
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, November 15


The Loopy-O
Good morning, O-zies!!
Guess who got the job????
I know, in all honesty, I'm not surprised. I think it would have been weird to have me, Scott's Mom, come in, interview with his former boss and one of his besties, and then say, Naaaaah. ;)
I am excited to get started. The center is expanding its programs for younger kids. Right now, the majority of them are for elementary-aged kids and they are looking to add preschool programs, which is where I come in. Can you imagine, me getting paid to talk to little kids about gardens, animals, and dirt?? Lauren took me on a short tour of the property and some of the garden areas and outdoor classrooms and I was already coming up with ideas of things I'd want to do. They also need people to maintain the grounds, weeding, and such, and they laughed when I said that I used to pass my library's garden area and wanted to weed it.
Scott called afterward and we were laughing at how Lauren is going to be my boss :p

@vickyday I am delighted that you ate two meals in one day but sheesh, it also makes me sad. I know how rough it is for Gary and I hate that you deal with that too.
Oh no! Talk about wires crossed! Aren't you glad that you checked with Ilene's DD about shopping?

@bcgal00 I know it will be a chaotic few weeks for you, but I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that you are moving. You made such a nice place for yourself in Kamloops but if your family can't get the medical care it needs, you have to go wherever you can. Please take care of yourself, you don't want to make yourself so sick you can't breathe by the time make the move.
Thanks for the good thoughts about the job--I applied in October and it finally came through yesterday.

@taxed4ever How are you feeling today, not as achy as yesterday. I think I am going to need to rake this afternoon at least for a little while. The Japanese maple had all its leaves on Friday and they are 95% down this morning. All of the raking I did in October-- for nothin' LOL
Hope you slept better too!

@Cherylndesigns Here I am, all excited that it will be 50* today and "warm" enough to rake. I am going to have to get used to being outside in the cold for my new job (That still sounds so exciting! Sorry ;) ) Feel free to send the 65-70* weather here.
Can you share the link to the lamp, please? The one I have in my BR stinks. Maybe that one could work.
Keep us posted and tell Chuck I said hi.
Yay for sleeping well too!!

@BrightEyes I hope that you were able to get all of the things that you need for the holiday next week and your sister's visit. She is coming this weekend? You must be so excited. ♥
I hear ya about too much going on to do the ex-Red Hat lunch. My friend canceled me cleaning next week and all I felt was relief. I was going to figure out how to squeeze her in and now that frees up an entire morning.
I am so glad that I am doing this month's AJ challenge. It took me a while to think about how I wanted to approach it and I love the way it is coming along now that it's started.
Do you have fingerless gloves? Scott got me a pair "for arthritis" a couple of years ago and they help a lot. They are marketed for arthritis pain and have a little compression to them. Cheryl has something similar too IIRC.

Yikes, I better get going. I need to pick up groceries, then Rxs, then cleaning for my friend. Then raking?

Love to everyone!


The Loopy-O
PS: I am not sure when I started yoga again but I am on a streak! I plan to keep going as long as I can. I am sure that next week is going to get hectic but my mindset is for almost every day. Yay!!


Up early this AM... need to get a shower and dressed then heading to grocery store. Hope I beat the crowd if I go early. It is cold - dropped from 36F to 34F since I got on the computer... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: but may make it up to mid-60's late this afternoon.

Good morning, O-zies!!
Guess who got the job????
I know, in all honesty, I'm not surprised. I think it would have been weird to have me, Scott's Mom, come in, interview with his former boss and one of his besties, and then say, Naaaaah. ;)

@BrightEyes I hope that you were able to get all of the things that you need for the holiday next week and your sister's visit. She is coming this weekend? You must be so excited. ♥
I hear ya about too much going on to do the ex-Red Hat lunch. My friend canceled me cleaning next week and all I felt was relief. I was going to figure out how to squeeze her in and now that frees up an entire morning.
I am so glad that I am doing this month's AJ challenge. It took me a while to think about how I wanted to approach it and I love the way it is coming along now that it's started.
Do you have fingerless gloves? Scott got me a pair "for arthritis" a couple of years ago and they help a lot. They are marketed for arthritis pain and have a little compression to them. Cheryl has something similar too IIRC.
Congrats on getting the job!! :banana2:So happy for you!

I used to have a pair of fingerless gloves but since it is my fingers that are so cold the fingerless gloves wouldn't help with the cold hands! DH used to laugh at me as I have over a dozen pair of gloves and would/will wear them even when it was in 60's while wearing a light jacket!
Oh, yes... I am loving the AJ progressive challenge. Took me awhile to decide what I wanted to do with it. Can't wait to get to week 3 and week 4. Still have a couple more monthly challenges to do. May try to get 1 more done before my Sis arrives this weekend. Then take the week off from scrapping while she is here.

@LSlycord :pillowtalk: Welcome back... you have been missed. I saw your son's photo on FB. He looks so grown-up!! Glad that Syd made it back for a visit and that lifted your spirits some. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you deal with the up-coming medical issues.

@Cherylndesigns Sorry that your hubby is still in rehab - but what a relief to know that the insurance will cover him up to 100 days there. Big pat on the back for getting the new lamp and putting it together yourself!!

@taxed4ever Oh, your poor bod... bet it is still aching from all the leave raking you have been doing. Don't blame you for waiting until all the leaves from that tree in back has fallen. The trees here are still in the midst of turning and dropping leaves. No point in having someone come in to get rid of them until they have finished - especially since the yard is all rock.

@vickyday Glad you got it straightened out where you were going before you were picked up. So sorry that you and Mark are both having stomach issues.

Time to get off the computer and dressed. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good morning, O-zies!!
Guess who got the job????
I know, in all honesty, I'm not surprised. I think it would have been weird to have me, Scott's Mom, come in, interview with his former boss and one of his besties, and then say, Naaaaah. ;)
I am excited to get started. The center is expanding its programs for younger kids. Right now, the majority of them are for elementary-aged kids and they are looking to add preschool programs, which is where I come in. Can you imagine, me getting paid to talk to little kids about gardens, animals, and dirt?? Lauren took me on a short tour of the property and some of the garden areas and outdoor classrooms and I was already coming up with ideas of things I'd want to do. They also need people to maintain the grounds, weeding, and such, and they laughed when I said that I used to pass my library's garden area and wanted to weed it.
Scott called afterward and we were laughing at how Lauren is going to be my boss :p

@vickyday I am delighted that you ate two meals in one day but sheesh, it also makes me sad. I know how rough it is for Gary and I hate that you deal with that too.
Oh no! Talk about wires crossed! Aren't you glad that you checked with Ilene's DD about shopping?

@bcgal00 I know it will be a chaotic few weeks for you, but I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that you are moving. You made such a nice place for yourself in Kamloops but if your family can't get the medical care it needs, you have to go wherever you can. Please take care of yourself, you don't want to make yourself so sick you can't breathe by the time make the move.
Thanks for the good thoughts about the job--I applied in October and it finally came through yesterday.

@taxed4ever How are you feeling today, not as achy as yesterday. I think I am going to need to rake this afternoon at least for a little while. The Japanese maple had all its leaves on Friday and they are 95% down this morning. All of the raking I did in October-- for nothin' LOL
Hope you slept better too!

@Cherylndesigns Here I am, all excited that it will be 50* today and "warm" enough to rake. I am going to have to get used to being outside in the cold for my new job (That still sounds so exciting! Sorry ;) ) Feel free to send the 65-70* weather here.
Can you share the link to the lamp, please? The one I have in my BR stinks. Maybe that one could work.
Keep us posted and tell Chuck I said hi.
Yay for sleeping well too!!

@BrightEyes I hope that you were able to get all of the things that you need for the holiday next week and your sister's visit. She is coming this weekend? You must be so excited. ♥
I hear ya about too much going on to do the ex-Red Hat lunch. My friend canceled me cleaning next week and all I felt was relief. I was going to figure out how to squeeze her in and now that frees up an entire morning.
I am so glad that I am doing this month's AJ challenge. It took me a while to think about how I wanted to approach it and I love the way it is coming along now that it's started.
Do you have fingerless gloves? Scott got me a pair "for arthritis" a couple of years ago and they help a lot. They are marketed for arthritis pain and have a little compression to them. Cheryl has something similar too IIRC.

Yikes, I better get going. I need to pick up groceries, then Rxs, then cleaning for my friend. Then raking?

Love to everyone!
WOOHOO! Congrats on the job! But, honestly, I'm not surprised! But glad it is confirmed now! That must be a relief for you! Do I remember correctly that you used to be a teacher? So this is right up your alley! CONGRATS again!

Mark and I have both lost weight with our stomach issues. He more than me since he can still be active outside. I can't even stand for very long without my back bothering me! So I do a little around the house and then have to sit in the recliner on heat or ice!


Love my O Family!
PS: I am not sure when I started yoga again but I am on a streak! I plan to keep going as long as I can. I am sure that next week is going to get hectic but my mindset is for almost every day. Yay!!
When do you start the job? What hours/days will you be working? I'm so excited and happy for you!


Love my O Family!
Up early this AM... need to get a shower and dressed then heading to grocery store. Hope I beat the crowd if I go early. It is cold - dropped from 36F to 34F since I got on the computer... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: but may make it up to mid-60's late this afternoon.

Congrats on getting the job!! :banana2:So happy for you!

I used to have a pair of fingerless gloves but since it is my fingers that are so cold the fingerless gloves wouldn't help with the cold hands! DH used to laugh at me as I have over a dozen pair of gloves and would/will wear them even when it was in 60's while wearing a light jacket!
Oh, yes... I am loving the AJ progressive challenge. Took me awhile to decide what I wanted to do with it. Can't wait to get to week 3 and week 4. Still have a couple more monthly challenges to do. May try to get 1 more done before my Sis arrives this weekend. Then take the week off from scrapping while she is here.

@LSlycord :pillowtalk: Welcome back... you have been missed. I saw your son's photo on FB. He looks so grown-up!! Glad that Syd made it back for a visit and that lifted your spirits some. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you deal with the up-coming medical issues.

@Cherylndesigns Sorry that your hubby is still in rehab - but what a relief to know that the insurance will cover him up to 100 days there. Big pat on the back for getting the new lamp and putting it together yourself!!

@taxed4ever Oh, your poor bod... bet it is still aching from all the leave raking you have been doing. Don't blame you for waiting until all the leaves from that tree in back has fallen. The trees here are still in the midst of turning and dropping leaves. No point in having someone come in to get rid of them until they have finished - especially since the yard is all rock.

@vickyday Glad you got it straightened out where you were going before you were picked up. So sorry that you and Mark are both having stomach issues.

Time to get off the computer and dressed. HAGD
I'm going to have to check out the AJ challenge for this month. I think that is the only challenge I haven't done.

Mark and I are total opposites on the body heat spectrum, too. I could wear a jacket all the time while he sits with a fan blowing on himself!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!

Cloudy and cool here today. Nothing on the plan today. I got the first half of November done on my monthly review pages yesterday but I'm not happy with it so will probably rework it today.....after I check out the AJ challenge y'all are talking about.

I ordered some clothes online from Kohl's that are supposed to be delivered today. I am hoping the pants and shirts fit as they are to replace the clothes I left hanging in the hotel last month! At least there is a Kohl's about 15 minutes away if I need to return them!

Supper will be the roast I fixed in the crockpot on Sunday and mushroom gravy and rice and whatever green veggie Mark wants.

HAGD! :waving1


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning eveyone! It is a bit chilly this morning, but it should be a good day for the hike to Chemainus Lake. Not too far from where I live so that is nice too. I will have to pack my hand warmers for sure though it is a chilly 3 degrees C. 37F. Not exactly warm weather :brrr:. Touque and gloves kinda day! I am supposed to meet up with SIL Linda and MIL and FIL this afternoon also to have lunch and discuss Christmas plans :groupchat:. Yesterday was another I didn't get anything accomplished day :sad2: seems I can't focus on anything for too long darn it! Oh well I will keep trying as I really need to get a few more calendar pages done before the end of the month and also get some Christmas Cards started. I tried to get my junk journal filmed for a flip through, but OMG it is like 10 minutes long :eek2:. I will have to do a bunch of editing before I show it to you all, I don't want to bore you to death with it! Anyway I have gotten all my morning chores done and just need to pack my backpack, I think some hot coffee will be a good idea to add to the bag.

@faerywings - CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW JOB!!! Sorry for yelling, but I am so excited for you :dancingbfly:. I know you will love it and the kids will love you too!! I am not so stiff today and I am sure the hike will work out all the kinks I am still feeling. Yes our Japanese Maple was the same, one day it is full and gorgeous the next day 95% of the leaves have fallen, sure makes for a pretty colored ground cover though!!

@BrightEyes - Not feeling quite so stiff this morning, yup no need to have someone take the leaves until they are totally off the trees! I be it would be much easier to just use a leaf blower to get rid of yours on the rocks. We try but they are usually still too wet to blow into a big pile. Hope you got off to the store before it got too busy!!

@vickyday - Enjoy your scrapping today, I really would love to get the AJ challenges done too. Thinking that maybe tomorrow, but I get my hair colored and cut tomorrow, sheesh I just can't find enough time to get started :giggle4:.

I hope you ladies all have a lovely day, think of me as I freeze my butt of on the hike this morning LOL.


Love my O Family!
Morning eveyone! It is a bit chilly this morning, but it should be a good day for the hike to Chemainus Lake. Not too far from where I live so that is nice too. I will have to pack my hand warmers for sure though it is a chilly 3 degrees C. 37F. Not exactly warm weather :brrr:. Touque and gloves kinda day! I am supposed to meet up with SIL Linda and MIL and FIL this afternoon also to have lunch and discuss Christmas plans :groupchat:. Yesterday was another I didn't get anything accomplished day :sad2: seems I can't focus on anything for too long darn it! Oh well I will keep trying as I really need to get a few more calendar pages done before the end of the month and also get some Christmas Cards started. I tried to get my junk journal filmed for a flip through, but OMG it is like 10 minutes long :eek2:. I will have to do a bunch of editing before I show it to you all, I don't want to bore you to death with it! Anyway I have gotten all my morning chores done and just need to pack my backpack, I think some hot coffee will be a good idea to add to the bag.

@faerywings - CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW JOB!!! Sorry for yelling, but I am so excited for you :dancingbfly:. I know you will love it and the kids will love you too!! I am not so stiff today and I am sure the hike will work out all the kinks I am still feeling. Yes our Japanese Maple was the same, one day it is full and gorgeous the next day 95% of the leaves have fallen, sure makes for a pretty colored ground cover though!!

@BrightEyes - Not feeling quite so stiff this morning, yup no need to have someone take the leaves until they are totally off the trees! I be it would be much easier to just use a leaf blower to get rid of yours on the rocks. We try but they are usually still too wet to blow into a big pile. Hope you got off to the store before it got too busy!!

@vickyday - Enjoy your scrapping today, I really would love to get the AJ challenges done too. Thinking that maybe tomorrow, but I get my hair colored and cut tomorrow, sheesh I just can't find enough time to get started :giggle4:.

I hope you ladies all have a lovely day, think of me as I freeze my butt of on the hike this morning LOL.
Mark wanted to go to lunch so my scrapping was delayed! Stay warm on your hike!


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Congrats! It sure sounds like the perfect job for you!

@vickyday Enjoy your cold weather hike. I'll be putting on a hat and gloves too to take Remi to the park today (32 right now and light snow).

We're slowly getting our purging/organizing done. Today I am going to pack bathroom stuff into ziplocks and put misc stuff from drawers into a suitcase that'll be easy to go thru after the move. Got my winter tires put on this morning and an oil change so the vehicle is ready for the trip.

I brought 4 bags of winter coats and blankets to the homeless drop-in center. It broke my heart to see people sitting and lying outside of the building, shivering in the cold and snowy weather. I gave them all blankets and socks and one lady took a coat (she refused more than one, politely saying to give them to others in need). It broke my heart to see them suffering, homelessness and/or addiction is something no one should have to endure.

I finished the latest season of "You" last night. The fellow that plays Joe is such a good actor.

I'm still sick but no worse so I guess that is a good thing. Fingers crossed the chest congestion and sinuses clear up on their own but if not, for now I'm hanging in there, just not very energetic by dinner time and going to bed early.

I need to get more coffee and get on with things. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all.

Sunny and 70 degrees here right now. Adrienne and "the 4 legged girls" just left. I didn't even have the front door unlocked when they walked down. We had a nice visit and some hot tea, then she had to get back to work. Her breaks aren't ever very long. Ava was here last night for awhile and left Baily here to play with Daisy.

Chris, I'm SO thrilled for you but not surprised in the least!! :cheer::banana5::banana5:How fun is that going to be??? I'm SO thrilled for you!

Good news - we think Chuck is going to get to come home on Friday! The doctors and PT people are going to evaluate him all the rest of the week, but they think he's almost ready. Gosh, it's been such a long time!

Ava and I are going to see him about five and then we're going to a "Sound Bath" Chris @faerywings - it's an hour of just laying on our yoga mats, listening to the sounds of Tibetan Chrystal Bowl playing - I thought of you with the "bath" part. I've been watching a Sound Bath video on You Tube and I can hardly wait to go!

Yes, Chris @faerywings and Kay @BrightEyes I wear the fingerless gloves. I get mine on Amazon - I have had mine for two or three years because I bought the set of 3. They have different colors, but these are the ones I got. The theory is that if you keep your palms warm, the fingers stay warm. I don't have real long fingers, so my fingers are more covered than the ones in the picture. I think these 3 pairs $17.00. They also come in sets of 2 and 4. Yes, Kay @BrightEyes I was prety proud of myself for putting that lamp together. I really NEEDED it and since I'm not sure when Chuck will be up to doing it, I did it myself. He always just jumps in and does everything like that, but I CAN do things for myself. LOL


They really work for me and I got Adrienne some too because she's typing all the time. I would highly recommend these because they're not bulky. The first pair I bought were too bulky to type while I was wearing them.

I'm going to boogie - Ava's picking me up at 4:45 and I need to get some stuff done. HAGD and hugs to all.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all.

Sunny and 70 degrees here right now. Adrienne and "the 4 legged girls" just left. I didn't even have the front door unlocked when they walked down. We had a nice visit and some hot tea, then she had to get back to work. Her breaks aren't ever very long. Ava was here last night for awhile and left Baily here to play with Daisy.

Chris, I'm SO thrilled for you but not surprised in the least!! :cheer::banana5::banana5:How fun is that going to be??? I'm SO thrilled for you!

Good news - we think Chuck is going to get to come home on Friday! The doctors and PT people are going to evaluate him all the rest of the week, but they think he's almost ready. Gosh, it's been such a long time!

Ava and I are going to see him about five and then we're going to a "Sound Bath" Chris @faerywings - it's an hour of just laying on our yoga mats, listening to the sounds of Tibetan Chrystal Bowl playing - I thought of you with the "bath" part. I've been watching a Sound Bath video on You Tube and I can hardly wait to go!

Yes, Chris @faerywings and Kay @BrightEyes I wear the fingerless gloves. I get mine on Amazon - I have had mine for two or three years because I bought the set of 3. They have different colors, but these are the ones I got. The theory is that if you keep your palms warm, the fingers stay warm. I don't have real long fingers, so my fingers are more covered than the ones in the picture. I think these 3 pairs $17.00. They also come in sets of 2 and 4. Yes, Kay @BrightEyes I was prety proud of myself for putting that lamp together. I really NEEDED it and since I'm not sure when Chuck will be up to doing it, I did it myself. He always just jumps in and does everything like that, but I CAN do things for myself. LOL

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They really work for me and I got Adrienne some too because she's typing all the time. I would highly recommend these because they're not bulky. The first pair I bought were too bulky to type while I was wearing them.

I'm going to boogie - Ava's picking me up at 4:45 and I need to get some stuff done. HAGD and hugs to all.
I've seen several different patterns for knitting these gloves. Might have to consider that when I'm able to get back to knitting!