
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, November 1


The Loopy-O

Happy. It is happy, right? :D
I am not 100% sure how I feel about the flipping of the calendar ATM. I have a feeling the next 2 months are going to be off the rails. Hopefully, more in a good way than not.

Halloween at the Faery-Skeleton House was a big fat bust. We had *one* trick-or-treater. Two if you count her mom who was carrying her since she looked like she was approximately 18 months old. :D
I saw on FB this morning that a neighborhood up the mountain was slammed. My little soapbox rant-- I don't think it is fair for kids to T-or-T in neighborhoods they don't live in. If you don't live in an area that is safe to go around, then there are usually malls or stores that give out candy. I spent $12 on three small bags of candy and that was all I could afford. I don't know how people in those areas can keep up. Maybe I am old-fashioned but when I was a kid it was fun showing off my costume to people I knew, it wasn't only about how much candy we got. Sure it was about candy as well, but it wasn't the only thing.
Oops. Sorry 'bout that. [insert tape over mouth emoji]

I'm glad that my brother came up. I don't think we solved anything but at least we have things out in the open. He had some small different perspectives that were helpful to me. After he left, I raked leaves for a few hours to make sure there was no dog poop hiding on the lawn in case the kids cut through the lawn instead of the driveway. Guess I didn't need to do that. heh.

I am picking up my groceries this morning and cleaning for my friend this afternoon. Housework and bills in between them. I also want to check out the new challenges.



The Loopy-O
@Cherylndesigns That is an excellent sign that Chuck's appetite is coming back. Bet he enjoyed the malt. He didn't grumble too much at you for visiting when you walked in with that, I bet *G*
It's so silly, the self-checkouts at the local grocery store are fine and I prefer them when I am only running in for a couple of things. But Walmart's: iy yi yi! A disaster just looking at them.
Love the flamingoes!

@BrightEyes 27*! :brrr: That's way too cold out there-- I can't complain about the 35* here (nor the snow shower alert - although, I guess I just did complain). I have a bunch of cuddle duds, tops and fleece. I love that they are cozy and lightweight. I get "claustrophobic" these days when my layers are too tight and/or bulky.
Whew! That's good that your weight is stable, that was scary when it kept dropping like that.
IMHO-- get the PJs now -- you might not be able to get the right size in another month. The way the stores are stocked these days, you need to shop for bathing suits in January and winter clothes in July. pfft

@vickyday yes, it is a relief that bladder surgery isn't on the table at this point. :praying2:
The visit with Ilene sounds like it perked you up mentally, which is very important for healing too. And what were you thinking, vacuuming and laundry? Sorry that you paid for that in aches and pain but at least you had a quiet day yesterday scrapping. (At least I hope that you followed your plan!)

@taxed4ever Oh no!!! The zucchini that was actually a cucumber! Maybe the cuke thought it was Halloween on the veggie farm? :giggle4: I have done that myself.
The treat bags are adorable! Hope that you had a good number of kids at your door.



Love my O Family!

Happy. It is happy, right? :D
I am not 100% sure how I feel about the flipping of the calendar ATM. I have a feeling the next 2 months are going to be off the rails. Hopefully, more in a good way than not.

Halloween at the Faery-Skeleton House was a big fat bust. We had *one* trick-or-treater. Two if you count her mom who was carrying her since she looked like she was approximately 18 months old. :D
I saw on FB this morning that a neighborhood up the mountain was slammed. My little soapbox rant-- I don't think it is fair for kids to T-or-T in neighborhoods they don't live in. If you don't live in an area that is safe to go around, then there are usually malls or stores that give out candy. I spent $12 on three small bags of candy and that was all I could afford. I don't know how people in those areas can keep up. Maybe I am old-fashioned but when I was a kid it was fun showing off my costume to people I knew, it wasn't only about how much candy we got. Sure it was about candy as well, but it wasn't the only thing.
Oops. Sorry 'bout that. [insert tape over mouth emoji]

I'm glad that my brother came up. I don't think we solved anything but at least we have things out in the open. He had some small different perspectives that were helpful to me. After he left, I raked leaves for a few hours to make sure there was no dog poop hiding on the lawn in case the kids cut through the lawn instead of the driveway. Guess I didn't need to do that. heh.

I am picking up my groceries this morning and cleaning for my friend this afternoon. Housework and bills in between them. I also want to check out the new challenges.

Yeah, I gave up on buying candy years ago because of the parents taking their kids to the "richer" neighborhoods! Pfft! Whatever!
Glad you and your brother were able to get things out in the open re your parents! It will help to know you are not alone in the battle!


Love my O Family!
@Cherylndesigns That is an excellent sign that Chuck's appetite is coming back. Bet he enjoyed the malt. He didn't grumble too much at you for visiting when you walked in with that, I bet *G*
It's so silly, the self-checkouts at the local grocery store are fine and I prefer them when I am only running in for a couple of things. But Walmart's: iy yi yi! A disaster just looking at them.
Love the flamingoes!

@BrightEyes 27*! :brrr: That's way too cold out there-- I can't complain about the 35* here (nor the snow shower alert - although, I guess I just did complain). I have a bunch of cuddle duds, tops and fleece. I love that they are cozy and lightweight. I get "claustrophobic" these days when my layers are too tight and/or bulky.
Whew! That's good that your weight is stable, that was scary when it kept dropping like that.
IMHO-- get the PJs now -- you might not be able to get the right size in another month. The way the stores are stocked these days, you need to shop for bathing suits in January and winter clothes in July. pfft

@vickyday yes, it is a relief that bladder surgery isn't on the table at this point. :praying2:
The visit with Ilene sounds like it perked you up mentally, which is very important for healing too. And what were you thinking, vacuuming and laundry? Sorry that you paid for that in aches and pain but at least you had a quiet day yesterday scrapping. (At least I hope that you followed your plan!)

@taxed4ever Oh no!!! The zucchini that was actually a cucumber! Maybe the cuke thought it was Halloween on the veggie farm? :giggle4: I have done that myself.
The treat bags are adorable! Hope that you had a good number of kids at your door.

I know, right...what was I thinking? Well I certainly wasn't thinking about how sore I would be if I did all that!
Yes, I did nothing at all but scrap yesterday. Gonna do the same thing today with the exception of going to my orthopedic appt.


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Got 4 pages of Color play done yesterday and still have a couple I want to do before moving on to the new challenges.

Today is back to the ortho doc to find out if it is surgery or casting on the wrist. NO to surgery, I am praying!

Not sure how cold it got last night but it is only 39 at 10:19! :brrr::brrr::brrr: I had to kick the heat up in the house this morning!


PS - Once again the Almanac says, "Today Is The Best Day To Do Nothing, Rest Up, Take A Nap, Enjoy!" :drinks2:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is not foggy this morning for a change and the temps are a bit warmer. There is cloud cover but the rain is not supposed to happen until around supper time, so I am off to my hike this morning. I need to stop at the bank before I go so I can pick up some eggs on my way to the hiking spot. It is cool enough outside that they should be fine sitting in the back of my car. Halloween was pretty quiet and we only got 23 kids come to the door. The same amount as last year. The neighbourhood kids, looked so cute and they loved their special treat bags, so that was nice! DH and I sit in the den downstairs and watch tv on Halloween night, so we don't have to keep going up and down the stairs to answer the door. Someone close by had a fireworks display going on so we got to see that. I bet there were lots of dogs that did not appreciate it though. Anyway I have to get my backpack ready to go, so I will get to personals.

@faerywings - Only one kid??? Isn't it terrible that the parents take their children to the richer neighbourhoods to trick or treat!! I know that when I was little there was one area in town where a lot of kids all lived, it was called the 100 houses and everyone in town went there to trick or treat. Those poor people had to hand out to a ton of kids every Halloween and it was certainly not a richer part of town, just where a lot of kids lived, so maybe that is where all the kids have gone to in your neck of the woods??
So glad that you and your brother got to talk about your parents issues, hopefully you can come up with some kind of a solution for the problems! Hope your grocery shopping and cleaning goes well today!

@Cherylndesigns - Happy to hear that Chuck is getting his appetite back! Hope he wasn't grouchy to you for visiting with him!

@vickyday - I hope it is a no for surgery for you too!! Sounds like you have been busy scrapping all the gorgeous colour play goodies!!

Ok I am running late, so I gotta get off of this computer! Have a great day everyone! :waving1


It is another brrrrr morning... 26*F... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: But the temp is suppose to climb from 51* yesterday to a high of 53* today!! :rotfl: We might actually get to 70* by next Monday. :p But it won't stay there long.

I managed to make it to a few stores but didn't buy anything. WM1 had sweatpants but not my size; WM2 had sweatshirts but not my size!!! Kohl's PJs were not on sale!!! And Sam's didn't have anything like what I wanted! So that was a bust. I did get a few things at Smith's and picked up my mail. Will wait a bit and see if I can find anything I like on-line.

Got my Challenge uploaded and in the gallery along with another challenge LO. Uploaded a LO for Karen Schultz UIA, too. Now I can draw a breath and refill my coffee cup. There are some really fun challenges this month. Need to look at the Designer's Challenges, too! They get my creative mojo kicked into high gear at the start of new month.

Halloween at the Faery-Skeleton House was a big fat bust. We had *one* trick-or-treater. Two if you count her mom who was carrying her since she looked like she was approximately 18 months old. :D
I saw on FB this morning that a neighborhood up the mountain was slammed. My little soapbox rant-- I don't think it is fair for kids to T-or-T in neighborhoods they don't live in. If you don't live in an area that is safe to go around, then there are usually malls or stores that give out candy. I spent $12 on three small bags of candy and that was all I could afford. I don't know how people in those areas can keep up. Maybe I am old-fashioned but when I was a kid it was fun showing off my costume to people I knew, it wasn't only about how much candy we got. Sure it was about candy as well, but it wasn't the only thing.
Oops. Sorry 'bout that. [insert tape over mouth emoji]

I'm glad that my brother came up. I don't think we solved anything but at least we have things out in the open. He had some small different perspectives that were helpful to me. After he left, I raked leaves for a few hours to make sure there was no dog poop hiding on the lawn in case the kids cut through the lawn instead of the driveway. Guess I didn't need to do that. heh.
I stopped buying Halloween candy several years ago. We don't get many trick-or-treaters and the body doesn't do well having to get up and down to answer the door. Chris... I agree with you kids going outside their own neighborhoods. Several of the churches in the area do a trucker-or-treat which is much safer for the kids.

Good morning!
Got 4 pages of Color play done yesterday and still have a couple I want to do before moving on to the new challenges.
Today is back to the ortho doc to find out if it is surgery or casting on the wrist. NO to surgery, I am praying!
Not sure how cold it got last night but it is only 39 at 10:19! :brrr::brrr::brrr: I had to kick the heat up in the house this morning!
PS - Once again the Almanac says, "Today Is The Best Day To Do Nothing, Rest Up, Take A Nap, Enjoy!" :drinks2:
Wow, Vicky... glad you were able to get some CP LOs done! Way to go, gal. Hope the ortho doc says no surgery.

@Cherylndesigns glad that Chuck was wanting a malt.. and good for you to get him one. Sounds like he has made up his mind to do whatever it takes to improve so he can come home.

@tanteva Looks like that was quite a snowfall you got. Stay warm.

Off to get dressed and see about sorting the laundry. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... it is not foggy this morning for a change and the temps are a bit warmer. There is cloud cover but the rain is not supposed to happen until around supper time, so I am off to my hike this morning. I need to stop at the bank before I go so I can pick up some eggs on my way to the hiking spot. It is cool enough outside that they should be fine sitting in the back of my car. Halloween was pretty quiet and we only got 23 kids come to the door. The same amount as last year. The neighbourhood kids, looked so cute and they loved their special treat bags, so that was nice! DH and I sit in the den downstairs and watch tv on Halloween night, so we don't have to keep going up and down the stairs to answer the door. Someone close by had a fireworks display going on so we got to see that. I bet there were lots of dogs that did not appreciate it though. Anyway I have to get my backpack ready to go, so I will get to personals.

@faerywings - Only one kid??? Isn't it terrible that the parents take their children to the richer neighbourhoods to trick or treat!! I know that when I was little there was one area in town where a lot of kids all lived, it was called the 100 houses and everyone in town went there to trick or treat. Those poor people had to hand out to a ton of kids every Halloween and it was certainly not a richer part of town, just where a lot of kids lived, so maybe that is where all the kids have gone to in your neck of the woods??
So glad that you and your brother got to talk about your parents issues, hopefully you can come up with some kind of a solution for the problems! Hope your grocery shopping and cleaning goes well today!

@Cherylndesigns - Happy to hear that Chuck is getting his appetite back! Hope he wasn't grouchy to you for visiting with him!

@vickyday - I hope it is a no for surgery for you too!! Sounds like you have been busy scrapping all the gorgeous colour play goodies!!

Ok I am running late, so I gotta get off of this computer! Have a great day everyone! :waving1
5 and I'm done for now, I think! I reserve the right to change my mind, however! ;)


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Good morning, Ladies!! I'm sitting here on my donut with a dog on each foot. It's a normal morning. However, I have an entire bowl full of candy that no kids came to eat last night! I'm exaggerating - I had about 10 kids come to the door. They were all nice and polite and the parents made sure they said thank you. One little girl had my heart - she was dressed as TinkerBell and she was no more than 2-3. She said, "Twick o Tweet pwease!!!!" and I just melted. Our neighborhood isn't gated and it has some bad apples, so I wasn't expecting too much of the day to day stuff. The teens dress up scary and sit around the common areas smoking. At least they don't hassle anyone. Our community is about 10 years old so the first people have moved and a new crop of younger families have moved in. They must have gone to a different community to trick or treat because I KNOW there are more kids around here than came to the door. There are no dead splatted pumpkins around and no mischief - so I"m glad for that. Meli went to her friend's house where they had a costume party. At 20, this was the first year she DIDN'T trick or treat. LOL

@faerywings I'm guilty of that. When we were kids, there was a place called "Nellie Gail". They were custom homes and the people were rather rich and most owned horses. We would have our parents drive us down there. They gave out FULL SIZE candy bars. As a kid, we didn't really know any better - we just wanted the candy!! As a Mom and a financially strapped one most of my life, I DO understand now that it's a stretch for some, so we never took Meli out of our area to get the better candy.

I am still feeling a little aimless. I don't really want to get a job yet - but finances and the economy are telling me that I really need to do it soon. There is a lot more month than money and we are relying on credit to get us groceries some weeks. :( Mike has said to just wait until the new year, and I think that's what I am going to do. Meanwhile, there are so many projects to do in the house that just never get done. We are going to sit down and write down what needs to be done and I'll get that going. Plus - I am GOING to get in shape. Once the doctor releases me to exercise again, there is NO EXCUSE! I live 2 miles from the gym. I have 10 MILES of walking trails all around me. I don't have a kid to school anymore, and I don't have a job yet.

@vickyday I really hope that it's no surgery for you.

@Cherylndesigns I'm really glad to hear that Chuck is perking up a bit. He'll be the man you know and love and drives you crazy soon enough!!! :hug1:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, lovelies.

November first - time to change my witch avi, but I love her so much. I want to keep her. :floorlaugh: I looked for a similar picture that would be appropriate for November, but nothing suited me.''

Susie @pachimac it's so good to see you in here again!! I'm with you all on candy and buying it for kids I don't even know. In Michigan, we had DOZENS AND DOZENS of kids and people literally dropped them off in the neighborhoods and let them trick or treat. UGH. We had to buy so much candy then. Things weren't so finally rough then, either. Now, when I go to the grocery, I'm shocked at the prices.

Chris @I found one non self checkout at Walmart yesterday and I had two items. This woman in front of me had her cart spilling over and she was JUSt started to unload it. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let me in front of her. Just then a second lane opened and I dashed over there. TWO non self check outs in that whole huge store. I hate them and just can't do them so pretty soon I'm going to be screwed. I'd rather have robots than self check outs. I'm glad you and your brother came to a good "meeting of the minds" if that's what you want to call it. Chuck's metal attitude is improving and he "tolerates" us coming to visit. :floorlaugh:

Kay @BrightEyes you're colder than we are - but that wind just bites, here, making it feel so much colder.

Thanks to ALL of you for your continued good wishes for Chuck. We're taking him another malt tonight and he did ask for a couple of other things from home. The flannel pants I bought him fit perfectly - Kay @BrightEyes I found them at Marshall's for $9.98. You might check there. I ordered him two more pair from Amazon, but they're too big, so I have to send them back.

Oh, he FINALLY agreed to start going to the PT room! I'm just so excited - we had a heart to heart and I told him that he HAD to do that if he wanted to get out of there. He had said that he could do all of that in his room. I "humbly disagreed:" so he must have been "listening". Men - it has to be THEIR idea, I swear.

I want to give all of you a big hug so here's a virtual hug - a virtual group hug, because I need one too. :grouphugyay:


Love my O Family!
Good morning, Ladies!! I'm sitting here on my donut with a dog on each foot. It's a normal morning. However, I have an entire bowl full of candy that no kids came to eat last night! I'm exaggerating - I had about 10 kids come to the door. They were all nice and polite and the parents made sure they said thank you. One little girl had my heart - she was dressed as TinkerBell and she was no more than 2-3. She said, "Twick o Tweet pwease!!!!" and I just melted. Our neighborhood isn't gated and it has some bad apples, so I wasn't expecting too much of the day to day stuff. The teens dress up scary and sit around the common areas smoking. At least they don't hassle anyone. Our community is about 10 years old so the first people have moved and a new crop of younger families have moved in. They must have gone to a different community to trick or treat because I KNOW there are more kids around here than came to the door. There are no dead splatted pumpkins around and no mischief - so I"m glad for that. Meli went to her friend's house where they had a costume party. At 20, this was the first year she DIDN'T trick or treat. LOL

@faerywings I'm guilty of that. When we were kids, there was a place called "Nellie Gail". They were custom homes and the people were rather rich and most owned horses. We would have our parents drive us down there. They gave out FULL SIZE candy bars. As a kid, we didn't really know any better - we just wanted the candy!! As a Mom and a financially strapped one most of my life, I DO understand now that it's a stretch for some, so we never took Meli out of our area to get the better candy.

I am still feeling a little aimless. I don't really want to get a job yet - but finances and the economy are telling me that I really need to do it soon. There is a lot more month than money and we are relying on credit to get us groceries some weeks. :( Mike has said to just wait until the new year, and I think that's what I am going to do. Meanwhile, there are so many projects to do in the house that just never get done. We are going to sit down and write down what needs to be done and I'll get that going. Plus - I am GOING to get in shape. Once the doctor releases me to exercise again, there is NO EXCUSE! I live 2 miles from the gym. I have 10 MILES of walking trails all around me. I don't have a kid to school anymore, and I don't have a job yet.

@vickyday I really hope that it's no surgery for you.

@Cherylndesigns I'm really glad to hear that Chuck is perking up a bit. He'll be the man you know and love and drives you crazy soon enough!!! :hug1:
Prayers your finances improve soon!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon, lovelies.

November first - time to change my witch avi, but I love her so much. I want to keep her. :floorlaugh: I looked for a similar picture that would be appropriate for November, but nothing suited me.''

Susie @pachimac it's so good to see you in here again!! I'm with you all on candy and buying it for kids I don't even know. In Michigan, we had DOZENS AND DOZENS of kids and people literally dropped them off in the neighborhoods and let them trick or treat. UGH. We had to buy so much candy then. Things weren't so finally rough then, either. Now, when I go to the grocery, I'm shocked at the prices.

Chris @I found one non self checkout at Walmart yesterday and I had two items. This woman in front of me had her cart spilling over and she was JUSt started to unload it. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let me in front of her. Just then a second lane opened and I dashed over there. TWO non self check outs in that whole huge store. I hate them and just can't do them so pretty soon I'm going to be screwed. I'd rather have robots than self check outs. I'm glad you and your brother came to a good "meeting of the minds" if that's what you want to call it. Chuck's metal attitude is improving and he "tolerates" us coming to visit. :floorlaugh:

Kay @BrightEyes you're colder than we are - but that wind just bites, here, making it feel so much colder.

Thanks to ALL of you for your continued good wishes for Chuck. We're taking him another malt tonight and he did ask for a couple of other things from home. The flannel pants I bought him fit perfectly - Kay @BrightEyes I found them at Marshall's for $9.98. You might check there. I ordered him two more pair from Amazon, but they're too big, so I have to send them back.

Oh, he FINALLY agreed to start going to the PT room! I'm just so excited - we had a heart to heart and I told him that he HAD to do that if he wanted to get out of there. He had said that he could do all of that in his room. I "humbly disagreed:" so he must have been "listening". Men - it has to be THEIR idea, I swear.

I want to give all of you a big hug so here's a virtual hug - a virtual group hug, because I need one too. :grouphugyay:
Great news on your Chuck! Yes, they have to think it was their idea! Maddening, for sure! Hugs to you! :hug4: