
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 28


The Loopy-O
Good mOrning, Ozone!!!!

How are all of you today? I am pooped out already. I woke up at 3:30, went to the bathroom, then started with another anxiety attack. ugh. Gary got a call from his lyme dr yesterday. He is now testing positive for Babesia. (Again-- its good news since that means his immune system is starting to work again, slowly). Babesia (related to malaria, tick-borne) also makes it much harder to treat the bacterial infections. So while it sounds totally bonkers to be happy that he got diagnosed with yet another disease, that part is good. What is giving me anxiety is that I don't know if the Rx is covered by Medicare. If it is the same Rx as what the kids were one (Mepron) then its about $1000/month. Gary is in the donut hole which means we have to pay 94% of that.
Since 3:30, I have been worrying and wondering what Rx he'll be on, how am I going to pay for it, do the kids have any left that he can use until January and the Rx plan resets?? My rational brain has been fighting with my anxiety brain for 2 hours now.

Then my "dreaming of the impossible" brain pops in to say-- maybe we will win Powerball!!! That's the option I like best!! :rofl:

wish me luck and sanity!!

I am off to to get food and meds today, then here to start getting Christmas stuff shopped for online. I also have Faery-Wings baskets I have to work on. Ugh ugh ugh-- so not feeling any creativity. At all.

I need me some Sally!!!! And coffeeeeeee!!!

Hope that you all have a wonderful wednesday!!

I want to win the lottery!!!!
(that is all)
Morning Chris- everyone at work put in $3 for a team powerball set of tickets- I put in cause I don't want to be the only one left at work if they win it! Anyways I have no clue what I would do if I/we won it. I can see why you woke up with anxiety. My alarm worked this am, but I woke up from a weird dream with a massive headache. Could be because I looked at today's schedule before I left (obviously scheduled before I nailed paperwork time with my boss) and I have 6 kids back to back before lunch which is scheduled 40 min later than normal- yikes. Should be a fun/busy day. My coffee and meds have kicked in and my headache is only a dull roar. I need to get changed to exercise as this is dinner and paperwork night at work- one of my co-workers said as she left yesterday- I think I will stay late tomorrow night and eat dinner with you guys- crazy- but that means my Thursday will be work free!!!!!
Chris, good luck on the Powerball. if i win, i'll pay for everybody's meds in your fam! take a deep breath. and then get in contact wth the pharm company who makes the meds. maybe they can work something out for you.

what a night i had. i fell asleep about 9 p.m., woke up at 12, went up to bed, tossed and turned and sort of half-slept until about 2, came back downstairs and dozed in my chair until around 5. i know i must have slept during some of those stints, because i remember having a dream about using the power adapter to all my Apple stuff and wandering around the neighborhood trying to find it. why is it that, when you're having a bad night, you always have those dreams about losing something, forgetting your lines onstge, forgetting your locker combination in high school....?

gotta drive into town today and drop off the Jury Summons my daughter got in the mail yesterday. she just went in for that last summer! WHY do jury people pick working peiople all the time (or people with a bunch of little kids at hom, which they did to me throughout my 30s) and then NOT call people like ME, who NOW have all the time in the world to serve on a jury? i would actually probably enjoy it.

then i absolutely am going to buy some Powerball tickets. isn't it fun to dream about what you would do with $500,000,0000???

OK. off to start my Wednesday for real. although, with the night i had, it still feels like Tuesday.... have a good one.

Did any of my East Coast O-zies get snow yesterday to? We ended up with about 4-5 inches. Roads were messy up here. As I was coming down the driveway from my clients house, I ended up almost sliding into the road. I hope that this is our one and only snow

Just say NO to :smow:

laurie- My alarm didn;t go off this morning either. It was good that I was wide awake and waiting for it too. Did you ever figure out what made the light bulb blow. Hope the smell didn't last too long.
Did you have a good first day back to work?

Phyllis- I am so with ya on skipping over winter! I apologized to Gary in advance yesterday around noon-time. I told him that I would be yelling at the snow every time I walked past the windows, so to forgive me for being annoying about it. Thankfully, he is used to my snow-rants and knows to ignore me. LOL
Bet the house smells great with the cinnamon!!! Hope the granola tasted good!

Trudy- totally got your hand!
I am really happy to hear that your boss/work is getting better. You do not need that stress at all!!
And I think I am going to have to fight you for Phyllis-- her card in the gallery-- just incredible Phyllis!!! I wish I had a smidge of P's talent and creativity!!!

P- bummer about the granola. Did it ever get any better?

Sally- I saw Lil's dress on FB-- too cute!!! Yay for Coffee and To-Do lists!!!

Jen- you are getting soo close!!! Here's to a very smooth last month of pregnancy!
As for the blood sugar #'s.... who knows!!?? Some days (I bet Phyllis will say the same) there is no rhyme or reason to it. Maybe now that the baby is done with much of its development, it doesn't need to take as much resources from your body which would mean less stress on your body? Or are you more active?
But low numbers are good, as long as they are not too low. Good luck with it all ((((hugs)))

Linda- That is way past *my* bed time and I am 44!
I am proud of you to make that tough decision. You do have to know your limits for sure.

Ah!! I see that Phyllis did say the same thing re: sugars! GMTA LOL

love you all!
Hope your headache goes away!

We all seem to have had odd dreams last night. Right before I woke up, I was dreaming that I was getting ready to run a 5K!!!! hahahah!! me,the girl that will not run unless a psychotic killer is behind me. hahaha!! :pound:
Chris, we had some snow on the ground in the a.m. wet and very pretty. then it all was kind enough to melt before i had to go someplace. so, my kind of snow!!

re: the card i posted yesterday. i keep trying to imagine people's reactions when they get that in the mail next year. some might say "cool!" other will likely think: WTH????
Hey ladies! Seems like it has been forever since I've posted.

You know I have been preparing for this trial for the last month. Well--we get to court on Monday and the judge granted a continuance! What the heck!!! We were ready! I was pumped! Oh well--who knows when it will get rescheduled. the bad thing--we have to go through all this crap again.

After our court appearance on Monday, I went to visit one of my docs--retired a few years ago--he and his wife are like parents to me. Anyway, I guess this was the first time I had to relax in over a month and it was like my body just shut down. Got sick feeling--a ferocious headache,nausea----just awful. We went out to dinner and when the waiter placed my food in front of me, I thought I was going to throw up right then and there. They had to take the food away and I just ate bread. Anyway, after a good night's sleep, I came home yesterday afternoon and feel much better now.

I feel like I can finally breathe for a change. Work will keep me busy though for the next couple of months. Have to catch up on the things I let slide for the past month. Then it is end of year plus December brings all these social activities we have to participate in. Yuck!! I just want to stay home and scrap!!!! Need to find the mojo first though.

Glad to be back!
Good morning - I cannot believe this but I lost power for most yesterday. I am sure that Sandy must have weakened the transformer so that yesterday during the snow it blew. It was cold too. And kept getting colder all day. I did not want to be in the dark so my son and I started up the generator again and of course the power came on 20 min later. I should have started the generator sooner my power might have come back sooner. LOL I loved the snow Chris sorry. Went out taking photos before it melts today.

Phylis your Christmas card is gorgeous.

Chris - I would definitely talk to the company that makes the drug they can be very helpful.

Laurie - I love how dedicated you are to your work outs!

Jen - so glad your pregnancy is going so well. You are in the home "stretch" lol

Have a great day.
hi, Terry! glad to see you back, and hope you feel better than you did at dinner!

Nancy, glad that your power came back on. it's too SOON to go through all that all over again!

Jen, take it easy, girl!
Morning ... No :smow: here thank goodness! I hate having to deal with my very steep driveway when it does snow here! Although I do love the way it looks when it is heavy on all of the trees and the mountains are all white!! I was fortunate last night and had a very good sleep, up once for a tinkle and then right back to sleep until 7am. I am sure I will pay for it, I usually do.

Chris - Yikes!! No wonder you were up half the night!! That is a horrible price to have to pay for meds!! I agree with the others, a nice phone call to the company might help out a lot!! Keeping my fingers crossed that you win the powerball tonight and then your worries will be long forgotten!! (but don't forget all us here in "O" land!!)

Laurie - Sounds like you are in for a very busy day today! Hope it all goes smoothly for you and that your headache is a thing of the past very soon!!

Phylis - Ugggh!! You had a terrible night!! You need to head back to bed and get a couple more hours of :sleep: I know you probably won't, because I know that it never happens that way, you will get busy doing something and then the sleep won't happen, you will be exhausted tonight, but the sleep still won't happen for you then either :rant: I hate this part of getting older!! don't we have enough to deal with as we age, we could at least have the pleasure of a good nights sleep sheesh!! I think that your card is just awesome!! You have more talent in your little finger than I could ever hope to have!! Love it!

Terry - It is nice to see you back here! My hubby used to go through all that stress about court cases, to only have the case adjourned to a later date. What a hassle!! Hope your poor tummy is feeling better today, you are probably right, your body just shut down after all that stress and running around!! Feel better!! :hug:

Terry - Thank goodness you have the generator!! Its not fair to have to go through all that crap again so soon after Sandy!! Glad that the power came back on for you!!

Well I have a list of to do's today, so hopefully I will accomplish all of them, take care all of my favourite people and have a wonderful day! :wave:
Morning all of you wonderful gals!! ♥
On my second cup of coffee and I'm raring to go!! I have an eye appt later this morning. My eye dr is a darling friend from church and she practices across town. So I'll drive 45 mins to get to her...I'll probably listen to sports talk radio to get all the latest on the Texans!!

Tonight we are going to my brother's house to celebrate all 6 of the November birthdays in our two families! wow! That's crazy!! I'm hoping my darling first born joins us, but she may ditch us for campus activities. I love that she lives on campus and is participating a gob with student activities, but it seems like my life is whisking away while she's not here...eek!! I mean I see her two to three times a week, but I do miss her!! :) Good thing she's still in Houston, huh????? LOL!!

Anyway, today I'm basically focusing on cooking for tonight. I'm doing a tried and true recipe for a pasta casserole dish called The Casserole. It's my fave! LOL!! And I'm going to make two desserts, a cookie cake for the fam to blow out the candle on, and another fam fave recipe as our gift to their family.

If I have some time this afternoon, I'm going to design a little needlebook (a little book to hold needles!! lol!!) to make for my Modern Quilt Guild Peeps. I need an easy design I can make 40 of...Wish me luck! You know it will have a sheep stamped on it!! yay!! :)

Hugs to all of you in cold country!!! It's in the 60s here and beautiful!!! We have a big house if you want to come down and bunk with us!! ♥♥♥

Love you all!! Have a GREAT Wednesday!!!
Hello ladies. Cold here in Iowa but no snow! And supposed to get to mid-50's this weekend...so truly can't complain about the weather.

Nancy, can't believe that you had another power outage. You must be soooo tired of all of this.

Oh Sally, hope that Cora makes it to the November birthday celebration. Know how much it means to have those college age kids make it home for those events.

Chris...I am so sorry about the prices for Gary's meds...wish that there was a better answer!

Laurie, that schedule sounds rugged...hope you make it!
Terry. Isn't it amazing how exhausted a person can get...and when the body lets down...

And Phylis...what a card! AMAZING!!!
I survived the day sitting on the couch with a glass of malbec and watching criminal minds to unwind- a bit warped I am!