
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, November 22


The Loopy-O

Ready or not, here I come! Or rather, here comes Turkey Day and I am feeling pretty decently ready :) Everything downstairs is clean except for my kitchen floor. I'll mop that before I start to cook today. I didn't bother cleaning the doggy nose prints off the front window, they'd be back in no time. I'll take care of them before we put the Christmas tree up but not before.

I ended up calling the vet about Jaida and I'm starting her on a low dose of Trazadone this morning. I guess we'll see if that calms her down at all. That dog is bonkers. When we feed her, she always does this little dance before I put her bowl down, hopping and spinning with excitement. She was doing the full-blown dance last night. I'm hoping that means her leg isn't all that bad but I'm still leaning more that she isn't bothered by the pain. Such a silly girl. :rolleyes:

My groceries should be ready for pick up at 8 am, then I'll be in the kitchen the rest of the day. Apple pie, pumpkin crunch cake, Cracker Barrel carrots, bruschetta topping. Once that is done, I'll get the tables ready-- pulling out the silverware and serving stuff. All I'll need to do tomorrow is the mashed potatoes, finish the bruschetta, and make the crescent rolls (from a tube! Not doing any homemade bread this time around. *G* )



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes You and your sister sound like two peas in a pod! What a wonderful visit - and good shopping too.
Do you ever run out of things to talk about? It doesn't sound it at all. I hope that she can stay until Sunday ♥

@tanteva Happy birthday, John!!! :birthday2:

@Cherylndesigns You must be thrilled right now to have Steph and Asher with you. Your girls (all generations LOL) are pieces of work and I mean that in the best way possible. Is Braden back home too or will he be coming today? Caitlyn's campus is closing at 1 pm today so she will get out early.
It has to make you happy to see him eat. The soups and cornbread are making *me* hungry!

BTW, I made a cheesy enchilada skillet last night and it was really good. If anyone wants the recipe I'll post it. It is rice, onions, peppers, black beans, corn and cheese. It would be very easy to add chicken or to make it vegan. I toasted up some flour tortilla triangles on the side. I made enough that we can have leftovers tonight. I am pretty sure I am not going to want to cook dinner after cooking most of the day.

Hello Buddy!! welcome back hOme!! :elf3:

@vickyday I'm sending good thoughts to you for your appt today!
Your family sounds wonderful and loving. It's not a surprise that Tim's family accepted Mark . I can imagine that you would surround yourself with harsh people.
When I ran to the store to get the wine yesterday, it was snowing here! Not sticking but BLECH!

@taxed4ever Any news on the house for Heather? *good thoughts coming her way!!!*


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning. Yes, you see it - I'm up at 8 AM. My two babies are here! My baby and her baby. They got here about 11 last night and lots of hugging and dancing ensued. First thing Asher wanted to do was see if he was getting as tall as me. He's definitely gaining on me. He was the last of the gk's that was still shorter than me. I think we finally got to bed about 2 and of course, Asher always sleeps with me. LOL Today is a work day for Adrienne, Ava and Steph, so it should be quiet. Tonight will start the "doings". I think Steph might stay with Adrienne tonight, although she likes to stay with her mommy. She has to sleep on the couch here, but doesn't mind - it's a comfy couch. She would have her own room at Adrienne's, but she'd rather sleep on our couch. :giggle4:

Chris @faerywings I agree all the "girls" here are something else - I say that all the time. We're like a really small gang. We call ourselves that all the time and are trying to think of a tattoo that we could all get to signify our "bond". If you think of anything, feel free to share. I'm sure there's a Chinese symbol or a Cherokee symbol for "Sisterhood" or something like that. I just came up with the Cherokeee symbol while I was typing this. I studied Chinese symbols when I was big into Calligraphy, and they make so much sense. Cherokee, on the other hand, not so much. You just have to memories the syllabary (they don't have an alphabet.)

So, you sound like you're ready for Thanksgiving - mopping the kitchen floor then boom - it's showtime. You've been preparing for this and you've got this. Roger and Adrienne came down to visit Chuck last night and just to hear the men talking about sports did our heart good. It's a guy thing. Chuck was just chattering away with Rog. Rog told him that as long or as short as he wants to stay tomorrow, they'd accommodate his wishes and how he's feeling. - he has portable oxygen tanks that he'll have to take - so we'll get those figured out today. Steph's going to show us how to use them. He'll probably only need one tank; they supposedly last for 3 hours.

I'd love your cheese enchilada skillet recipe, Chris. I could make it very bland, but we love anything with cheese on it and bread. LOL I made Raman Noodle, chicken and cheese - made it thick like soup and Chuck loved it. I also cooked potato soup for hours and it's in the fridge ready to heat up today.

Hugs to all and I'll try to stop back in and do more personals. HAGD


Love my O Family!

Ready or not, here I come! Or rather, here comes Turkey Day and I am feeling pretty decently ready :) Everything downstairs is clean except for my kitchen floor. I'll mop that before I start to cook today. I didn't bother cleaning the doggy nose prints off the front window, they'd be back in no time. I'll take care of them before we put the Christmas tree up but not before.

I ended up calling the vet about Jaida and I'm starting her on a low dose of Trazadone this morning. I guess we'll see if that calms her down at all. That dog is bonkers. When we feed her, she always does this little dance before I put her bowl down, hopping and spinning with excitement. She was doing the full-blown dance last night. I'm hoping that means her leg isn't all that bad but I'm still leaning more that she isn't bothered by the pain. Such a silly girl. :rolleyes:

My groceries should be ready for pick up at 8 am, then I'll be in the kitchen the rest of the day. Apple pie, pumpkin crunch cake, Cracker Barrel carrots, bruschetta topping. Once that is done, I'll get the tables ready-- pulling out the silverware and serving stuff. All I'll need to do tomorrow is the mashed potatoes, finish the bruschetta, and make the crescent rolls (from a tube! Not doing any homemade bread this time around. *G* )

YUP! SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE IN A GOOD PLACE! LOVE THE TURKEY SUIT! (sorry for the all caps...not yelling, lol...just easier to type one-handed! hopefully that will be somewhat remedied later today)


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. Just a quick in and out to say all is going well, we are tired but getting things done. We move out in a few days and then into a hotel until the 5th.
YAY for progress! Hope you are feeling better!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes You and your sister sound like two peas in a pod! What a wonderful visit - and good shopping too.
Do you ever run out of things to talk about? It doesn't sound it at all. I hope that she can stay until Sunday ♥

@tanteva Happy birthday, John!!! :birthday2:

@Cherylndesigns You must be thrilled right now to have Steph and Asher with you. Your girls (all generations LOL) are pieces of work and I mean that in the best way possible. Is Braden back home too or will he be coming today? Caitlyn's campus is closing at 1 pm today so she will get out early.
It has to make you happy to see him eat. The soups and cornbread are making *me* hungry!

BTW, I made a cheesy enchilada skillet last night and it was really good. If anyone wants the recipe I'll post it. It is rice, onions, peppers, black beans, corn and cheese. It would be very easy to add chicken or to make it vegan. I toasted up some flour tortilla triangles on the side. I made enough that we can have leftovers tonight. I am pretty sure I am not going to want to cook dinner after cooking most of the day.

Hello Buddy!! welcome back hOme!! :elf3:

@vickyday I'm sending good thoughts to you for your appt today!
Your family sounds wonderful and loving. It's not a surprise that Tim's family accepted Mark . I can imagine that you would surround yourself with harsh people.
When I ran to the store to get the wine yesterday, it was snowing here! Not sticking but BLECH!

@taxed4ever Any news on the house for Heather? *good thoughts coming her way!!!*
I would love the recipe! Sounds right up Mark's alley!
BLECH to the snow!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning. Yes, you see it - I'm up at 8 AM. My two babies are here! My baby and her baby. They got here about 11 last night and lots of hugging and dancing ensued. First thing Asher wanted to do was see if he was getting as tall as me. He's definitely gaining on me. He was the last of the gk's that was still shorter than me. I think we finally got to bed about 2 and of course, Asher always sleeps with me. LOL Today is a work day for Adrienne, Ava and Steph, so it should be quiet. Tonight will start the "doings". I think Steph might stay with Adrienne tonight, although she likes to stay with her mommy. She has to sleep on the couch here, but doesn't mind - it's a comfy couch. She would have her own room at Adrienne's, but she'd rather sleep on our couch. :giggle4:

Chris @faerywings I agree all the "girls" here are something else - I say that all the time. We're like a really small gang. We call ourselves that all the time and are trying to think of a tattoo that we could all get to signify our "bond". If you think of anything, feel free to share. I'm sure there's a Chinese symbol or a Cherokee symbol for "Sisterhood" or something like that. I just came up with the Cherokeee symbol while I was typing this. I studied Chinese symbols when I was big into Calligraphy, and they make so much sense. Cherokee, on the other hand, not so much. You just have to memories the syllabary (they don't have an alphabet.)

So, you sound like you're ready for Thanksgiving - mopping the kitchen floor then boom - it's showtime. You've been preparing for this and you've got this. Roger and Adrienne came down to visit Chuck last night and just to hear the men talking about sports did our heart good. It's a guy thing. Chuck was just chattering away with Rog. Rog told him that as long or as short as he wants to stay tomorrow, they'd accommodate his wishes and how he's feeling. - he has portable oxygen tanks that he'll have to take - so we'll get those figured out today. Steph's going to show us how to use them. He'll probably only need one tank; they supposedly last for 3 hours.

I'd love your cheese enchilada skillet recipe, Chris. I could make it very bland, but we love anything with cheese on it and bread. LOL I made Raman Noodle, chicken and cheese - made it thick like soup and Chuck loved it. I also cooked potato soup for hours and it's in the fridge ready to heat up today.

Hugs to all and I'll try to stop back in and do more personals. HAGD
WOW! Two days in a row you are up and at'em! Hope Chuck is doing better and better!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Had a wonderful visit with my SIL and her friend last night. They arrived at the hotel at 6 and we met them around 6:45 at Zaxby's. We were there talking and laughing until 9. It was so good to catch up with Tim's sister.

It was cloudy when we got up but the sun is out now. It rained all day yesterday, but we needed it!

At 3 this afternoon I am hoping this cast comes off to stay and I can start some PT! The swelling at night has not been as bad the last couple of days so I'm hoping that is a good sign! I will be so glad to wash the dry skin off that arm and slather it in lotion!

Have a wonderful day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... another very foggy morning and we are supposed to hike to Stoney Hill. The views are spectacular, but not when its this foggy! Hope that the sun comes out and burns all this fog away soon! So it will be another quick in and out of here this morning. I have to get my morning things done and then get my pack ready to go. Later I will meet with a friend and have coffee and pick up an order that I placed with her. Heather and Jonah did not end up putting in an offer on the house. After talking to the bank they realized that the payments would just be way to much for them. Dam Interest Rates!!! Oh well hopefully the housing prices will drop a bit more soon. At least they have a roof over their heads and are warm and groceries on the table. Right?!!! Ok I gotta run, hope to be able to catch up with you all tomorrow! Have a great Wednesday everyone !! :cowwaving:


Morning, all. Been a busy morning already. Between Sis and I, we got her formal hem pinned and I stitched it with a double needle and it done! Yea... I got my Amazon order - 2 pair of compression gloves - with open fingertips. They really help when I do hand writing things but I can see that they will take a bit of practice using them on the keyboard, Keep hitting 2 keys at the same time yet. Sis' present to me - the electric jar lid opener also arrived at the same time. We used it and I love it!!! She is going to order one for herself...

Her plans are changing. She will be heading home on Friday morning as there is a storm - rain and Snow - coming in late Friday night and off and on until Monday... plus snow hitting Amarillo on Saturday. So she is not staying until Sunday or Monday as she had planned. Just glad that we get the time we have.

Hope you all have a great holiday with family.