
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 18


The Loopy-O
And whooooooOsh! We are flying through November! Is anyone else terrified by that, or just me??

Eye exams went well- everything is normal and I have a good baseline for future reference. That was good news. But dang all of those flashing lights made my head hurt even more.:suspicious:

I bought one Christmas gift yesterday. a 4-pack of Ginger beer for Gary at Home Goods. Seriously, how exciting? /snark
When he has low sugar, but his stomach is in bad shape, he has a hard time keeping enough food down to bring his sugar back up (he is insulin dependent diabetic) and tired a bottle of real ginger beer, not ginger ale, and he liked it. So now he will get some of that under the tree. I guess I have to start somewhere!

I scrapped another 2 Lo's so I am getting closer to the album being done. It has been interesting going through my stash- finding some stuff that I haven't used in a long time. I also deleted some stuff that I would never use too. I had some templates for way back when that would never be a style I would scrap with anymore. Very "paper" styles if that makes sense.

Food shopping today- Gary is coming with me since I need some heavy items. Cait is home sick, throwing up and I worry about that, of course. Forever IV today but I am going to make Fr Onion soup for the sickies here. Should be easy enough to do even attached to my pole.

Hope that everyone has a happy and more exciting day than I will :D

Nancy- it got so cold! The sun was very deceptive. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am sure that the walking helps to clear out your head and lungs too. Get your walk in today, since it looks to be really rainy tomorrow.
How fun to see your friends and catch up and share pics with them all.

Rae- I hate Christmas shopping, and plan to do a lot of it online. How is your stomach? Did it survive the dentist appt? I hope that you don't have a strong gag reflex. :puke: LOL

Trudy- are you guys ok? I saw on the news how back the Northwest was getting pounded with rain/wind. Seattle was bad too- hope that Shar is ok.
Hope that your mammo went well- funny that when Iw as at the ey dr and was told to not blink for long periods of time, I get thinking how much worse a mammo is when you can breathe while getting smooshed.

Fingers crossed for you Laurie!!!!

jean- hahahah! You made me chuckle- I know thje feeling- that puppy was way too energetic!
Did any of you see that Cat Circus on Colbert?
Stephen Colbert invited a cat circus onto the Late Show. Adorable laziness ensued.
Too funny!!!!

Oh dear, Christmas presents ! Don't remind me.

I have absolutely no idea and even worse, no time to go shopping for them !
I have 1 idea for my mum so I hope I can get that but apart from that everyone has was they want or need.

Chris, I hope the sickies get well soon !
Morning O fam- the interview went well- they are actually looking for someone with experience. I go next week to the site I would be working at. I would take a cut in pay, however the benefits somewhat make up for that. I would get 160 hours of vacation time per year, of which 48 hours are used for the 6 national holidays, however they absorb sick time- it does not come out of your pay. Guess that means I will be getting my act together at home before I start working again!
good morning - yesterday got a lot done so that made me happy but I stayed up late to watch my Devils play out west and lose to the Calgary Flames 3-2. My team forgot how to play in the other teams end. Luckily I don't have to get up early. Made it to the grocery store and then actually cooked dinner which was really good - penne vodka. My son liked it so much he took it in for lunch. And now I don't have to cook tonight as there are left overs. Got in a good walk. My girlfriend and I have been walking in the late afternoon and it is amazing how many deer are out and about! Chris you are so right have to walk today as tomorrow is supposed to be really rainy.

Chris I am so glad that your eyes are normal! such good news. I can't believe how you can get 3 letters that all have different info. Glad you got one gift out of the way. And it sounds like Gary will like and benefit from the beer! Congrats on scrapping!

Laurie congrats on the interview. Hope it works out for you!

Trudy I am hoping the wind did not blow your trees down. And yes I saw the Canucks give up 4 straight goals and lose that game. It was not pretty!

Have a great day all!
Morning ladies... Yes we are still here and did not get blown away yet :becky: But we did lose our power yesterday for quite a while. So it gave me a chance to fix up a tree skirt that my MIL was supposed to have gotten finished for DD. Well I love my MIL, but sadly she cannot sew like she used to and she used to sew wedding dressing etc. But this tree skirt was done totally wrong and I ended up having to rip the whole thing apart and start from scratch. It is a very rustic country type tree skirt

She ended up cutting all the layers in different widths and so the tree skirt was visible between the layers. WTH was she thinking?? Oh well she is almost 80 and getting stranger by the day :becky: So I am off to the fabric store to pick up more material, this thing is costing twice as much as it was supposed to :mmph: Now that the power is back on I can actually sew it and get it out in the mail. More expense grrr!! I had also asked MIL to crochet some slippers that I found a pattern for and they look nothing like what they should either, she seems to think she needs to change things to the way she thinks they should be OMG!! So those will not be sent, how can I tell her they are horrible when she has worked so hard on them :sad: Enough complaining, lots to do today and I really need to call my poor Aunt Betty and see how she is holding up now that her hubby is no longer with us. So sad, so difficult to deal with! Makes me think about poor Heather Prins she has also just recently lost her Mom and I know she is finding it very difficult!

Chris - Oh my Cait is sick again!! Poor thing but at least you had some great news about your eye exam! Yes my mamo went very well, but you are right it is very hard to not breathe while they are squishing your boobs in a great big machine! LOL Thanks for sharing the Cat video, too funny and yup very typical that they would just be like "I am not going to do that for all those people" :becky: Hope you manage to get some more pages done today!

Katja - I am with you on the shopping, no idea what to get my kids, the grands are a different story I always have a long list given to me for them LOL.

Laurie - Sounds like your new job will be just the perfect fit for you! Hope you get everything done at home that needs doing before you start! Congrats!!

Nancy - Uggh sorry your Devils forgot how to play, seems the Bruins have also forgotten and spend more time in the penalty box than actually playing hockey. Happily no trees came down around us, but still lots of people without power I need to call the in-laws to see if they have power or not, we all gave them a generator one year but FIL can't seem to be bothered to get it out when the power goes out :noidea:

Hope you all have a great day, I am working on my calendars for the kids and myself today, hope to get at least a few pages done and still need to scrap something just for fun! Have an awesome day everyone! :wave:
Good morning ladies. Busy day today with work and am online trying to find the best deal for a binder style planner that I want to decorate and give as a gift at Xmas. Had my permanent crown put in yesterday so was sore all day but today it feels pretty good. Now I don't have to go back to the dentist until the new year (yay b/c I hate going to the dentist).
Chris...good thing about the eyes. Sorry that Cait is sick again.
Katja...I run out of time for shopping too so that's why I'm trying to start now so maybe for once I'll get everything done in time.
Laurie...sounds good about the job.
Nancy...if we had deer around here I'd be out photographing them constantly, lucky you!
Trudy - our storm has passed, has yours? We had power out for a bit too last night. That tree skirt looks so pretty as does the photo!
Afternoon ladies. Wow. Today I WILL leave the office at 5 pm. I will!! *sigh* hardly even got online anywhere for anything yesterday, unless it was my office email. Oh Boy.

So, what did I miss ... let me go read for a bit. :)
Glad your eyes are ok Chris, must be such a relief.
I have got the easy Christmas things done by chance, I have a Ringtons delivery v an come and they had a basket of goodies which I bought for my friend, so that is done, I got some bits and Bob's for Robbie and nearer the time he, Richard and David will give suggestions of what they like. My Mum had asked me to order a new warm skirt for her, so I have got two matching jumpers for her to go with it. My hardest bit is thinking of things I would like when my menfolk ask for ideas.
Long day here, backing up hard drive, when finished, duh, windows 10, did a 3 hr update. I have no patience at all