. Good thing it was a lovely sunny day to do that job, he would not want to be out there today! Today I will work on some Colour Play items and watch the rain.

We all knew that you would do great!! Sounds like the kids really had a great time! Too funny that the one kid counts for two :giggle4: , one of my nephews is like that he has ADHD and also has Tourettes Syndrome so it was like having 2 or 3 kids around. He has turned into a fine young man though and is a wonderful father to sweet little Sophia. Hope your cleaning for your friend goes well and that you get to spend some time doing something crafty today!

Your Mark sure likes to go out for lunch!! Lucky you! Have fun with scrapping today!

Sounds like you are having a whirl wind visit with your kids!! Glad that the recipe was able to be saved for all to enjoy! Yes you will miss them when they have all returned to their homes, so enjoy every last minute with them!! I feel your love for them! :lovey3:

Sorry that your PT isn't really helping you much! Do you tell them how bad the pain is at 5pm?? Hopefully the pain lessens soon and I hope everything gets approved for your insurance! Ya why do people put those darn raisins in recipes?? Gross!! :sick:

Well its time to get off this computer and tackle my morning chores and get on with the day, have a great one and stay dry everyone!! :waving1
I think it is more just an opportunity to get away from the shop than it is liking to go out for lunch! Works for me! ;)
You were certainly busy yesterday! Do you enjoy having the in-laws close by?


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Welcome to another soggy wet fall day in AK. Keep the windows up, tarp on car and wear a sweatshirt that you can strip off in about three hours when the sun is up and temps climb to a whopping 52*. Ahhhhhh life is great!

WOO HOO!!!!!! I knew you could do it!!!! How fantastic!!!! Yes, time goes fast and slow especially when you only had three kids. HS is like that, small groups, fast intense teaching, then time to play. I love the one kid told mom it was the best day ever! I knew it would be!!!!!!

Power lines cant go underground because the "frost heaves" when freezing could cause lines to break then the ground is frozen so solid you couldn't dig it up to fix it. Once the ground is frozen, you cant move a speck. Even heavy equipment wouldn't be able to do anything. So we cant have them underground.They've talked about it for years and years and so far no solution on how to achieve underground.

PT is a joke. I really like the therapist. But knowing that its just a check list for insurance makes it hard. I know its not doing what they want it to do. My pain isn't reduced. Its early enough in the day that she doesn't see the extent of swelling and my pain isn't bad at 11 a.m. Now if I saw her at 5 pm. it would be a different story and her notes would be different. Nov 5th is my last PT and then I can send in the application to get insurance to approve the surgeries.

Kay it sounds like you've had a wonderful time so far. I'm so happy for you! Its wonderful when kids visit and its fun. Glad to see you were able to pop in and say hi. Have fun the rest of the week!!

Things today are not slow. Finishing my coffee and looking at LO then I will have to get ready to tackle today. We're making hamburger stroganoff, salad, and bread pudding. And I giggled thinking yep raisins. Bread pudding to me is gross but then they add raisins and its way gross. Okay, need another cup coffee. Have a wonderful day!
I'm not fond of bread pudding, either! I like raisins but that would NOT help the bread pudding IMHO!


Well-Known Member
Sorry that your PT isn't really helping you much! Do you tell them how bad the pain is at 5pm?? Hopefully the pain lessens soon and I hope everything gets approved for your insurance! Ya why do people put those darn raisins in recipes?? Gross!! :sick:
I was reading back on session notes, since I will have to print and provide them to insurance. I noticed that all her comments are my pain is 3.5/10 on average. Well that is accurate at 11 a.m. so yesterday I made it a point of saying I go to bed every night around an 8/10. The first appointment notes do state that I do all my work in the morning as by 2 p.m. I am done and unable to do much so that helps but I felt the need to reinforce that by night I am done toast over.

Yeah, raisins just WHY? And then my youngest seems to be the most insane, he likes to eat raisins just plain. :sick:
I'm not fond of bread pudding, either! I like raisins but that would NOT help the bread pudding IMHO!
Nope, even when we tried adding chocolate chips to the bread pudding it didn't make it any better. Still :sick:

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I went out for a pedicure today, getting ready for the cruise. I sent my husband to Costco for a few things while I was there. He claims they did not have the kind of coffee pods that we always buy; I don't believe that but I let him go shopping by himself So what are you gonna do?

Community chorus began its fall season a couple weeks ago. We seem to always have holiday songs for the December concert, so here I am in September with multiple Christmas songs running through my head! I suppose if we were better singers it wouldn't take us three months to learn them, but it's fun to get together on Tuesday evenings.

It looks like we will have rain every day this week. Hoping for a break so there can be some trail work done on Saturday morning, but even if it is not actually raining it will be very wet out there. At least I have a good excuse to just stand around with my hand in the sling.

We dealt with 3-4 days w/o power (post-Sandy and a freak October blizzard in 2011) and that was miserable enough
oh gosh! We were in New Jersey for those storms! Sandy was bad enough but at least you could expect that kind of damage from the leftovers of a hurricane. But that October snow storm was simply crazy. Fortunately our house was a few blocks away from the JCP&L building where they sent repair trucks out from, so our power was restored within a day. I remember driving west out Route 22, looking for some place open to get a meal, and we were unable to turn around for miles and miles because all the traffic lights were out on the highway and all the roads leading off of it were closed due to downed trees. Older New Jersey 4-lane roads have what are called jughandles that you need to use to turn left or make a U-turn so when the lights were out you were stuck.

Have you watched the new series, High Potential and Brilliant Minds?
I am looking forward to both of those. I have them recorded but haven't had time to watch yet.

Our big thing now is the future hurricane Helene.
At my mom's condo they used to put the patio furniture into the pool when a hurricane was coming. Do people still do that?

Last night I went to a fund raiser for the local hospice a showing of a movie called "Thelma". It was a hoot!! If you ever get a chance to see it you really must!!
I remember wanting to see that movie when it came out and deciding to wait until it came on streaming. I had forgotten all about that, I will have to look it up.


Love my O Family!
I went out for a pedicure today, getting ready for the cruise. I sent my husband to Costco for a few things while I was there. He claims they did not have the kind of coffee pods that we always buy; I don't believe that but I let him go shopping by himself So what are you gonna do?

Community chorus began its fall season a couple weeks ago. We seem to always have holiday songs for the December concert, so here I am in September with multiple Christmas songs running through my head! I suppose if we were better singers it wouldn't take us three months to learn them, but it's fun to get together on Tuesday evenings.

It looks like we will have rain every day this week. Hoping for a break so there can be some trail work done on Saturday morning, but even if it is not actually raining it will be very wet out there. At least I have a good excuse to just stand around with my hand in the sling.

oh gosh! We were in New Jersey for those storms! Sandy was bad enough but at least you could expect that kind of damage from the leftovers of a hurricane. But that October snow storm was simply crazy. Fortunately our house was a few blocks away from the JCP&L building where they sent repair trucks out from, so our power was restored within a day. I remember driving west out Route 22, looking for some place open to get a meal, and we were unable to turn around for miles and miles because all the traffic lights were out on the highway and all the roads leading off of it were closed due to downed trees. Older New Jersey 4-lane roads have what are called jughandles that you need to use to turn left or make a U-turn so when the lights were out you were stuck.

I am looking forward to both of those. I have them recorded but haven't had time to watch yet.

At my mom's condo they used to put the patio furniture into the pool when a hurricane was coming. Do people still do that?

I remember wanting to see that movie when it came out and deciding to wait until it came on streaming. I had forgotten all about that, I will have to look it up.
In defense of your husband.....the last time I went to our COSTCO, they HAD moved the coffee.....AGAIN! This time it was up by the refrigerator extra rooms. WHY? I have no idea! I wandered around the area it USED to be kept and finally had to ask someone (I'm sure if your husband is like the typical male, he did NOT ask for directions, LOL!) who directed me.

Yes, you will love the shows!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
In defense of your husband.....the last time I went to our COSTCO, they HAD moved the coffee.....AGAIN! This time it was up by the refrigerator extra rooms. WHY? I have no idea! I wandered around the area it USED to be kept and finally had to ask someone (I'm sure if your husband is like the typical male, he did NOT ask for directions, LOL!) who directed me.

Yes, you will love the shows!
I suspect they moved to an endcap. Whenever stores do that it supposed to give the product more visibility but it just makes it invisible to me!


Love my O Family!
I suspect they moved to an endcap. Whenever stores do that it supposed to give the product more visibility but it just makes it invisible to me!
I agree! They need to leave items where the people are used to seeing them! It would seem to me they would lose sales by moving items around all the time!