
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday Sept 8


The Loopy-O
Man, oh man! I hate not having my "real" computer! Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to bits that I have the laptop/internet. I am just so "lost" w/o my documents, contacts and photos. And webmail sucks!

But to look positively, it is Wednesday- Hump Day! I was able to get a lot of my errands and all that done. Took me a bit longer b/c I didn't want to go food shopping if we had no power for an extended time. And no power = no phones (or water either LOL)

The Patient Advocate is really ticking me off. I have been trying to get a hold of her for a month now. First she was on vacation and no one was taking messages. I have left several messages and she is not getting back to me. Not only do I want to file a complaint against the doctor there, I do not think that I should have to put out several hundred dollars to go to a doctor just b/c he said so. Scott's appt with the Inf. Disease dr is Oct 4th so i want to get this rolling.

The cat who is still peeing is going on amyltriptaline -- gotta love it when your pets are on pysch meds too! :flypig:

I am goign to post this- then get :tea: then be back for personals :)
Clara- you got an ipad? Awesome girl!!! How do you like it? MIL loves hers. That is awesome about Mom helping you get back home for a visit. Does she miss you already? :D
Wish I could help you unpack. Oh hey-- how did your first day of H-S with Ethan go??

Linda S- Happy birthday to your Dad!!! That blanket sounds perfect. ITA about the shipping, i was sweating it a bit last year for C-mas too. You are so busy! I don't know how you do all of that running! Hope tonight is a quieter nite for ya!

Laurie- I know, its so horrifying thinking about losing so much stuff. I won't miss the old emails I was saving for god knows what ha!
How did your biscuits come out?

Krista- bathtime for the girls or for you? :D

Meg- sounds like you had a very productive day! I haven't used that site- but maybe I should look into it. Thanks for the idea :)

Oh No Nana! Its like Nana's Law or something that the more stuff you have to do, the more needy the kids are. I am so happy for you that you and YMG had a great day together, That is always a great thing!
Good morning ladies! Quick drive by on the way to the shower. Chris, thanks for the b-day wishes for Dad! Funny (in a psychotic sort of way) about the cat's meds. Sorry about the hassles with the patient advocate...perhaps she could get some of the cat's meds? :rofl: :rofl:

((hugs)) to all. I'll try to stop back in tonight after soccer and Dad's birthday!

Just lost my WHOLE big chatty post!! BOOO!!

So in short, going to my Mom's today, and then to Traci's!!

Savannah's Birthday party this coming weekend and going to TN to see Alison and the kids the following weekend. and I am thrilled to see those boys!! I MISS THEM!!!

It sounded so much better in the long post :Cry:

Chris I don't know what I would do if my laptop crashed, I would likely lose my mind completely because well it's my lifeline. ((Hugs)) Sorry to hear that the Patient Advocate is being a :doh:, hopefully things will get worked out sooner rather than later. Bathtime was for the girls ;)

Linda, have a great time at soccer tonight, we have the night off ;) , and huge birthday wishes to your dad!! :)

Nana, I hate losing posts, when I have a big post, I always copy it before I hit post, that way if I do lose it, I can just paste it again :) Have a great day love!!
goood morning my Lindas!

LOL at giving the advocate the cat's meds! :pound: Not a bad idea, if she would only call me back. B/c of the huge issues over there, I am hesitant to leave too much info, so i don't want to get into a long discussion on her machine, But heck, I left my 1st name, Scott's 1st name and my phone #, what else should she need?

Have a great time tonight with dad!

Nana- oh I *hate* when that happens! Have fun with Mom and Traci and the kids. How has T been feeling? Not banged up any more? Probably not. Its been a while she was in the accident... time flies, eh?

Since I had to stop short in my last post to yell at my kids before school (its a daily ritual *eye roll*)...
last try for yesterday's posts :)

Laurie- fingers crossed for no new glasses!

Krista- just looking at your list of babies and their milestones.... makes me want to cry and cheer for you all at the same time. Did everyone get off to school and day care ok? And YES! You and Sally are aliens. Look at all you did, and then made that delish sounding dinner? wow!!!

Trudy- yay for a camera homecoming!!!! And the firepit/water... sounds like the perfect end to a day....

I want my cat would stop peeing
I want the advocate to call me back!
I wish I didn't have to work today.
I wish I could learn how to be a bit lazy LOL
Well yesterday was a successful first day of school for the girls :cheer2: The little girls coped well with not having their big sisters home too. They don't like it much though that's for sure. Poor little bugs. Mya is anxious to get started with school ;) Only a few more sleeps ;)

Danielle had soccer practice last night, and Peter had a game out of town with the U17's, so I took the girls to practice, so they could run around. It was a beautiful night actually, lots of sun, warm, and lots of wind. So Olivia brought along her kite, that was fun, I haven't flown a kite in years, so they had fun chasing the kite. ;)

We have 2 dogs, Porkee - a 3 year old Yorkie Poodle, and Patrick - a one year old boston terrier beagle, aka a HUNTER!!! My darling Patrick decided last night, while Peter was still gone, to bring Mommy in his "trophy" kill, ugh .... a rat!! Could someone please KILL me .... I have a completely IRRATIONAL fear of rodents, dead or alive!! Thank God, my brother only lives a few minutes away, because he came over and helped me out. Needless to say I didn't sleep worth a damn last night. :yawn:

I was going to go the gym again this morning, but due to a horrendous sleep, yeah it didn't happen, the alarm went off, and I told Peter to shut it off, couldn't do it. I work today at 4, and then Thursday and Friday, I'm on split shifts, so I will have to try again next week for the gym. :( But it will come :)

Ok, off to the gallery for a bit. Have a fabulous day ladies!!
Productive Wednesday so far!! :cheer2:
  1. All beds made
  2. Girls rooms "re-tidied"
  3. All morning shower towels hung up
  4. Breakfast dishes done
Now it's Mommy time :) The two little girls are snuggled in upstairs watching Monsters Inc!! :)
Sneaking in......

Whew Nick is in school full time now! So I have 6 hours a day - kid free! What to do??? What to do?? Laundry? Naaaaaaaaah....... cleaning....Naaaaaaahhh,...I want to scrap!!! *lol*

Today I am taking Nick to the dentist...he has a cavity :( Grrrrr....he has been brushing and flossing but has bad genes when it comes to teeth :( Poor Pookie! Mama I think is more upset then him!! Thankfully my dad (Nick's best friend in the world) is home today and is going with us so that should make it easier.

Chris - That is so frustrating ((hugs)) about the advocate.

I have to run...but will be back to do more personals later :) Have a great one ladies!
Good morning! So, we are on day two of school at home. Yesterday went well, but Ethan is very lazy and chooses not to think often and it drives me nuts. He thinks if he's difficult enough I'll just give him the answer. So we'll have to work on that. I'm see it more today than yesterday. A lesson today that should have taken 20 minutes tops is taking an hour. Grrrrrrr! I am also noticing that he writes all of his letters wrong which is so annoying. So I'm going to have to teach him how to write his letters and break his habits. But it is going well in general.

Today is me and dh's anniversary. As is our tradition...I forgot. We never know which one to celebrate since we have two, but my sister sent me a message and reminded me because she knows. I doubt we'll do anything but it is our day nonetheless. Today is actually our wedding anniversary and in December we have our anniversary of the day we actually got married in the courthouse. It's a military thing. We had to get married before our wedding so that i could get my visa to live in Italy.

So, I've missed out of personals for awhile so I think I will try and do some today.

Chris: so, I don't actually have an iPad. Our friend Dave is letting us use his until we have Internet set up. He's good about that stuff. I do like the iPad but what I don't like about it is that it is just like a phone and so for a lot of websites it comes up like a phone. For instance on hotmail I can only look at the inbox and not junk mail or contacts. And I can't get onto bill pay, which sucks. So, about that cat...I don't know if this will help but our cat had problems using her litter box after she had some bad bacteria in her belly causing her to poo all over the house. When we took her to the vet and they got her belly all fixed they also helped us get her back to using the litter box. Essentially they told us to keep her box totally clean as possible and then had us lock her in a small space like a bathroom until she got the hang of using her litter box again. It took a few days but she got the hang of it and we haven't had any major problems since. As far the patient advocate...after a month I would go sit my butt in her office and wait until she found some time to talk to me. Then you can slip that amytriptaline in her coffee too. Lol!

LindaS - I love that gift you got for your dad. I know what you mean about artscow. I guess that's what you get ordering from hong kong. I hope you have a nice time with him tonight.

NanaLinda - I hate it when i lose posts. It is so annoying. I hope savanna 's birthday party goes well. I'm sure it will be. Birthday parties are always fun. I'm glad you are going to visit Allison and hopefully all the strain is gone during this visit.

Krista - yay for a good first day of school. The little ones always hate it when the big ones head off to school don't they? Addie always would get upset when Ethan would get on the bus without her. Sounds like you are busy busy. I love flying kites at the park...well, I like watching Derek and Ethan fly their kites is more like it. I don't know how you do all that you do. No wonder you and Sally get along so well...you move at the same speed.

Okay, I am outta here. We somehow lost ethan's math book so I have to go a buy a new one I believe. Ugh!
Kat - I missed you. Whatever will you do with all that free time. How fun for you...although the time seems to fill up rather quickly I have found. How was getting Nick set up for school this year? Good luck with those cavities. I hope you have an awesome dentist. I know the dentist makes so much difference. I used to drive 45 minutes to take Ethan to the dentist because he had bad teeth (soft enamel) and it was so worth it when he told me one day his tooth hurt and he needed to see the dentist.
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Hi everyone... late as usual getting in here today, I have been typing up a resume so that I can get out and finally get back into the work force. Mixed emotions on this, not sure if I really want to go back, but the extra money sure would be great! Then perhaps I could finally afford to get what I need to furnish my B&B. Now that Heather is all settled in Ontario with her man and seems to be very happy, I can get on with life around our empty nest and get back to work. It's been a long time and I am very nervous about going back!! Enough of that :blah: So just a quick post in here and I am out the door to drop off my applications. :scared: Wish me luck...personals later :wave:
Hi Trudy, Ok, slap me if I'm being dense but where are you?? :) Mitchell is about 20 minutes away from me, so definitely look me up. ;) If you are flying into Toronto ... you will have to drive directly past my place of employment ... Madelyn's Diner ... which is my Mom's diner ;) It's on the same highway that takes you through Stratford and to Mitchell :) I have family in Mitchell, and lived there myself about 20 years ago for a bit :) Small world :)
Super busy right now, I'll come back this evening for personals.

Trying to track down a feed store that still has the breed of chicks we want, it's looking like I'm going to have to wait a week to get the chicks. It's frustrating because the supplier is here in town, but since they supply the whole region, you can only order cases of 25 chicks. We just want two, maybe three!

Weather has finally cooled down... Friday it was like 109, but today's going to top out of 81!! Hooray!

Chris-- Is there any other advocate you can go to? I know what it's like when you need to launch a serious complaint about a Dr, but they very people that are supposed to help -- don't! Be stern on the advocate's voicemail, threaten action against them too! That always gets me places with the cable company :) I just wish I had your guts 8 months ago to speak up!
If you join the swap, put "heymego" (that's me) as your referral! I've already mailed five books, and ordered two. I have credit for five more! It's great, I'm really loving how easy it is.
Hi Trudy, Ok, slap me if I'm being dense but where are you?? :) Mitchell is about 20 minutes away from me, so definitely look me up. ;) If you are flying into Toronto ... you will have to drive directly past my place of employment ... Madelyn's Diner ... which is my Mom's diner ;) It's on the same highway that takes you through Stratford and to Mitchell :) I have family in Mitchell, and lived there myself about 20 years ago for a bit :) Small world :)
Wow it really is a small world!! I am on Vancouver Island, but my daughter lives in Mitchell and she was just home for a long visit. She is living there with her boyfriend last name is McCann, apparently the McCanns are all over the place out that way. I was there for a visit in May and hope to get another visit in soon, but we will have to see what the future brings, I do hope to get out that way at least once a year, so I will have to get in touch with you for sure!! How fun
Wow it really is a small world!! I am on Vancouver Island, but my daughter lives in Mitchell and she was just home for a long visit. She is living there with her boyfriend last name is McCann, apparently the McCanns are all over the place out that way. I was there for a visit in May and hope to get another visit in soon, but we will have to see what the future brings, I do hope to get out that way at least once a year, so I will have to get in touch with you for sure!! How fun
I know lots of McCann's :) hehehehe :) Is she working?? I have a cousin in Vancouver as well :)
Stopping in for a quick drive by. Did soccer practice and then dad's birthday...done in shifts...my two had soccer and my niece had powder puff football (it's homecoming week) when my two were free...so we kind of did a tag team approach. Dad didn't seem to mind. :-) His blanket isn't here yet but that will give him something to look forward to.

Clara, glad that you have some internet usage.

Krista, what a productive day! And that doesn't count all of your posts!
I know lots of McCann's :) hehehehe :) Is she working?? I have a cousin in Vancouver as well :)

No my daughter does not work, she had viral encephilitis when she was 18 and cannot keep her balance so she needs help with mobility, her boyfriend is awesome with her and seems to be very much in love with her!! She is on disability and he works with his his uncle they install garage doors the company is in Stratford. :D