
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 14


The Loopy-O
WARNING: A little rant is coming up ahead.

Argh! So tired of feeling like crap. My head is a pile of mush, I have no stamina, I feel like I am wasting my life away and my skin is peeling off in chunks. And... drum roll.... I HATE health insurance. Or more specifically, I HATE the CDC. I got denied *again* for any coverage for my abx and PICC supplies. Guess I am not sick enough. Or whatever. Totally not surprised.
But then Gary and I figured that since insurance covered my PICC insertion ($14,000!!!!) they would have to cover the maintenance, right? Who the heck knows. But there is a medical supply place that is on my plan so I spent almost 2 hours of my day trying to order supplies, enter my personal/dr/insurance info, the website kept acting wonky. Then off to Amazon to order the saline flushes that I will need while I find out if my ins. can get its act together.
I got a little bit done around the house, then wanted (needed) to get outside to clear my head. I was literally shaking after a half hour. I am never going to get my yard cleaned up at the rate I am going. Gary has done *a lot* with the patio and front veggie garden areas, but the rest of it- I am just going to slowly. And to think, this used to be my therapy.

By the time that dinner rolls along, I am a cranky mess. - Oh yeah, this is my week on Tindamax aka Abx from Hell.

And yippeeeee, today I get to go food shopping and then pay bills.

Shoot me now!:laser:


The Loopy-O
Oh Trudy! What a bad night for you, I hope you had an ok day and were able to get some good sleep last night.
Yay for BBQ weather!!

Sara, Oh my, so scary, and so glad that you were ok. Tornados freak me out!

Nancy- yesterday was ok here with the weather, but by dinner time you could feel the air had changed and today looks cold and dreary. Hope your gyn appt was ok.

T- yup, we have ants now too, so ant traps are on my shopping list today. With the last few days being so warm, all of a sudden *everything* is turning green, including my black car which is covered in a beautiful film of pollen LOL


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- I woke up yesterday feeling my age- she says never- and today is not far behind. I so cannot wait for 13 more days when calgon will take me away. My husband is driving me nuts. We were going to have the carpet and floor people do the basement, now he wants to save money and do it ourselves and oh lets shelve doing the upstairs floors too. GRRRRRR. I strained my "good" arm and now it hurts too. What is a girl to do, but dream of the beach and think positive, which is not so easy to do when things seem to be falling apart before your very eyes. I know, Chris, compared to what you are going through, this is nothing, but it is frustrating.


Well-Known Member
hey, girls. sounds like this is a rainy Monday inside our heads today. yup. sometimes it is just too, too....much. Chris, you have just lived through surgery and radiation. try to slow down. please. i can't imagine trying to work through your insurance mess. isn't there a Lyme organization that can help you navigate this? how about the doctor you use? i can't even think of what to say about all this. what a trial. i won't even tell you to try to keep your spirits up. just scream at everyone. might as well. (((hugs)))

Laurie, husbands are a trial. who can understand the inner workings of the Male Mind? i sure can't. when projects depend on their co-operation, anything can happen. good luck. my kitchen floor is supposed to be installed by my tile guy in July. Hubby has to take up the old wood and do all the prep. he "seems" to be on track, but we'll see....

Trudy, i'm up since 3:30 this morning. for heaven's SAKE!! hope you had a better night. nap in the plans later today for me.

Sara, yikes!! scary weather! there seem to be just wave after wave of these storms moving across the center and east of the country. i guess there's more to come. be safe!

Nancy. the Penguins stink....

Tropt, good luck with the Newton lesson!

going to the ophthalmologist for my "yearly " in about 30 minutes. more discussion about eye glop and floaters, no doubt. i'll be glad when this week is over. colonoscopy on Friday. my favorite. :becky:

have a day that's worthy of your sweet selves.


Well-Known Member
good morning yesterday turned out pretty good as my Dr. said everything was good especially my blood pressure. That made me feel really good. I have been going to him for 32 years. WOW. The weather was actually very nice with sun and clouds but today is only in upper 60s and grey. Everything is really green and that is good. Still having fun watching my cycling races and of course hockey. But I was so good last night while watching hockey and went through my Oct, Nov, and Dec hockey photos and back up and then deleted any that I would never use in scrapping. Good to be a little productive while watching hockey.

Chris you are so hard on yourself. As Phylis says give your body time to heal. I know with teenagers and with all your medical stuff it can not be easy to just relax but in the long run it will be better! My son fought his battle with the insurance company but he got his insurance card in the mail yesterday so he is happy. He had to talk to so many people and my advice to him was always make sure you get the person name and direct phone number so you don't have to keep repeating your story.

Phylis yes the Penguins did not come through. It was sad to see. Hope the eye doctor gives you some good news and colonoscopies are not bad as you are asleep it is the prep that is the pits. Good luck with that.

Laurie be careful with your shoulders! Men and do it yourself projects - I have quite a few unfinished projects at my home.

Trudy hope you got a better nights sleep! Go Bruins!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... sounds like it really is not that great of a morning for everyone! I at least slept a bit better last night, but of course did my usual 3am trip to the bathroom and then tossed and turned a bit, but eventually fell back to sleep. Now this morning I must get myself dressed and ready to receive the internet guy who is to look at hubby's computer and figure out why in the heck it won't connect to the internet for more than 2 mins. So I will quickly say my good mornings to you all and get my butt dressed. He probably won't show right at 8am and I will be back here to do personals while I wait

Hope that you all have a better afternoon and that the sun comes out and shines on all of you today!! Talk to you later!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well - Trudy didn't come back. So either the internet guy came and then she got herself busy...or the internet guy came and broker her internet. LOL

Hey ladies. Sorry things seem to be a bit stressful this week. Chris - I know you want to do the yard, but please remember that people care more about you enjoying life than the yard. Spending more time focusing on the kids, Gary, and even enjoying yourself however that works at the moment, is more precious than fretting over the weeds. :)

Laurie - Your husband and my husband should get together. LOL So fickle about the whole process. I'm a make a decision and do it kind of person. Then it's done and over with and out of the way. He is not that way.

Phylis - How did the eye appointment go? I don't suppose there is anything to do for floaters huh? I have some that drive me a bit bonkers.

Nancy - So glad your pressure was good! I discovered that even regular Zyrtec now makes my pressure go up. It stinks! I am miserable with allergies, but can't really take anything.

Trudy - How did your day end up?

We had baseball practice cancelled tonight. On the one had, I'm soooo glad we have a night at home. On the other hand, they REALLY could have used the practice before our game tomorrow. So, Ben and I practiced for an hour in the basement.I'm seeing some sunshine outside...we probably could have had it. Oh well.

Last night, I had to pull three mom cards during Ben's parkour class. The new teacher hasn't taught before. He had no control of the kids. When they were in the martial arts room, the kids were crazy. I had to get up and tell Ben to knock off what he was doing. Then they went to the gym. #1 problem, the guy let the kids run all over the floor playing tag (this is a big gymnastics place, and a lot was going on, but no one was on the floor exercise). Ben got shoved really hard and went straight back from a standing position and hit his head so hard he started crying. I got up from the bleacher and hollered down and told the kids to knock it off and talk to the teacher. Then the teacher had the kids doing standing front flips on a regular mat on the floor - which they have NEVER done before - and wasn't even spotting them. It was scary. So when I ran into the head parkour teacher downstairs - I said something. I felt a tiny bit bad, but after the first kid landed on his shoulders....I was scared for the kids. Heck, all they needed was a spot for goodness sakes!

Ben wants to maybe try out for the Trampoline and Tumbling team too. But I don't know if we can do it all!! *sigh* Not enough hours in the day!!!

School is busy with end of the year stuff, but not too bad. I have a Buy One Get One Free book fair going on that's doing pretty horrible. Not much in sales (which means books in the hands of kids) and barely any volunteers. Oh well - it is what it is.

I start a class next week that is so dumb. I don't want to do it at all. But I gotta. It won't be as bad as my class last fall, but it's still a big old waste.

I am counting down the days until our vacation though. We are going to South Dakota. I've heard such wonderful things and I am positive it's going to be an awesome vacation for all of us. Anyone have any tips?

Ok. I guess I should do the dishes. I left them sit the last two days running Ben around. I'll be glad when Matt gets back on Friday!

If I don't get a chance to say it tomorrow...have a great Thursday!