
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, September 10


The Loopy-O
Another bad night's sleep, and up since 4.30. I wish I knew why I -- any of us-- get into these cycles and how to get out of them. All I know if that dang, I am tired right now.

I got home from work yesterday and started to think about all of the cleaning that I have been ignoring in the house. I know, I clean all of the time, vacuuming and dusting stuff, but this was more of the cleaning coffee spills from the stairs and kitchen cabinets, cobwebs on the ceiling lights and so on. I ended up working on that stuff and then my parents came up with scott's care around 3. I bought them flowers and made my dad rice pudding to say thank you. They got the power steering leak fixed, the tired plugged and an oil change. He is all ready to go and he is very happy about that. Me-- I am happy to have my car back too. I have to drive down to Bed Bath and Beyond to see if I can order Cait's comforter and have it shipped here.
Then I am paying bills, doing some more housework and typical blah blah blah stuff.
Gary and I talked some more about the hystero options and he is all for it. I feel bad that again- I am going to be down for the count for a while. be he says not to worry it will all work out. Not only I am I worried about losing money, but losing clients as well. I know I thought this too when I stopped working when I was in radiation and it was all good but how much more will these clients take from me?
Whatever route i choose, it will have to be done after the holidays. No *way* can I deal with that on top of everything.

I wish and want for everyone to be happy and healthy! That is not too much to ask is it?


The Loopy-O
Trudy- did you sleep better last night? I hope so. I am so with you on that frustration.
Oh yes, you have to take pics of the shed!
um, yeah, my Gary blew the budget. I ran out of cash and had to put the rest on debit :(
I haven't been watching Outlander on TV but my gyn said that I really should too. Even though the Discovery of Witches books are about witches and vampires, they are not at all like the typical vamp book, about as far as you can get from Twilight.

Laurie-- it has been so awesome seeing you back in here every day. We missed you!

Phyllis- Gyn recommended keeping my ovaries. I was thinking to get them out as well, to cover the estrogen issue. She said that putting me into an instant menopause is not pleasant, like you said, and I can't take any hormone supplements for relief. Nor can she put my ovaries back in ;)
That all makes sense to me and as always, if I get a recurrence or new cancer *knocks wood*, that is something I can deal with at a later date.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Were you able to get any more doors sanded? I hope that at least you can put some headphones on and listen to a good book while you work, that always seems to help me.

No advice on the disordered sleep ... wish I did!



Well-Known Member
good afternoon. oh. it's NOT afternoon?? it feels like i've put in half of a day already. hope this Sleepless at The O goes away for all of us!! Sally should start the "Up in the Middle of the Night" thread again!

well. yesterday i spent 4 HOURS cleaning up the workbench that used to be my Dad's (and that was always kept clean and organized...) and that now is in our basement, allegedly belonging to Hubby. he never cleans anything. it was nothing but a pile of random s*(^. i was getting really old waiting for him to get it in shape. for like YEARS. no go. so i wiped everything down, organized the random nails, screws, random pieces of unidentifiable metal. know what the man did when he saw it???? frowned at me and told me now he can't FIND anything!! which is SUCH a lie, because all i did was put the files with the files, the drill bits with the drill bits. no thank you from him. no nothing. so i went insane. :rant: i'm not talking to him until i get over it. it may take years.

today, i have a few errands to run. then i might do another 4 hour clean up of another area of chaos in the house. but i'll do it to something that would help ME, since i'm apparently the only person here at home who realizes what a truly swell and amazing girl i am.

i'll stop by later to see what everyone's up to. see ya. :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
You got that right!! M.E.N.!!!!

I totally agree with you!! After spending all morning organizing the garage and putting up the new shelving unit, my hubby came home and said "Well I guess I will have to move a few things around and organize them properly"!! No thanks for all your hard work honey. So like you Phylis, I am not talking to my hubby much right now either :mmph: I got my staining done on the frame for the shed and it looks pretty good, it didn't take too long to put on two coats and I think DH must have known that he screwed up big time and actually told me what a great job I did and how nice it looked. Still a bit pissed at him, but I will get over it.

Chris I am so sorry that you had another lousy night of sleeping! I actually had a very good sleep and only woke up once to hit the washroom, then right back to sleep and woke up again at 6:30am. I am sure that your clients will understand that you need to take care of yourself and will not abandon you!! I am sure that you are very good at your job and they will never want to lose you!

Phylis - I don't blame you for being MAD!!! Why do men say the stupid things that they do?? Why do they think that they have to have their crap lying all over the place ? You are a truly swell and amazing girl!! :becky: At least we all think that you are!! Sorry you are not sleeping well either, I am sure that this good nights sleep that I had last night will be the only one I get all week :mmph: Oh well I guess I should be happy that I get at least one! Enjoy your running around today!

I am waiting for a Skype talk with DD and Mason and then I think I will head off to the local pool for a try at swimming laps. I need to do more to keep off the weight that I lost this summer and hopefully lose a bit more. I have started to gain a bit again and I really want to nip that in the bud! Wish me luck! It is a struggle and believe me I would rather not have to do anything LOL. Enjoy the day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy! so glad to know i'm not the only one who isn't talking much to The Man in our houses. honestly, what do they THINK when they say stuff like that? Chris, wasn't is you who said: " they THINK???" :rofl: