
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 2


The Loopy-O
Time to dance, we finally saw blue skies yesterday! I wasn't 100% sure what that even was anymore. :D
I hope the rain stopped for those of you in the Southeast, it's been terrible for so long.

HS was a blast yesterday! I gotta say, I love that one kid but he is a handful! By the end of the session, I feel like we have just shouted over each other, progressively getting louder and louder. Redirecting him has mixed results. I'll keep working on it with him. The corn husk characters and the puppet show (I called it a YouTube video ;)) were hysterical! I had them make corn husk dolls and then we came up with a script., characters, scene, and plot. We set up the cabin's porch with a tablecloth and Laney decorated it. I had them do a run-through, and then we invited the two staff members who were on-site to come and watch. I recorded it on my phone and they loved that. Loved it. One boy couldn't wait to show his mom. I'll send the video to the Director if she wants to post it anywhere. The grass and wood were pretty damp and we couldn't get a fire started but we made (burned some too) popcorn on the camp stove I borrowed from Scott.

I have a quiet(ish) morning, and then cleaning for my friend this afternoon. Prepping for Apples tomorrow. We are making applesauce in the Instant Pot, plus some apple experiments. Scott and Sam might stop in today too.

Hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
I showed Gary the video of the show when I got home and within seconds, he could tell which boy I was talking about who was *loud.* :lol23:

A followup from my April visit to do bloodwork to see how/if the vitamins are helping with the b12 deficiency. I won't be doing another DEXA scan for several months.
Hope the labs come back in good ranges! I have to put making the calcium score/DEXA appts on my to-do list for today. Thx for reminding me -- I can't seem to figure out why that keeps slipping my mind.... :thinking2: :D
I can not imagine the devastation of the NC areas hit. I read an article by someone who lives in Asheville and he wrote how he was disoriented when he saw one home in town that looked like it was in the wrong place. He looked closer and it was because it wasn't on its foundation anymore. Had lifted up and floated down the property. Mindboggling, heartbreaking and mindboggling.

@BrightEyes You can send me the 80* temps! I am not ready to give up summer but looks like I don't have much choice. boo. I hope the winds have calmed down.
Did you sleep better last night? I've been up since 4.30 this morning and that stinks.

oday I get the stitches out of my wrist and get rid of the big bandage/brace. :woohoo:I am counting the hours, 4.5 from now! I hope I can knit then.
How did that go?? Think you will be able to knit soon? Are you getting excited for your trip?

Well it seems I must have been asleep at the helm while working on getting the challenge tracking thread for October done :giggle4: seems I posted the wrong list of challenges.
That sounds exactly like something I would do. :giggle4:
Did you get to scrap at all? I can't believe it is time to work on calendars again. I saw in the HAPS natali has a set out if you didn't catch that.

No wonder corn is not good for you, its grass and people aren't supposed to eat grass right?!!
The kids wanted to taste the uncooked corn kernels from the ear that I brought in. Even after I told them it was grass LOL!!!

@AK_Tracy Have you been checking out the dollar deals? They won't hurt the credit card too much. (if you only buy a few at a time, that is. If you buy the entire story-- that is a different story :p)

ITA with Terri and Vicky-- 32* is cold! :brrr:

@JeanneMN I bet if you were a cat you would know where the box was.

Hope the dentist appt went well!


Well-Known Member
Belly button check in today. It will be a 12 hour work day today with Wednesday programs at church. All is well, Mark is maybe over doing it a little bit - yesterday he was pretty sore. Rest and Ice for him today!
@faerywings glad to hear everything went well yesterday! Your energy is so fun and positive and you are so creative with your activities. It's pretty grey and misty here now, but it promises to be sunny and 80 by this afternoon.

HAGD everyone!