And whooooooOsh! We are flying through November! Is anyone else terrified by that, or just me??
Eye exams went well- everything is normal and I have a good baseline for future reference. That was good news. But dang all of those flashing lights made my head hurt even more.:suspicious:
I bought one Christmas gift yesterday. a 4-pack of Ginger beer for Gary at Home Goods. Seriously, how exciting? /snark
When he has low sugar, but his stomach is in bad shape, he has a hard time keeping enough food down to bring his sugar back up (he is insulin dependent diabetic) and tired a bottle of real ginger beer, not ginger ale, and he liked it. So now he will get some of that under the tree. I guess I have to start somewhere!
I scrapped another 2 Lo's so I am getting closer to the album being done. It has been interesting going through my stash- finding some stuff that I haven't used in a long time. I also deleted some stuff that I would never use too. I had some templates for way back when that would never be a style I would scrap with anymore. Very "paper" styles if that makes sense.
Food shopping today- Gary is coming with me since I need some heavy items. Cait is home sick, throwing up and I worry about that, of course. Forever IV today but I am going to make Fr Onion soup for the sickies here. Should be easy enough to do even attached to my pole.
Hope that everyone has a happy and more exciting day than I will
Eye exams went well- everything is normal and I have a good baseline for future reference. That was good news. But dang all of those flashing lights made my head hurt even more.:suspicious:
I bought one Christmas gift yesterday. a 4-pack of Ginger beer for Gary at Home Goods. Seriously, how exciting? /snark
When he has low sugar, but his stomach is in bad shape, he has a hard time keeping enough food down to bring his sugar back up (he is insulin dependent diabetic) and tired a bottle of real ginger beer, not ginger ale, and he liked it. So now he will get some of that under the tree. I guess I have to start somewhere!
I scrapped another 2 Lo's so I am getting closer to the album being done. It has been interesting going through my stash- finding some stuff that I haven't used in a long time. I also deleted some stuff that I would never use too. I had some templates for way back when that would never be a style I would scrap with anymore. Very "paper" styles if that makes sense.
Food shopping today- Gary is coming with me since I need some heavy items. Cait is home sick, throwing up and I worry about that, of course. Forever IV today but I am going to make Fr Onion soup for the sickies here. Should be easy enough to do even attached to my pole.
Hope that everyone has a happy and more exciting day than I will
