Yesterday, I lagged with a lot of work so today was busy day. Finally we received the order that was stopped on the customs. My sister often order from iHerb, because they give quality on a good price and have many brands that we don't have here. This time we combinate three of us so to save from delivery. But the business here never think how to improve yourself, but always make obstacles. Looks like before few months they have lead a new rule, that all orders from outside the EU expensive than $30 will be charged with additional fee for the customs. After my sister copies few of the documents they wants and pay the fee, she finally could got the package. We will know for the future, but now was so disappointing, trying to save we fell into the trap of the customs. :spider:
Ouch, Chris, this is nightmare! Like Trudy I also guess that is something from your provider, here happens often after rain and they have to restart it. Hope it's been resolved today!
Trudy, so bad about your MIL, hope she feeling well soon! Also hope at last the storm to pass you!
Nancy, oh, dear, my water meter is in my yard and we have to isolate it every winter or will froze. Hope you don't have problems like that! It's also favorite place for winter sleep of the snails, but I don't mind. How good that you have fun game night yesterday and hope it's same today! This book that you say sounds very interesting, unfortunately I didn't find it translated here
! Also I saw your Devils pages ant they are awesome!
Rae, how bad that you're sick again! This is the bad side of the autumn. Fingers crossed all to get away only with teas and vitamins! Hope you can get early to the bed with a warm blanket and have some recovering sleep! I know you're very busy these days and this normally drop your energy down. Take care for yourself today, girl!
Jean, I hope you have sunny weather today and make something fun!