
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 7


The Loopy-O
It is a great day today!
It's my last day of radiation and woo hooooo I am happy about that. Part of me is going to miss seeing everyone every day. Such nice people. I baked them cookies and wrote a little thank you note. I'll be back in and out. I need to make a follow up appt in 2 weeks so it won't be long LOL.
My parents are taking me out to lunch today too to celebrate. They are so awesome. I hope that my mom is feeling better too. She has me so worried. She really needs to get in to a dr and get a good, thorough check up, but she won't do it.

And, it is my adorable sweet godson's 3rd b-day! I wish I could see him today but I did get to see him on Sunday, even if he was too busy playing with his toys. I miss the days when he was a newborn and I could just hold him forever.

So that is it from me. Happy happy day!!!

I am wishing that my little man has a wonderful b-day and has the same each and every year.
I want my skin to start healing *now*-- so done with the burning and peeling ;)
I want you all to have a fan-tabulous day!


The Loopy-O
Sara, most of the teachers are very sympathetic to the kids. No one seems to know where this late policy came from. If the school's goal is to provide everyone with a quality education, what good it is to send them to ISS for the period??? *headdesk*
How did you do getting through the day? Hope you weren't too tired.

I didn't get a phone call from the school, but both kids have "Super Detentions" on Friday. Cait was actually late to 1st period by accident. On her way down to the ISS room, she saw a group of kids (including Scott) sitting in the Hall protesting and collecting petition signatures. She figured that as long as she already had detention, she would join the protest and get the Super Detention. They did get about 300 signatures and the VP is going to read the petition. He even said that he admired Scott for his conviction. (yeah, great, encourage him more ugh).

Never a dull moment!

Nancy- those trips sound fabulous! I am sure you will get lots of amazing photos. That is too funny about being able to relax during the hockey games.
So true about the time they start, I just read another study released by the UK that teens brains do not function properly (for lack of a better word!) early in the mornings. Thanks for the good thoughts for the Survivor Lap :)

Trudy- stop it!! I don't want to hear about your flowers anymore!! (JK!!!) I am just a bit jealous. Although my daffodils are blooming and two tulips. The others look like a few more warm days will bring them out. It's so late for them though.
Hope that you get some new luggage. And thanks for saying I should be proud of my kids. I flip between being proud of them for standing up and feeling like I have created monsters :pound:



Well-Known Member
hiya. gotta drive into the city to wait for DD's new couch to arrive and for 1-800-GotJunk to come and take the old one away. it's one of those "time window" things, so i could be sitting there for 3 hours with nothing much happening. well, at least it's going to be in the 70s, after a thunder storm moves through.

feeling my mortality today, for some reason. it must be the result of 6 months of winter....

have a happy day, peoples! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies. For those of you on the OTeam, please check Vicki's news. I'm sure the community at large will hear soon.

Give everyone a big hug and lots of love today.


Well-Known Member
good morning! The sun is shining and it should warm up nicely. Got in a good walk. Got several scrap pages done. So it was a good day! And today I have errands to do so not as much scrapping time. Of course I watched hockey.

Chris congrats on the last day! So proud of you! And of course you made them cookies!

Phylis enjoy your time at your daughter's place.

Sara HI! That is a pretty cryptic note you left.

Trudy I yelled at those Bruins to wake up! But they did not hear until the 3rd period and then it is too late!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies! I got my planters done and now just have one more thing to shop for and that's a planter for my front porch. Did not get to look for luggage as I was much to busy walking around the Nursery most of the day, I could spend the entire day there drooling over all of the plants and the accessories for the garden. They sell the most amazing rubber boots at this Nursery, all kinds of colours and styles, but OMG $50 for rubber boots? I can get black rubber boots at Canadian Tire for $10 LOL I am cheap and not very fashionable I guess!! :becky:

Chris - doing a happy dance with you right now to celebrate your last treatment!! How nice of you to bake them cookies! You might miss them, but I bet you never want to have to go back there again EVER!! Yes be very proud of your kiddos!! They are fantastic people!!

Phylis - Uggh waiting for delivery people is the worst!! Hope you have something good to read with you! Or a great Podcast to listen too!! Hope you have also seen the last of winter my friend!! You need some sunshine to revive you!!

Sara - I am still reeling with disbelief about the news that Vicki posted!! I am sure everyone will know soon.

Nancy - Yes, those darn Bruins forgot to play their game last night, they did not deserve a win that's for sure, but OHHHHH I hate to see the Habs win !! Keeping my fingers crossed that the Habs do not beat them again. Would be sad to see the Bruins not make it to the next round!

Not much to do today, except either do my yoga or go for a nice long walk, perhaps both?? Need to scrap too, hopefully it happens for a change! Enjoy the day everyone! :wave: