
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 23


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-zies, and happy Wednesday! It feels odd that it is pitch dark outside but not cold. I left my window open an inch or so since it was over 60* when I went to bed and I didn't freeze. Hiking with the kids yesterday was astoundingly beautiful. Bright sunshine came through the trees and the leaves were all yellow and orange floating down around us. It was one of those moments when I wished my eyes were cameras and I could have just snapped that sight. :cameraclick: YKWIM?
I had a harder time getting the kids to imagine being in bed on a cold autumn night when we were discussing the things people and animals need for shelter. Hahah! We were sitting at the picnic tables after the hike and everyone was sweaty and thirsty. The kids *loved* the tarp shelter. They had Lauren and I come inside with them but it got very warm in there and fast. They pretended to snore and take naps while I acted out wind and rain (sprinkled a water bottle all over the tarp of course!) which they thought was hysterical.
We didn't have time to create a pretend animal and habitat but that is cool, I can save that for another day.

I am off to clean for my friend this morning and I need to work on some scrap stuff here this afternoon.
If you have a chance check out the October Art Journaling Challenge Week 4 (Embrace)



Well-Known Member
Yesterday we ordered a new front door, an 8' slider and a 6' slider all hurricane rated....Cha ching $$$$ but now our house will be all safe- we had no damage but now we have more peace of mind. Then at 11 I met some friends at the club pool for aerobics just after noon we were set to leave and were talking about going to lunch today as all the guys are going out. It was so perfectly gorgeous then so I said why don't we come here at noon bring a lunch the go in the pool and just enjoy ourselves here....unanimous Yes so now it is Ladies Lunch and Pool Day. One of the ladies is bringing mimosa's--oh boy.
Last night we had a casual dinner for our snowbird pond friends who just got back from their home in VT. All friends around the pond- the Pond Ladies. So there was 7 of us and we had a blast. We made smoked pulled pork, rice or Vienna roll, coleslaw and fruit. Everyone enjoyed it.

Ill be back later to see what everyone is doing.
Have a sparkling day


The Loopy-O
Last night I got a phone call from the cardiologist. All of the Holtar gobbledygook of skipped beats are nothing to be concerned about, no need to see him for a follow-up. Yipppeeeee! I'll pass the info along to my GP when I see him on Friday but it's all good news!

Love your creativity for your HS group!
Thank you! I'm having a blast if you can't tell :D
My butt was flat by the time we got home after 9 hours with very few stops! But, even though the wrists are both sore and I have to use both hands to pick up my glass, the swelling in the right wrist is down! My ribs still hurt when I bend over and try to breath at the same time, LOL! I will survive!
Hopefully, some gentle moving will keep you from getting too stiff today. Hang in there!

@Terri M Eleven Wineries and all in biking distance. That is pretty darn awesome! (Just don't fall off your bikes. You might want to hit Vicky up for some of her bubble wrap!! :rotfl:)

I tried to make dinner by myself -- David's been doing the cutting since my broken wrist but he was taking a nap -- and I got so frustrated with stuff dropping and bouncing all over the kitchen that I was in tears by the time he woke up.
Hugs to you... that must be so frustrating. :hug3:
The wrist didn't hold me back at all, Thanks for asking! A couple times it was an advantage, like when there weren't enough seats on the tram and I was the last one to board, three gentlemen offered me a place
At least, you had that! :D
Enjoy knitting, but keep an eye on the time so you don't overdo it. ♥
Of course I will try to work on my calendar again, it is slow going and I need to go through photos and pick what I want for each month. Same thing as every year I think I should stop making them, but the family does love to get them. One month at a time, I can do it!!
It's a labor of love and you know they appreciate it. You got this!
This was the first year I didn't make an album for Christopher's birthday and I felt bad. But sheesh, he is 13, that's not what he wants.
It was below freezing last week --only a few degrees warmer than Tracy and now it's in the 70s. The drought is getting bad though, so I wish we would at least get some steady rain.
The kids are doing an October trip to Knoebels--that is where they go camping every summer-- this weekend. I wonder if they will be able to have a campfire there?

@AK_Tracy No way, no power agioan? At least you slept through it but did it mess up your coffee pot timer? That would be bad.
Sorry that work is being a PITB to you!
I got up early and went to the gym, got groceries, and dreading the fact that Wendell thought I needed to go over to sign paperwork at the lawyer while he read it to his mother and double checked that the changes had been made yadda, yadda.
UGH ugh ughhhhhh. Glad you didn't have to do that part at least. It sounds awful and stressful.
How are your mouth and teeth and nose doing? Hope you aren't getting a cold.
Your weather sounds very similar to mine in NJ

Quick in and out... Slept in until 9:30AM!!! That was 12 and a half hours of sleep!!! :eek:
That is incredible. I hope that you have turned the corner after that.
I am chuckling about your mouse/battery incident. :giggle4:
Glad you got it working and scrapped some too.

HAGD Ooos!!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Another beautiful October morning. I don't mind that it will be close to 80 this afternoon, since the county parks & rec is treating the Trails Crew to a pizza lunch to thank us for all our work in rebuilding and replacing flood damage. A few pizzas is a good price for them to pay in return to several hundred hours of work!

I had to laugh at my occupational therapist who suggested I can take my brace off for short period of times for easy things, like folding laundry. I told her that the brace is how I'm getting out of folding laundry, how about for knitting? or for using my computer? She was OK with that, but suggested "folding laundry" again. I don't think she's getting the point.:giggle4:

Last night I got a phone call from the cardiologist. All of the Holtar gobbledygook of skipped beats are nothing to be concerned about, no need to see him for a follow-up. Yipppeeeee!

Its crazy. Put in notice and then get asked to work lots more then normal. I'm sure its just happenstance but its funny to me. Oh you wanna retire, well, you gotta work an extra 40 hours a month
My brother retired from a water treatment job earlier this year. A couple weeks later, a delivery put the right chemical into the wrong tank, creating a cloud of toxic fumes that almost killed 4 workers and damaged a lot of the facility. They begged him to come back and do the training and documentation (that he had been telling them for years was needed) so he came out of retirement for a couple months of consultant-rate working. It should never have happened, but it did pay for his move to Florida.

The good news is I managed to get the LO done. The bad news is I spent all day on this
I bought the laptop I'm using a few years ago, and never liked the touchpad, whereas I had used only the touchpad for many years on my two previous laptops. So I bought a mouse, and off and on I've tried to turn off the touchpad. Should be easy, right? Well with my brace on my wrist, it constantly came in touch with the pad, and messed up my typing. I got so frustrated yesterday I was determined there had to be a way. I tried all the googling I could think of, still never got it, and then just deep-dove into my Windows settings with the feeling that if I messed it up, too bad, I'd just buy a new one at this point, it was getting crazy. It took me a good part of the afternoon but I FINALLY found the right setting (not, for some reason, under any Settings category you would think to look) and I'm ecstatic that I've been able to type this without drama! But, yes, it's crazy how all these things that are supposed to make life easier are just major consumers of time.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning O friends! It is cloudy and cool and I am staying home from the hike today, as MIL needs my help for most of the day. She never asks for my help, so I figured I better be there for her. I have to drop a parcel off to the post office today, part of my free shipping Tuesdays. This one is for Heather a laptop that she needs, it is one that was my DH's but he never uses and its a great little laptop and a new saucepan that I found for her along with a long sleeved top that I had and doesn't fit me, its a little too snug. Just a few things that I figured I may as well give her while I have the free shipping. Only one Tuesday left, wonder what I should send next week :giggle4: . Anyway today will be busy getting things ready for Aunt Betty's visit with MIL and FIL. They haven't seen each other since the house at the Lake went up for sale, so it will be a first visit to this new house. I think I will have my work cut out for me with getting things all spiffy and helping with the meal planning. Hopefully SIL Linda will also be there. I guess no scrapping for me again today.

Hey there, O-zies, and happy Wednesday! It feels odd that it is pitch dark outside but not cold. I left my window open an inch or so since it was over 60* when I went to bed and I didn't freeze. Hiking with the kids yesterday was astoundingly beautiful. Bright sunshine came through the trees and the leaves were all yellow and orange floating down around us. It was one of those moments when I wished my eyes were cameras and I could have just snapped that sight. :cameraclick: YKWIM?
Ohh I just love those kind of hikes where the sun shines through the trees and the colours are just amazing!! I totally know what you mean about wishing your eyes were a camera!! Even if you take a photo, its still not as beautiful as what your eye sees!! Sounds like you had another great day with the kids and HS!! I can just picture you blowing like the wind and making rain on the tarp roof LOL.
Yesterday we ordered a new front door, an 8' slider and a 6' slider all hurricane rated....Cha ching $$$$ but now our house will be all safe- we had no damage but now we have more peace of mind.
Ugh, on the Cha Ching $$$$ I know the feeling, we are having to do lots of renos , but it does give you more peace of mind! Your day at the pool sounds like a great time!! Have a mimosa for me :beach1:Cheers!!
I had to laugh at my occupational therapist who suggested I can take my brace off for short period of times for easy things, like folding laundry. I told her that the brace is how I'm getting out of folding laundry, how about for knitting? or for using my computer? She was OK with that, but suggested "folding laundry" again. I don't think she's getting the point.:giggle4:
Ha, Ha your occupational therapist needs to clue in!! It is good though that you are able to start using your wrist again, but ya I would keep up with telling your DH to do the folding of the laundry!! :giggle4:

Ok I better get going and get on with my day, it will be a busy one I am sure. Have a great day everyone and hello:wavinghello: to everyone else that pops in here today!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Beautiful O Family.

They pretended to snore and take naps while I acted out wind and rain (sprinkled a water bottle all over the tarp of course!) which they thought was hysterical.
We didn't have time to create a pretend animal and habitat but that is cool, I can save that for another day.
This is so funny and sweet!! I can just see you running around sprinkling water. What fun memories those kids will have because you gave 200% and put so much thought into making it a blast.

Yes so now it is Ladies Lunch and Pool Day. One of the ladies is bringing mimosa's--oh boy.
Sign me up! This sounds amazing!!! Pool day is so long over for us.......well it would have been a lake anyway but yesterday was warm and windy and yeah 45*.

Last night I got a phone call from the cardiologist. All of the Holtar gobbledygook of skipped beats are nothing to be concerned about, no need to see him for a follow-up. Yipppeeeee! I'll pass the info along to my GP when I see him on Friday but it's all good news!
:party2::cheer::dancingbfly::dancing6:Most wonderful news!!!!!!!
@AK_Tracy No way, no power agioan? At least you slept through it but did it mess up your coffee pot timer?
Coffee pot timer?? Never gets messed up. Its not on a timer. :giggle4::coffeedrinker: Its hubs! He gets up early for Stockmarket stuff and so at 6:50 he pushes the button so its done when I get up. Never have set the timer (or time) on my coffee pot. :floorlaugh:
I had to laugh at my occupational therapist who suggested I can take my brace off for short period of times for easy things, like folding laundry. I told her that the brace is how I'm getting out of folding laundry, how about for knitting? or for using my computer? She was OK with that, but suggested "folding laundry" again. I don't think she's getting the point.:giggle4:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: She didn't get it at all did she! Um hello! The advantage is not folding laundry :giggle4: I wonder if she wanted you to fold laundry for the movement aspect and stretching and working the wrist. I'm sure there are other options though besides folding laundry.

Its Wednesday. Shepards Pie for dinner. Always a fun one to make. 150 servings of mashed potatoes to top the pans. Whip whip whip! :whip3: Oh wait, maybe thats whisk whisk whisk :giggle4: Off for more coffee.

Have a wonderful day!


Love my O Family!
Last night I got a phone call from the cardiologist. All of the Holtar gobbledygook of skipped beats are nothing to be concerned about, no need to see him for a follow-up. Yipppeeeee! I'll pass the info along to my GP when I see him on Friday but it's all good news!

Thank you! I'm having a blast if you can't tell :D

Hopefully, some gentle moving will keep you from getting too stiff today. Hang in there!

@Terri M Eleven Wineries and all in biking distance. That is pretty darn awesome! (Just don't fall off your bikes. You might want to hit Vicky up for some of her bubble wrap!! :rotfl:)

Hugs to you... that must be so frustrating. :hug3:

At least, you had that! :D
Enjoy knitting, but keep an eye on the time so you don't overdo it. ♥

It's a labor of love and you know they appreciate it. You got this!
This was the first year I didn't make an album for Christopher's birthday and I felt bad. But sheesh, he is 13, that's not what he wants.
It was below freezing last week --only a few degrees warmer than Tracy and now it's in the 70s. The drought is getting bad though, so I wish we would at least get some steady rain.
The kids are doing an October trip to Knoebels--that is where they go camping every summer-- this weekend. I wonder if they will be able to have a campfire there?

@AK_Tracy No way, no power agioan? At least you slept through it but did it mess up your coffee pot timer? That would be bad.
Sorry that work is being a PITB to you!

UGH ugh ughhhhhh. Glad you didn't have to do that part at least. It sounds awful and stressful.
How are your mouth and teeth and nose doing? Hope you aren't getting a cold.
Your weather sounds very similar to mine in NJ

That is incredible. I hope that you have turned the corner after that.
I am chuckling about your mouse/battery incident. :giggle4:
Glad you got it working and scrapped some too.

HAGD Ooos!!
YAY! So glad there is no need for cardio followup!!!
My left side is feeling better each day, but the right side is still pretty stiff and hurts. Not to type, but it sure hurts if I try to do anything else with it! I have to use both hands to pick up my beverage containers, pull drawers open, pull on anything, actually!
There's the bruise on the side of my arm, even though it looks like it is on the top.

There's the bruises underneath. You can see the lump where most of the swelling is.

@Terri M here's the bubble wrap my pastor's wife sent to me that I will share with you! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Mark and I did early voting this morning and then stopped at Mickey D's for some egg McMuffins. He likes their greasy hash browns so he ate that on the way home while I ate my egg McMuffin. Then I went to get groceries. Now I'm going to play on the computer the rest of the day, or as long as my wrists can stand it.
I used my other laptop to move our Alabama pictures over from the camera to the EHD and something happened after I shut the laptop down and moved the EHD to use here on my Mac.....most of the pictures disappeared! Went to the recycle bin on the other laptop and it was empty! Curses! I was able to get the phone pictures from Google photos but the camera pictures are history! GRRRRR!!! Anyone have any suggestions? I had taken a picture of an eagle soaring over the lake, too! Gone! All of my beautiful sunrise photos with the fog over the lake...gone!!! I'm so aggravated!
Oh well, at least I have the selfies of the family pictures! I guess that's the most important ones!
OK, gonna spend the day scrapping and catching up with my ATCs
Have a great day!


Didn't need the alarm this morning... woke up at 7AM... Up and dressed then out the door to the have my lab work done. Back to the house to have a quick cup of coffee and muffins for breakfast. Then loaded the frozen meals that were on recall and over to Smith's to turn them in. The clerk gave me a Smith's $$card for the 5 meals. I had preloaded the digital coupons to my Smith's member card last night so it was a fast zip around the store to get everything then back home.

Just downloaded another CT kit and hope to get it done this afternoon. At least the mouse is working like it should now. :floorlaugh: Looking forward to seeing the Color Play kits/bundles tomorrow evening! Love the colors and theme this month.

@faerywings so glad your cardio doc said no need for a visit!!! :yesss:

@vickyday OUCH... oh, your poor hands/wrists. I can tell it will be awhile before they heal. :hug2:

Good Morning Beautiful O Family.
Coffee pot timer?? Never gets messed up. Its not on a timer. :giggle4::coffeedrinker: Its hubs! He gets up early for Stockmarket stuff and so at 6:50 he pushes the button so its done when I get up. Never have set the timer (or time) on my coffee pot. :floorlaugh:

Its Wednesday. Shepards Pie for dinner. Always a fun one to make. 150 servings of mashed potatoes to top the pans. Whip whip whip! :whip3: Oh wait, maybe thats whisk whisk whisk :giggle4: Off for more coffee.
150 servings of mashed potatoes!!! :wow: that's a lot of potatoes to mash!

@Cherylndesigns I was in stiches over Ava tearing open the package for the 'other Cheryl'. But it was a fun way to meet the other gal and glad she understood what happened.

Time to call DD#3 and check-up on her and her hubby. Hope they didn't have too much of a reaction to their vaccinations.


Well-Known Member
YAY! So glad there is no need for cardio followup!!!
My left side is feeling better each day, but the right side is still pretty stiff and hurts. Not to type, but it sure hurts if I try to do anything else with it! I have to use both hands to pick up my beverage containers, pull drawers open, pull on anything, actually!
View attachment 431083
There's the bruise on the side of my arm, even though it looks like it is on the top.
View attachment 431084

There's the bruises underneath. You can see the lump where most of the swelling is.

@Terri M here's the bubble wrap my pastor's wife sent to me that I will share with you! ;)
View attachment 431085
Oh Vicky! That looks painful!!!! I hope the swelling reduces quickly. My daughter swears black castor oil reduces swelling almost instantly. (couple hours) but I don't know if that applies to bruise swelling or not. I love the bubble suit!!!!


Well-Known Member
150 servings of mashed potatoes!!! :wow: that's a lot of potatoes to mash!
Thankfully I am not as crazy as it appears! :floorlaugh: Its the one time in my life I use boxed powder mashed potatoes. We add sour cream and milk to make them more creamy and less box tasting. But ya still gotta :whip3: it, I mean whisk it, to get the lumps out. Cant have a mouthful of powder cause ya didn't de-lump it.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho off to work I go........ I mean WOOO HOOOO!!!! I'm off to my happy place!! Here I come kitchen!!!!!
:floorlaugh: (might have just confirmed I am as crazy as I appear) :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Didn't need the alarm this morning... woke up at 7AM... Up and dressed then out the door to the have my lab work done. Back to the house to have a quick cup of coffee and muffins for breakfast. Then loaded the frozen meals that were on recall and over to Smith's to turn them in. The clerk gave me a Smith's $$card for the 5 meals. I had preloaded the digital coupons to my Smith's member card last night so it was a fast zip around the store to get everything then back home.

Just downloaded another CT kit and hope to get it done this afternoon. At least the mouse is working like it should now. :floorlaugh: Looking forward to seeing the Color Play kits/bundles tomorrow evening! Love the colors and theme this month.

@faerywings so glad your cardio doc said no need for a visit!!! :yesss:

@vickyday OUCH... oh, your poor hands/wrists. I can tell it will be awhile before they heal. :hug2:

150 servings of mashed potatoes!!! :wow: that's a lot of potatoes to mash!

@Cherylndesigns I was in stiches over Ava tearing open the package for the 'other Cheryl'. But it was a fun way to meet the other gal and glad she understood what happened.

Time to call DD#3 and check-up on her and her hubby. Hope they didn't have too much of a reaction to their vaccinations.
Yes, it's going to be a while before the bruises go away and the pain.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Evening, all.

Just got home from the softball double header. Tonight, Drake's games weren't back-to-back. They had to wait on the diamond while another team played. UGH. That makes for a LONG night. It's very nice here and we didn't even need our blankets. I took one of my new sweaters and a jacket and I finally put the jacket on. It starts getting pretty chilly about nine o'clock. They're fun though and I enjoy my "Ava and Drake time". Drake plays shortstop and he got hit in the neck tonight. Ava always tells him not to get hit in the face because he's so pretty.. LOL Then, we're sitting there, minding our own business and a baseball comes whizzing up and hits me in the side of the head. Ava totally freaked out - it came from one of the fields behind us. I was fine, thankfully, I had my new glasses on and the shaft kind of protected the side of my head. One of Drake's teammates got hit square in the back of the head. It was a crazy head-hitting night. Kind of scary now that I'm writing this, and it could have been so much worse for all of us.

We went to eat after the games - there's a new restaurant that opened two days ago and the line was wrapped around the whole place - double lines, UGH. I hate to eat this late, but I had chicken strips, and they were danged good. They're kind of famous for their ice cream and Drake got a banana split and Ava got something - I don't remember what and Drake took the drink (a chocolate malt) that came with my chicken strips (that I didn't want). That guy can eat!! The kid who gave us our food kind of made a joke about all the food we ordered - Ava yelled "we have people at home waiting for food". It was just the three of us. :blowkiss::blowkiss:

I just went through and sent a hug to all of you. Hugs to ALL and XOXO and I'll try to do personals tomorrow. I have about 3 CP layouts that I need to get crack-a-lacking on. :grouphugyay: