
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, November 29


The Loopy-O
hey hey hey!!! Good morning, my lovely Ooos!
It's a wonderful start to the day here looking at everyone's holiday/pre-party avatars. It will take getting used to, matching names to new pics., even my own :D

How was everyone's day? It was awfully cold and damp here. We had a snow squall around lunchtime but it didn't stick. It didn't look pretty either, it was blowing down sideways from the wind. When I was out with the dogs, I was saying to myself, "What in the world were you thinking, taking a job outside in the winter??" :crazy: But then I remembered that I wasn't dressed to be outside. I got all of the paperwork for payroll set up and it's official. Anne called to tell me my pay rate and that I can accrue sick days. I never had a job that had sick time, even as a preschool teacher when you really need it the most!
I know it is really silly, but Weis sent out an end-of-the-month newsletter yesterday and my name is now listed under Staff. :love: Chris is pretty common but I checked the website and there isn't another Chris listed so it has to be me *G*
That gave me an idea for a gift-- I am asking for insulated waterproof hiking boots. The ones I have are waterproof but are not insulated so anything to keep my feet warm is a bonus. Not to mention I met a woman at Coloring Crew who loves to hike and we might meet up to hike together. She hikes in the snow so I am going to have to get myself out there and more used to it one way or the other.

I spent most of the day catching up on stuff, paid bills, and made my mammo appt for next week. I was going to start baking but I didn't have shredded coconut. I simply didn't have it in me to run out for it.

I cannot believe how fast November flew by. I have *got* to get myself together with gift ideas for the extended family. What in the world do you get people who need or want nothing? Last year, I made homemade biscotti and tarallis for my parents. Maybe some other food item... As for my ILs, not even a tiny clue.

I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon so should have some time to poke around Pinterest for ideas. I'll take any and all suggestions you might have.



The Loopy-O
@vickyday My doctor's paperwork said that I wouldn't be medically cleared for jury duty for 12+ months so I have a little bit of a breather.
I hope that Mark continues to improve! Checkbook stuff is the wooooooorst. :/

@BrightEyes I adore your avatar and siggie! You look very cozy in spite of the freezing weather you are having. Stay warm today.
I'll keep my eyes open for Inheritance in my library :)

@taxed4ever Oh wow! The advent boxes are amazing, you are so creative! And the Junk Journal. How in the world do you do all of that? :bowdown: You are a Queen!

And @tanteva you are a brat! :floorlaugh: Hope you enjoyed your spaghetti and ketchup :sick:

@Su_Sanne I have heard horror stories about other people on Jury Duty Zoom calls and I was so nervous I was going to be one of them LOL

@Cherylndesigns YAY!!! That's fantastic news about Chuck from the PT nurse!!!! How did the Visiting nurse visit go? I bet he'll be thrilled when he doesn't have to get poked and prodded anymore.
What the heck? How do you lose a jacket in sheets? Boys!!! :D

time to get my day started, have a great one! :grouphugyay:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It is hike day for me today, so I will be quick in and out of here. I managed to get the 7th page done for my calendar and hope to upload it to the gallery today sometime. I also need to get my Christmas face on for the party and get a new AVI and Siggie. It is chilly but not a bad looking morning out there so I will have to dress warm for the hike today.

@faerywings - That is a great suggestion for a gift this year! It is so nice to have warm boots especially if you are hiking in the snow! Congrats on officially being on the payroll and having your name in the newsletter!! How exciting for you! Hope you find some good gift suggestions on Pinterest today. I think we are giving the gift of food delivery to Gary's Mom and Dad, its called Heart to Home and they cater to the elderly with lots of wonderful meals to choose from. MIL keeps complaining about having to cook, so hopefully they will enjoy this as a gift. Thanks for the nice compliments on my crafting, I do really enjoy it!!

@Cherylndesigns - What wonderful news that your Chuck is doing so very well! I bet he is one happy guy! I bet you are so happy to have him back home with you too!!

Ok ladies I gotta run and get things packed up for my hike. I hope to be back in here this afternoon and get some scrapping done and a new look for the Party:xmas2. Have a great day! :waving3:


Morning, all. I agree @faerywings - the avatars are so festive... really brightens up the forum! And I see a lot of new siggys popping up, too. Good luck on finding your insulated waterproof boots. So excited for you that you are now 'officially' on the roster at work. Glad you met a gal at CC who also hikes... hope you can get together on one soon.

Yesterday was a very busy day. Paid my cc bill at Kohl's and while I was there I bought another pair of PJs that were on sale and asked for the discount and got it!! Just remembered I put them in the trunk of the car... better get them out this morning!! :floorlaugh: So nice to have nice warm PJs that fit. Returned the shoes and purse to Ross - then went to the other Ross (2 miles away) but didn't find anything I wanted. Finally over to TMobil to talk to them about my bill... and why Apple TV+ wasn't letting me sign-in. I had talked to Apple last week, they said to talk to TM about it. The guy at TM store told me to call the TM Care Team about it and gave me the number. The tech got my Netflix back. He was puzzled over the AppleTV+ not working so send me another link to set it up again. Didn't work so called AppleTV+ support... she couldn't even find me in their system. Long story short... I still have to try to register with them - going through all the steps AGAIN! Then to top my day off, my cell phone kept pinging about every 3-4 minutes and I couldn't find out why or what was setting it off. No calls and no text messages or alerts... The guy at TM had changed some settings on it to turn off some HUB and news items I didn't want. Not sure if that was related. Anyway, I had to move the cell phone from my bedroom last night as I couldn't go to sleep with it going off all the time. Got up this morning and checked...no pinging... than goodness!!!

Today is 'doing chores at home'... the laundry hamper is over-flowing, put sheets on guest room, bed and a few other minor things. So I need to sort the laundry and get it on right away. BBL for personals.


Love my O Family!
hey hey hey!!! Good morning, my lovely Ooos!
It's a wonderful start to the day here looking at everyone's holiday/pre-party avatars. It will take getting used to, matching names to new pics., even my own :D

How was everyone's day? It was awfully cold and damp here. We had a snow squall around lunchtime but it didn't stick. It didn't look pretty either, it was blowing down sideways from the wind. When I was out with the dogs, I was saying to myself, "What in the world were you thinking, taking a job outside in the winter??" :crazy: But then I remembered that I wasn't dressed to be outside. I got all of the paperwork for payroll set up and it's official. Anne called to tell me my pay rate and that I can accrue sick days. I never had a job that had sick time, even as a preschool teacher when you really need it the most!
I know it is really silly, but Weis sent out an end-of-the-month newsletter yesterday and my name is now listed under Staff. :love: Chris is pretty common but I checked the website and there isn't another Chris listed so it has to be me *G*
That gave me an idea for a gift-- I am asking for insulated waterproof hiking boots. The ones I have are waterproof but are not insulated so anything to keep my feet warm is a bonus. Not to mention I met a woman at Coloring Crew who loves to hike and we might meet up to hike together. She hikes in the snow so I am going to have to get myself out there and more used to it one way or the other.

I spent most of the day catching up on stuff, paid bills, and made my mammo appt for next week. I was going to start baking but I didn't have shredded coconut. I simply didn't have it in me to run out for it.

I cannot believe how fast November flew by. I have *got* to get myself together with gift ideas for the extended family. What in the world do you get people who need or want nothing? Last year, I made homemade biscotti and tarallis for my parents. Maybe some other food item... As for my ILs, not even a tiny clue.

I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon so should have some time to poke around Pinterest for ideas. I'll take any and all suggestions you might have.

WooHoo! It's really happening, Chris! You are now officially employed! CONGRATS!
I think you answered your own question.....if I were your parents or ILs, I would LOVE to have already prepared frozen dinners ready to pop in the oven! Ask them!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday My doctor's paperwork said that I wouldn't be medically cleared for jury duty for 12+ months so I have a little bit of a breather.
I hope that Mark continues to improve! Checkbook stuff is the wooooooorst. :/

@BrightEyes I adore your avatar and siggie! You look very cozy in spite of the freezing weather you are having. Stay warm today.
I'll keep my eyes open for Inheritance in my library :)

@taxed4ever Oh wow! The advent boxes are amazing, you are so creative! And the Junk Journal. How in the world do you do all of that? :bowdown: You are a Queen!

And @tanteva you are a brat! :floorlaugh: Hope you enjoyed your spaghetti and ketchup :sick:

@Su_Sanne I have heard horror stories about other people on Jury Duty Zoom calls and I was so nervous I was going to be one of them LOL

@Cherylndesigns YAY!!! That's fantastic news about Chuck from the PT nurse!!!! How did the Visiting nurse visit go? I bet he'll be thrilled when he doesn't have to get poked and prodded anymore.
What the heck? How do you lose a jacket in sheets? Boys!!! :D

time to get my day started, have a great one! :grouphugyay:
That's good news that you don't have to worry about another jury call for awhile!
Thanks, Mark is feeling better! He felt well enough that he was back in the woods after work and built Piper a "throne" so she would be warmer than laying on the cabin floor or, heaven forbid, the ground! I told him all she needed now was a crown! I'll put a pic in my post.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It is hike day for me today, so I will be quick in and out of here. I managed to get the 7th page done for my calendar and hope to upload it to the gallery today sometime. I also need to get my Christmas face on for the party and get a new AVI and Siggie. It is chilly but not a bad looking morning out there so I will have to dress warm for the hike today.

@faerywings - That is a great suggestion for a gift this year! It is so nice to have warm boots especially if you are hiking in the snow! Congrats on officially being on the payroll and having your name in the newsletter!! How exciting for you! Hope you find some good gift suggestions on Pinterest today. I think we are giving the gift of food delivery to Gary's Mom and Dad, its called Heart to Home and they cater to the elderly with lots of wonderful meals to choose from. MIL keeps complaining about having to cook, so hopefully they will enjoy this as a gift. Thanks for the nice compliments on my crafting, I do really enjoy it!!

@Cherylndesigns - What wonderful news that your Chuck is doing so very well! I bet he is one happy guy! I bet you are so happy to have him back home with you too!!

Ok ladies I gotta run and get things packed up for my hike. I hope to be back in here this afternoon and get some scrapping done and a new look for the Party:xmas2. Have a great day! :waving3:
Have a great hike!


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. I agree @faerywings - the avatars are so festive... really brightens up the forum! And I see a lot of new siggys popping up, too. Good luck on finding your insulated waterproof boots. So excited for you that you are now 'officially' on the roster at work. Glad you met a gal at CC who also hikes... hope you can get together on one soon.

Yesterday was a very busy day. Paid my cc bill at Kohl's and while I was there I bought another pair of PJs that were on sale and asked for the discount and got it!! Just remembered I put them in the trunk of the car... better get them out this morning!! :floorlaugh: So nice to have nice warm PJs that fit. Returned the shoes and purse to Ross - then went to the other Ross (2 miles away) but didn't find anything I wanted. Finally over to TMobil to talk to them about my bill... and why Apple TV+ wasn't letting me sign-in. I had talked to Apple last week, they said to talk to TM about it. The guy at TM store told me to call the TM Care Team about it and gave me the number. The tech got my Netflix back. He was puzzled over the AppleTV+ not working so send me another link to set it up again. Didn't work so called AppleTV+ support... she couldn't even find me in their system. Long story short... I still have to try to register with them - going through all the steps AGAIN! Then to top my day off, my cell phone kept pinging about every 3-4 minutes and I couldn't find out why or what was setting it off. No calls and no text messages or alerts... The guy at TM had changed some settings on it to turn off some HUB and news items I didn't want. Not sure if that was related. Anyway, I had to move the cell phone from my bedroom last night as I couldn't go to sleep with it going off all the time. Got up this morning and checked...no pinging... than goodness!!!

Today is 'doing chores at home'... the laundry hamper is over-flowing, put sheets on guest room, bed and a few other minor things. So I need to sort the laundry and get it on right away. BBL for personals.
I hate having to deal with customer service about technical stuff! Especially if they don't speak clear English!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

I'm up early and waiting for the VN to call. She had to postpone her visit yesterday because she was running late. That worked for me because Adrienne and I had to leave at four o'clock to go to TJ Maxx. The nurse is coming today, but I'm not sure when. I'm waiting for her to call me. Another nurse from the home health care called yesterday just to check in and I told her about the smoothies I was making for Chuck and she said that sounded excellent - which made me feel very good. She suggested I might add some honey and I have some home grown honey from the farmer's market, so I might try that today.

Chris @faerywings that's SO awesome that you're official now and your name is even on the roster. How exciting. Hey, Adrienne found some insulated, waterproof boots for B last weekend at either Ross or Marshall's. They're Carhart and they were a great price because Carhart is pricey. You might look for those on Amazon or some like them. I just looked them up on Amazon and they're $123. I think she got them for $60. Speaking of boots, Steph surprised me with a pair of real UGGS - the tall, sweater boots like the ones she's had for years. She scored them on Poshmark for $25! The kind she has and got me are still over $200 on Amazon! She got hers for a gift from her ex MIL. These are brand new. Merry Christmas to me!

Trudy @taxed4ever Chuck is SO glad to be home and though he's still weak, he's doing a little bit better every day. The PT showed hom some simple exercises he could do to help him get some endurance back, so I'm going to be on him to do them. I also saw a chair Yoga workout that's just a couple of moves, but it's supposed to really help with strength. He probably won't do them but I'm going to try to get him to.

I'd better run - I know the avatar thread must be hopping and I haven't been on there since last night. What fun to see everybody's fun avatars. It's going to be a super fun event.



Love my O Family!
Good Morning! I didn't get anything done but cleaning up the checkbook and filing paperwork! But my tabletop is clean now, lol!
Posted my Cozy Christmas Collab page today. Need to check out the pre-party avi and get my challenge moved to the clean and ready forum.
That's about it for me.
I did want to share a photo Mark sent me of Queen Piper, his doberman that he built a "throne" for so she wouldn't have to lay on the cold cabin floor or the cold ground, heaven forbid! After seeing the pic I told him she needs a crown! :giggle4:

:bowdown2: :crown1:



Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

I'm up early and waiting for the VN to call. She had to postpone her visit yesterday because she was running late. That worked for me because Adrienne and I had to leave at four o'clock to go to TJ Maxx. The nurse is coming today, but I'm not sure when. I'm waiting for her to call me. Another nurse from the home health care called yesterday just to check in and I told her about the smoothies I was making for Chuck and she said that sounded excellent - which made me feel very good. She suggested I might add some honey and I have some home grown honey from the farmer's market, so I might try that today.

Chris @faerywings that's SO awesome that you're official now and your name is even on the roster. How exciting. Hey, Adrienne found some insulated, waterproof boots for B last weekend at either Ross or Marshall's. They're Carhart and they were a great price because Carhart is pricey. You might look for those on Amazon or some like them. I just looked them up on Amazon and they're $123. I think she got them for $60. Speaking of boots, Steph surprised me with a pair of real UGGS - the tall, sweater boots like the ones she's had for years. She scored them on Poshmark for $25! The kind she has and got me are still over $200 on Amazon! She got hers for a gift from her ex MIL. These are brand new. Merry Christmas to me!

Trudy @taxed4ever Chuck is SO glad to be home and though he's still weak, he's doing a little bit better every day. The PT showed hom some simple exercises he could do to help him get some endurance back, so I'm going to be on him to do them. I also saw a chair Yoga workout that's just a couple of moves, but it's supposed to really help with strength. He probably won't do them but I'm going to try to get him to.

I'd better run - I know the avatar thread must be hopping and I haven't been on there since last night. What fun to see everybody's fun avatars. It's going to be a super fun event.

Really happy that your Chuck is doing better every day! It's just not the same when our guys aren't at their best! :hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Just moved my DAY 3 Border Challenge to the Clean and ready forum but would love for someone to take a look at it to make sure you think its ok/understandable, lol!
Thanks :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
It's all good, Vicky. Your link to the Gallery wasn't live so I changed that. I also changed it to read "2023 12 Days of December" not Christmas. I keep trying to write Christmas too. :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
LOVE the picture of "the Queen" and she definitely needs a crown. Yes, it's not good when our men are down - it's very sad and I'm thankful that Chuck's improving. :beatingheart::beatingheart: