
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, March 6


The Loopy-O
Owwww owww owwwwwwww
I hurt!
I spent the entire day painting. I forgot how much I hate painting ceilings. The 3' stepladder isn't quite tall enough and the 5' one is wobbly. if I were only a little taller the 3' would be perfect. I also forgot how big the room is. -- 10'x18' Doesn't sound big but up and down the ladder (short T-Rex arms of mine, smaller reach), move, get paint, roll, and back down the ladder.
But I got the entire room and ceiling primed. It already is looking much better. well -- cleaner.
I was pretty wiped out by the time I was done and was super glad that I had leftovers for dinner.

Off to pick up my groceries this morning and then working at Weis this afternoon. It's supposed to rain and off all day so maybe it will be "off" during the homeschool session time.

Hope everyone has a great day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday I know it's not an ideal situation for Cait and Tom to be here as newlyweds but it makes financial sense. Especially long-term. Maybe the housing market will be better in a year. Caitlyn will be able to pay more of her student loans this way too.
I'm always cautious about telling people what to plant in differing areas, so much becomes invasive and the last thing I want to do is make an ecological mess ;)
NJ primary is later but we do mail-in voting. I love not having to stand in line. Thinking of you as you decide your best treatment options ♥

@BrightEyes Smart decision about holding off on the commissary trip until later in the week. Good luck at the dr today!!

@taxed4ever You have such beautiful views! The snow looks pretty in the distance :)
That's fantastic news about your ILs house!
You got this! It's going to be great!!! (Can I stop pretending now :lol23:)

@tanteva Congrats to Sweden!! I was really happy that you finally got that last approval vote. Yup. Someone sure is not happy about it. If that someone had kept his nose out of Georgia/Crimea/Ukraine maybe he wouldn't be so mad now. Perhaps.

@Cherylndesigns Goodluck getting your software to cooperate again!



Mistress of Mayhem
Looks like our prime minister & foreign minister is just about to jump on a plane to Washington to deliver the formal papers. Looks like we're full members by tomorrow. I'm not 100% sure what I think about this. Obviously, we've always been "on this side" and not the other ... but, Sweden hasn't been involved in any war since ... I'm not even sure ... 1848 or something. It's such a strange thing to think of. And it's weird how FAST it happened. Usually, everything takes like 2 million years to pass legislation and bureucracy (or you spell that any way you like, I sure don't know) and political debates. I know Turkey & Hungary slowed us down, but even with that - it took like seconds in comparison. I'm not sure everyone really understands what this means.

On a happier note: sun is shining!!!!!


Morning, all. Almost had a heart attack... glanced at the time on the computer and thought it was 8:30 and I am not dressed!!! YIKES!!! Turned out it is only 6:30... I don't have my reading glasses on and the time is in tiny numbers!!! :lol23: Well, that got my heart rate way up there as I have to leave for the doctor's appointment by 9:00. Decided I had to make my March siggy this morning. Glad to have it done. I looked at the weather forecast... it is 35*F now and will get to 65* this afternoon - so have to dress in layers. Then the temp will drop starting tomorrow with rain/sleet/snow on Friday. So guess I will be off and running tomorrow to the commissary. I did get my list started yesterday but I am sure I haven't put everything on it that I need.

Time to :showering:and get dressed. Will be back later for personals. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Owwww owww owwwwwwww
I hurt!
I spent the entire day painting. I forgot how much I hate painting ceilings. The 3' stepladder isn't quite tall enough and the 5' one is wobbly. if I were only a little taller the 3' would be perfect. I also forgot how big the room is. -- 10'x18' Doesn't sound big but up and down the ladder (short T-Rex arms of mine, smaller reach), move, get paint, roll, and back down the ladder.
But I got the entire room and ceiling primed. It already is looking much better. well -- cleaner.
I was pretty wiped out by the time I was done and was super glad that I had leftovers for dinner.

Off to pick up my groceries this morning and then working at Weis this afternoon. It's supposed to rain and off all day so maybe it will be "off" during the homeschool session time.

Hope everyone has a great day!
I would not be able to do the ceilings because of my neck issues (arthritis and wrong curvature). Do you have one of those extension poles to use for painting? That might help!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I know it's not an ideal situation for Cait and Tom to be here as newlyweds but it makes financial sense. Especially long-term. Maybe the housing market will be better in a year. Caitlyn will be able to pay more of her student loans this way too.
I'm always cautious about telling people what to plant in differing areas, so much becomes invasive and the last thing I want to do is make an ecological mess ;)
NJ primary is later but we do mail-in voting. I love not having to stand in line. Thinking of you as you decide your best treatment options ♥

@BrightEyes Smart decision about holding off on the commissary trip until later in the week. Good luck at the dr today!!

@taxed4ever You have such beautiful views! The snow looks pretty in the distance :)
That's fantastic news about your ILs house!
You got this! It's going to be great!!! (Can I stop pretending now :lol23:)

@tanteva Congrats to Sweden!! I was really happy that you finally got that last approval vote. Yup. Someone sure is not happy about it. If that someone had kept his nose out of Georgia/Crimea/Ukraine maybe he wouldn't be so mad now. Perhaps.

@Cherylndesigns Goodluck getting your software to cooperate again!

In this day and age finances are spread too thin! You all have such a great relationship, however, that I don't see it being a problem their living in the same house. Sounds like they are going to have their own space!
I will get Mark's input as to where he wants the forsythia planted. Is forsythia invasive?
Voting was quick and painless, thank You, Lord!


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Almost had a heart attack... glanced at the time on the computer and thought it was 8:30 and I am not dressed!!! YIKES!!! Turned out it is only 6:30... I don't have my reading glasses on and the time is in tiny numbers!!! :lol23: Well, that got my heart rate way up there as I have to leave for the doctor's appointment by 9:00. Decided I had to make my March siggy this morning. Glad to have it done. I looked at the weather forecast... it is 35*F now and will get to 65* this afternoon - so have to dress in layers. Then the temp will drop starting tomorrow with rain/sleet/snow on Friday. So guess I will be off and running tomorrow to the commissary. I did get my list started yesterday but I am sure I haven't put everything on it that I need.

Time to :showering:and get dressed. Will be back later for personals. HAGD
Love the new siggy!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Voting was very quick and painless yesterday, so barely any standing in line!

I walked around the property again yesterday. The day before when I walked it I only did 2 laps and took pictures as I walked. Yesterday I only walked and made 3 laps. 20 minutes each day, so yesterday's was more beneficial, I am sure!

It is a rainy day today. Current temp is 55 feels like 55. The high is only going to be 57 for the day but remaining in the 50's the rest of the day and night.

Nothing going on today. I've been researching naturopathic treatment for osteoporosis and IBS. The only problem is that they don't take insurance. I'm hoping the guy got into office who wanted to integrate the healthcare system into holistic/naturopathic care got into office so they can accept insurance!

I thought I would hear from Ilene today but she must be busy. I think I will call her and see if she is.



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

Ava and I went to T-Mobil yesterday and rolled our two phones into a new, cheaper plan. I cancelled Chuck's phone and we both got on a cheaper plan that will save both of us some money, especially her because one line costs the most. We both had unlimited data for use as a hotspot in case our internet goes down. We dropped down to the lower level and still have plenty of data, but after so many gigs, it slows down. My sister had just told me that they switched to this, so that saved us some money. The guy looked at both of our usage and said we definitely didn't either one have to be paying for the unlimited premium plan, which was what we were both on. So, one more thing off my list. Then we met Ava's bf and had dinner. All in all a great late afternoon and evening.

Chris @faerywings what dolor did you paint the room? You probably said, but I can't remember. Ceilings are the worst. It kills my neck - a really tall person can paint a ceiling so much easier. I used to love to paint but didn't like painting ceilings.

I'm going to cut this short and get me some tea and head up to Adrienne's. I'll be back for personals. I got up early so I could get up there and get some papers that have come in the mail and talk to Roger about a couple of things.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... it was a good day yesterday! I got lots accomplished and even went out for a short walk, but man was it chilly!! I will see if SIL Linda wants to head out for a walk today, but later on in the afternoon because its still freezing out there this morning! :brrr:. Winter go away already!! I remembered yesterday that I have a hair appointment on Thursday, the day I was supposed to go with Linda to the In-Laws. I was supposed to get some photos of the things that FIL wants to sell, but Linda said she would take them for me and send them to me. I will talk with the In-Laws today and see if FIL has a list of the items and what he will be pricing them at. Today my DH will not be home for lunch as he will be taking a bunch of things to be shredded and destroyed at his work. They are soon to be moving into the new building, and they are getting rid of everything that they don't want to move. Not much to do today, so will putter around in my craft room and maybe do some scrapping. I will see what inspires me. I need to go to the grocery store this morning also as I am out of a few items. What an exciting life I lead :giggle4:.

@faerywings - Ohhhh Ouch I bet you are sore all over!! You really need to get a pole to attach your roller to!! But I guess its too late now ! It will be the best thing that Caitlyn and Tom will be under your roof!! It will give them a better start to their married life and hopefully do wonders for their financial situation! You are such great parents and your kids are very fortunate!! I know that the In-Laws living so close to us will be a big adjustment for all of us and there will be days when we will all question WTH we were thinking LOL. So ya, you can stop pretending now :yourecute:.

@tanteva - Happy to hear that the sun is shining for you today! Congrats to Sweden, sorry that you are not sure how you feel about it all!

@BrightEyes - Yikes that would be a shocking way to wake up!! Glad that you did not sleep in after all!! Love your new siggie! I need to change mine too, but I keep procrastinating (its what I do best lol ).

@vickyday - Glad that the voting was quick and painless for your back! Hope you find something fun to do today!

@Cherylndesigns - You had a busy day with your new phone plans and how nice to go out for dinner with Ava and her BF!! Sounds like you are making good progress with your to do list!

Well Heather will be calling soon and I haven't gotten anything done this morning, so I will say :bye2: and hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday!!


Well, I am back - great news at doctor's... don't need to see him for a year!!! dance4:banana3:
And plans changed for tomorrow... I won't be going to the base commissary then. Called base pharmacy when I got home and it is now back open. Ordered my refill and it won't be ready until next Wednesday. Also sent a message to PC doc for a new Rx on Blood Pressure meds. Hopefully it will be there before Wednesday so I can get both. Will wait to do the commissary run until then. That is the same day that niece and her SO will be driving in from Amarillo but they won't get here until late in the afternoon. Since they have to set up the motor home, I don't expect to see them until Thursday.

@Cherylndesigns Glad you and Ava got your cell phone plans changed to a less expensive plan for both of you!!! Glad Roger is back so you can talk him about some of the decisions/paperwork.

@faerywings I get your bod is aching today after painting the ceiling and up/down the ladder. DH used an extension pole when he painted the ceiling even though he was 6'1". Said that was easier than using a ladder - too much up and down with it. I saw the FB ad for the hike... looks like a lot of fun.

@taxed4ever Glad you remembered your hair appt... let Sis-in-law take the photos for you. You will all be busy real soon dealing with the in-laws move. So take time to relax while you have it.

@tanteva Good to see you popping in again. Yes, that is quite a move for Sweden to join the UN.

@vickyday I forgot that Tuesday was voting day!!! I had taken a PJ day and didn't realize I had missed it until last evening.

I did spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon with Ona's Creative Challenge. Well.... long story short - PSElements doesn't have all the steps that she used. I played with it for over an hour but never did get the grainy/grungy look. Will let it slide for now.. maybe someone else will come up with how to do it using PSE and give some hints of it.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I am back - great news at doctor's... don't need to see him for a year!!! dance4:banana3:
And plans changed for tomorrow... I won't be going to the base commissary then. Called base pharmacy when I got home and it is now back open. Ordered my refill and it won't be ready until next Wednesday. Also sent a message to PC doc for a new Rx on Blood Pressure meds. Hopefully it will be there before Wednesday so I can get both. Will wait to do the commissary run until then. That is the same day that niece and her SO will be driving in from Amarillo but they won't get here until late in the afternoon. Since they have to set up the motor home, I don't expect to see them until Thursday.

@Cherylndesigns Glad you and Ava got your cell phone plans changed to a less expensive plan for both of you!!! Glad Roger is back so you can talk him about some of the decisions/paperwork.

@faerywings I get your bod is aching today after painting the ceiling and up/down the ladder. DH used an extension pole when he painted the ceiling even though he was 6'1". Said that was easier than using a ladder - too much up and down with it. I saw the FB ad for the hike... looks like a lot of fun.

@taxed4ever Glad you remembered your hair appt... let Sis-in-law take the photos for you. You will all be busy real soon dealing with the in-laws move. So take time to relax while you have it.

@tanteva Good to see you popping in again. Yes, that is quite a move for Sweden to join the UN.

@vickyday I forgot that Tuesday was voting day!!! I had taken a PJ day and didn't realize I had missed it until last evening.

I did spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon with Ona's Creative Challenge. Well.... long story short - PSElements doesn't have all the steps that she used. I played with it for over an hour but never did get the grainy/grungy look. Will let it slide for now.. maybe someone else will come up with how to do it using PSE and give some hints of it.
Thanks, Kay! We're both thrilled about our new phone plan and Roger and I had a great meeting today. I even got some confirmation in the mail today (coincidentally) that I had been waiting for! I'm in the home stretch. The wheels turn slowly, but they DO turn. It just takes awhile to get all of this done. He's going to go over it today and they're coming over tonight to wrap it up so I can get it in the mail. :hug2:

That's great news about not having to see the dr for a year! That was probably music to your ears.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone... it was a good day yesterday! I got lots accomplished and even went out for a short walk, but man was it chilly!! I will see if SIL Linda wants to head out for a walk today, but later on in the afternoon because its still freezing out there this morning! :brrr:. Winter go away already!! I remembered yesterday that I have a hair appointment on Thursday, the day I was supposed to go with Linda to the In-Laws. I was supposed to get some photos of the things that FIL wants to sell, but Linda said she would take them for me and send them to me. I will talk with the In-Laws today and see if FIL has a list of the items and what he will be pricing them at. Today my DH will not be home for lunch as he will be taking a bunch of things to be shredded and destroyed at his work. They are soon to be moving into the new building, and they are getting rid of everything that they don't want to move. Not much to do today, so will putter around in my craft room and maybe do some scrapping. I will see what inspires me. I need to go to the grocery store this morning also as I am out of a few items. What an exciting life I lead :giggle4:.

@faerywings - Ohhhh Ouch I bet you are sore all over!! You really need to get a pole to attach your roller to!! But I guess its too late now ! It will be the best thing that Caitlyn and Tom will be under your roof!! It will give them a better start to their married life and hopefully do wonders for their financial situation! You are such great parents and your kids are very fortunate!! I know that the In-Laws living so close to us will be a big adjustment for all of us and there will be days when we will all question WTH we were thinking LOL. So ya, you can stop pretending now :yourecute:.

@tanteva - Happy to hear that the sun is shining for you today! Congrats to Sweden, sorry that you are not sure how you feel about it all!

@BrightEyes - Yikes that would be a shocking way to wake up!! Glad that you did not sleep in after all!! Love your new siggie! I need to change mine too, but I keep procrastinating (its what I do best lol ).

@vickyday - Glad that the voting was quick and painless for your back! Hope you find something fun to do today!

@Cherylndesigns - You had a busy day with your new phone plans and how nice to go out for dinner with Ava and her BF!! Sounds like you are making good progress with your to do list!

Well Heather will be calling soon and I haven't gotten anything done this morning, so I will say :bye2: and hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday!!
Ha! You are not the only one who can do some procrastinating! Sometimes I think that is my middle name!
I did go to Ilene's for a couple of games of Qwirkle after we went to lunch. I had to get out of the house for a change!


Love my O Family!
Well, I am back - great news at doctor's... don't need to see him for a year!!! dance4:banana3:
And plans changed for tomorrow... I won't be going to the base commissary then. Called base pharmacy when I got home and it is now back open. Ordered my refill and it won't be ready until next Wednesday. Also sent a message to PC doc for a new Rx on Blood Pressure meds. Hopefully it will be there before Wednesday so I can get both. Will wait to do the commissary run until then. That is the same day that niece and her SO will be driving in from Amarillo but they won't get here until late in the afternoon. Since they have to set up the motor home, I don't expect to see them until Thursday.

@Cherylndesigns Glad you and Ava got your cell phone plans changed to a less expensive plan for both of you!!! Glad Roger is back so you can talk him about some of the decisions/paperwork.

@faerywings I get your bod is aching today after painting the ceiling and up/down the ladder. DH used an extension pole when he painted the ceiling even though he was 6'1". Said that was easier than using a ladder - too much up and down with it. I saw the FB ad for the hike... looks like a lot of fun.

@taxed4ever Glad you remembered your hair appt... let Sis-in-law take the photos for you. You will all be busy real soon dealing with the in-laws move. So take time to relax while you have it.

@tanteva Good to see you popping in again. Yes, that is quite a move for Sweden to join the UN.

@vickyday I forgot that Tuesday was voting day!!! I had taken a PJ day and didn't realize I had missed it until last evening.

I did spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon with Ona's Creative Challenge. Well.... long story short - PSElements doesn't have all the steps that she used. I played with it for over an hour but never did get the grainy/grungy look. Will let it slide for now.. maybe someone else will come up with how to do it using PSE and give some hints of it.
Oh no. I never did vote in the primary elections before Mark and I married. He keeps me on track. I was in my PJs most of the day until I got dressed around 3:15 before Mark got home from work so we could go vote.


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

Ava and I went to T-Mobil yesterday and rolled our two phones into a new, cheaper plan. I cancelled Chuck's phone and we both got on a cheaper plan that will save both of us some money, especially her because one line costs the most. We both had unlimited data for use as a hotspot in case our internet goes down. We dropped down to the lower level and still have plenty of data, but after so many gigs, it slows down. My sister had just told me that they switched to this, so that saved us some money. The guy looked at both of our usage and said we definitely didn't either one have to be paying for the unlimited premium plan, which was what we were both on. So, one more thing off my list. Then we met Ava's bf and had dinner. All in all a great late afternoon and evening.

Chris @faerywings what dolor did you paint the room? You probably said, but I can't remember. Ceilings are the worst. It kills my neck - a really tall person can paint a ceiling so much easier. I used to love to paint but didn't like painting ceilings.

I'm going to cut this short and get me some tea and head up to Adrienne's. I'll be back for personals. I got up early so I could get up there and get some papers that have come in the mail and talk to Roger about a couple of things.

Do you still have the hot spot capability? We're you with T-Mobile before?
Glad you are getting your to-do list knocked out and glad you have Roger to talk things over with!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Do you still have the hot spot capability? We're you with T-Mobile before?
Glad you are getting your to-do list knocked out and glad you have Roger to talk things over with!
Yes we still have hotspot capability, Vicky (we just switched from unlimited to a lower amount of gigs. If we NEED it, the speed just slows down after a certain point. The guy looked at both of our usages and said we didn't either one need unlimited, based on our history. We were both with T-Mobil before. We've been with them for quite some time and we're very happy with their service and coverage. I think we actually signed up with another carrier (I THINK it might have been Sprint) and T-Mobil bought them out or merged or something.

Yes, I'm blessed to have Roger to help.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Oh no. I never did vote in the primary elections before Mark and I married. He keeps me on track. I was in my PJs most of the day until I got dressed around 3:15 before Mark got home from work so we could go vote.
I have never missed a primary or a general election. My Mom was ADAMANT that we be politically aware and I am really glad she was that way.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Crowd sourcing!!! :)

We are having flooring put in our entire bottom floor on the week of the 18th, and I need help planning. It may take them until Friday to get it all done.

This includes our kitchen, so our refrigerator will be available in the garage, but our stove will be unavailable. I don't know if at night we can walk on the floor as they prepare it. Hopefully we can so that I can get to our dishes. Maybe I should use all paper and plastic this week?

Someone over 18 has to be there at all times, so you know what that means - I'm here the entire time - no going anywhere.

Rubs: Feeding Ourselves. I am on a low fat low sugar diet for sugar control and weight loss. How in the heck do I plan for meals without any way of cooking? Pizza and fast food would be easy, but not in the lifestyle changes we need to keep.

Meli works now so there are times she has to make food for herself too. Mike is good - it's just dinners as food is provided to him at work.

I need help to plan breakfasts and dinners that will fit into our food needs, not fast food, and will not need to be cooked. We can do sandwiches and tuna for lunch - no biggie.

Anyone wanna tackle this with me? I'd like to have it all planned out before the week comes.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
My parents were the same way. Dad always said it you don't vote - don't squawk.
Funny thing tho - my dad was completely apolitical. Never spoke about it much, and never voted his entire life. The year he died he was actually going to register to vote as we had finally broken him down...


Love my O Family!
I have never missed a primary or a general election. My Mom was ADAMANT that we be politically aware and I am really glad she was that way.
My parents were not politically motivated. But, when I became an adult, I felt proud to be able to vote!