
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, March 5


The Loopy-O
It *is* Wednesday. I am losing all track of time, yeah... worse than usual.

Feel free to skip over this:


I am so done. I cannot sit on my butt and stare at screens all day. My eyes hurt and my butt is sore. At least I slept *much* better last night. The swelling is down and the burning/tingling pain is minimal. Good signs.

So what did I do yesterday?
1. Sat on my butt
2. Hobbled in the boot to go to the bathroom
3. Sat on my butt some more
4. Got frustrating sitting on my butt.
5. Hobbled a little more
6. Got yelled at for trying to do the dishes
7. Sat on my butt.

I think I repeated this a few more times throughout the day.

Plans for today:
See yesterday's itinerary.

@AK_Tracy How are you holding up? I hope that you are in better spirits today. I am going to try really hard to get my mood in a more positive space. I don't want to let you down!

Hugs to you all!!
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling. I hope things get better soon for you. I'll be praying for a quick recovery!

I'm finally back from Georgia and have tons of information about travel running through my brain. In case I haven't mentioned, I'm a travel agent on the side of my normal job. I love traveling and being able to help others with their plans fills my need for expensive trips all the time.

I spent my actual birthday day in Georgia with best friends and we had a total blast painting ceramics! I can't wait to see my highland cow butter dish finished.

In other new, I'm over the nasty contagion that infected my ear and wreaked havoc. Thankfully it went away in time for my Georgia trip.

I hope everyone has a great day!
(Still didn't make a new siggie. Just scribbled that on my to-do list)

I'm so sorry you broke a bone. Sounds like reality is setting in. Good luck with your healing, and tell the dogs to clean up after themselves from now on. Ha.
You broke your wrist in the fall, right? (It was your wrist, IIRC?) How long was it before you were cleared to bike again?
LOL- I told my brother to teach his puppy that same thing. I wish they would!
I heard about Joann. I have never shopped for buttons (Oh wait, I did once but it was on Amazon) but are there any local quilting shops? Walmart? What if you went to a B&M store, found the right size, and then searched online for that style?
It was my turn to be the leader of the book group at the library last night, so I fussed about that way too much yesterday. We had a huge group show up, so at least we didn't run out of comments, which sometimes happens, especially with a non-fiction book. We were doing Chesapeake Requiem, which I highly recommend. It is very well written. But I shouldn't worry about leading a book group discussion, because these days I can just get Chat GPT to do most of the prep for me. Of course, since I don't trust it, I tend to check where it got its info, so that's more work.
This cracked me up!! In case you couldn't tell *winks* I do the exact same thing with my lessons. I will futz about with them until minutes before the kids arrive. :p
What is Chesapeake Requiem about?
Well, there, I just wasted 15 minutes watching eagles hatch on a webcam. I MUST get down to real stuff!
The only thing better to waste time on is the Panda-cam LOL!

(Note to self: Watch the panda cam today. You'll feel better if you do)

@taxed4ever I hope you hit the ATM *before * you went to buy eggs ;) Are they as expensive by you as they are here?
Are you going to see Veronica today? I am guessing she is not ready to go on the hike with you yet. I hope she can soon.
The end of life as you know it, (AKA your Gary's retirement,) is coming up fast! :p
But that also means your trip to see the grands is too.
I feel this 100000%. I feel like such a burden to my fam. I can get up to potty and the rest is suppose to be sit and recover. Its not fun and I really didn't expect to ooze this long. My daughter was scabbed over and done by day 4 so I wasn't prepared. Even hubs was like you bled a lot last night. I have tons of puppy pads on my bed LOL but it still as a lot more then I thought it would be by now. I have to figure out how to do the laptop with my feet up. Sitting in a V shape is hard to type and read with screen so close LOL
Was it the pressure changes during the flight that caused the wounds to ooze? if that's the case, maybe they will close up again quickly. How are you feeling today? Please take good care and rest. (We can grumble to each other over DMs a and no one here has to know. :haloslip: :giggle4:)

Well, need to set laptop down, its digging into my thighs and hurts. Need to pull up my hooker wear too, thigh high compression. Dont know how women keep them up. Full time job pulling those things up all the time.
After my ankle surgery, I needed knee-high compression socks and I found the cutest ones with skull and crossbones and dog prints. But if you are going for hooker wear, might I suggest a Bedazzler to add some bling?
Deal! We will grump today but tomorrow is hump day and we better be rolling down the fun side again. :heartpumppink:
You made me LMBO, so already I feel a lot better!!

@vickyday Mark's A1c is wonderful!!!! Gary's has been around for the last year and his endo doesn't seem concerned. *I* am concerned. He has been diabetic since he was 13. Now is the time things will get wonky and I'd prefer he doesn't have that happen.
I love your sweet words about family ♥

@BrightEyes the winds and dust sound awful. Are you wearing a mask when you go outside? Good luck at the dr today.
And lots of good thoughts to you and your family, I hope that all of the health issues are quickly resolved with perfect outcomes.

Vicky- what a busy day you had, will you have time to relax today?
I hope the winds calm down quickly so it doesn't spread fire and ash your way.
. It just feels at time with all my issues that I am a burden, one he didn't know he would get when we got married. But I also know that is the devil talking. They are happy to help, I just have to be better at saying what I need and not be I need it now!
I totally get that. Gary goes through periods when he feels guilty about being disabled, that "this isn't the life you ( as in me) signed up for." From your opposite perspective, me and your hubs, we wouldn't change a thing and we don't think of you as burdens.
Now-- with the shoe (clunky velcro boot) on my other foot, I'm the one who feels like the burden. But that is what love/life/family is all about. ♥
"For better.....for worse.....in sickness.....in health"

Rain, which is OK because we need it. At least it's not snow.
I have to go over to the asssisted living place with the deacon today for Ash Wednesday and communion service. Then do something vegetarian about dinner, then to the Board of Supervisors meeting at 6:00 to advocate for more money toward lower-income housing.

I was so sad to hear that JoAnn's Fabric is going out of business! I don't frequent there very often, but they always had what I needed! Walmart is iffy! Hobby Lobby might be a better choice!
For me to get to a Hobby Lobby is almost like @AK_Tracy to Costco. None nearby. I need to look for a fabric store toward the west. There are large rural and Mennonite populations in the Shenandoah Valley so there must be something.

a pair of Canada geese who have made the church property their home.....poop and all
Aren't they the worst? And downright mean on top of it all.

You broke your wrist in the fall, right? (It was your wrist, IIRC?) How long was it before you were cleared to bike again?
Yes, I broke my wrist in the fall. The surgeon made me wait 6 weeks to bike, not because I couldn't use the wrist, but because he was worried I'd fall and it would be apt to break again. I can't remember when I last fell on a bike, but you know that if it were a problem, that's when it would happen.

What is Chesapeake Requiem about?
Tangier Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, is disappearing under rising ocean levels. The author spent a year there living with the people and writing about their lives. And about crabs. I spent 2 weeks reading it with a constant yen to drive to the Eastern Shore and eat crabs, but it's not the season.

Off to face the day!
It *is* Wednesday. I am losing all track of time, yeah... worse than usual.

Feel free to skip over this:


I am so done. I cannot sit on my butt and stare at screens all day. My eyes hurt and my butt is sore. At least I slept *much* better last night. The swelling is down and the burning/tingling pain is minimal. Good signs.

So what did I do yesterday?
1. Sat on my butt
2. Hobbled in the boot to go to the bathroom
3. Sat on my butt some more
4. Got frustrating sitting on my butt.
5. Hobbled a little more
6. Got yelled at for trying to do the dishes
7. Sat on my butt.

I think I repeated this a few more times throughout the day.

Plans for today:
See yesterday's itinerary.

@AK_Tracy How are you holding up? I hope that you are in better spirits today. I am going to try really hard to get my mood in a more positive space. I don't want to let you down!

Hugs to you all!!
Refer back to February's AJ Challenges! :hug4: :lovey3:
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling. I hope things get better soon for you. I'll be praying for a quick recovery!

I'm finally back from Georgia and have tons of information about travel running through my brain. In case I haven't mentioned, I'm a travel agent on the side of my normal job. I love traveling and being able to help others with their plans fills my need for expensive trips all the time.

I spent my actual birthday day in Georgia with best friends and we had a total blast painting ceramics! I can't wait to see my highland cow butter dish finished.

In other new, I'm over the nasty contagion that infected my ear and wreaked havoc. Thankfully it went away in time for my Georgia trip.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Glad your ear infection is over!
Happy belated birthday!
Traveling to get first-hand experience sounds like a lot of fun!
(Still didn't make a new siggie. Just scribbled that on my to-do list)

You broke your wrist in the fall, right? (It was your wrist, IIRC?) How long was it before you were cleared to bike again?
LOL- I told my brother to teach his puppy that same thing. I wish they would!
I heard about Joann. I have never shopped for buttons (Oh wait, I did once but it was on Amazon) but are there any local quilting shops? Walmart? What if you went to a B&M store, found the right size, and then searched online for that style?

This cracked me up!! In case you couldn't tell *winks* I do the exact same thing with my lessons. I will futz about with them until minutes before the kids arrive. :p
What is Chesapeake Requiem about?

The only thing better to waste time on is the Panda-cam LOL!

(Note to self: Watch the panda cam today. You'll feel better if you do)

@taxed4ever I hope you hit the ATM *before * you went to buy eggs ;) Are they as expensive by you as they are here?
Are you going to see Veronica today? I am guessing she is not ready to go on the hike with you yet. I hope she can soon.
The end of life as you know it, (AKA your Gary's retirement,) is coming up fast! :p
But that also means your trip to see the grands is too.

Was it the pressure changes during the flight that caused the wounds to ooze? if that's the case, maybe they will close up again quickly. How are you feeling today? Please take good care and rest. (We can grumble to each other over DMs a and no one here has to know. :haloslip: :giggle4:)

After my ankle surgery, I needed knee-high compression socks and I found the cutest ones with skull and crossbones and dog prints. But if you are going for hooker wear, might I suggest a Bedazzler to add some bling?

You made me LMBO, so already I feel a lot better!!

@vickyday Mark's A1c is wonderful!!!! Gary's has been around for the last year and his endo doesn't seem concerned. *I* am concerned. He has been diabetic since he was 13. Now is the time things will get wonky and I'd prefer he doesn't have that happen.
I love your sweet words about family ♥

@BrightEyes the winds and dust sound awful. Are you wearing a mask when you go outside? Good luck at the dr today.
And lots of good thoughts to you and your family, I hope that all of the health issues are quickly resolved with perfect outcomes.

Vicky- what a busy day you had, will you have time to relax today?
I hope the winds calm down quickly so it doesn't spread fire and ash your way.

I totally get that. Gary goes through periods when he feels guilty about being disabled, that "this isn't the life you ( as in me) signed up for." From your opposite perspective, me and your hubs, we wouldn't change a thing and we don't think of you as burdens.
Now-- with the shoe (clunky velcro boot) on my other foot, I'm the one who feels like the burden. But that is what love/life/family is all about. ♥


Don't know how much of the state is getting rain today, but if the Raleigh/Durham area is getting the rain that we got overnight and this morning....I'm sure it put the fires out! My bird bath was empty yesterday and today is almost running over! We do have a tornado watch until 1:00 p.m., however! Welcome to spring weather! Actually looks like the sun is trying to break through the clouds now!
Morning lovely ladies... it is a sunny beautiful morning with fresh snow on the mountain tops, so pretty!! I am meeting my SIL Veronica and her daughter today and we are going on a hike to Stoney Hill. She is not ready to hike with our large hiking group yet so I will not be going on that hike this morning. My SIL has an appt with the bank this morning and then they will come here and I will drive us to the trailhead. I think we will go for a late lunch at the Shipyard Restaurant or perhaps drive to Genoa Bay to the lovely restaurant out there. Yesterday got away from me as I went to get some cash from the ATM and of course the two that are at my Bank were not working grrr. So I stood in line for about 15 mins just to get a bit of cash!!! Then off to Hope Farm, but along the way I of course hit every single red light. It was just one of those days!! Went to the grocery store after and hit every single red light going there also. I had to remind myself that there was no hurry, take a deep breath and relax!! Came home and made some cauliflower wraps and had my lunch. It poured rain all day long and so I worked on a birthday card for SIL Linda's 70 birthday which is coming up at the end of the month. FIL had a fellow come with a stump grinder and got the two huge stumps removed from his front lawn. Felt sorry for the guy working out there in the pouring rain and FIL watching every move he made :giggle4: . I was glad to be in my craft room away from the noise! I am hoping that after today I will be able to sit down and open my photoshop and get some scrapping done it has been a sad few weeks for me as I miss my brother so very much and I really need to find my mojo and have some scrap therapy. Hoping today will help out all three of us as we do the hike and have a visit. I better get into the shower and get ready to go soon. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! :waving3:
Rain, which is OK because we need it. At least it's not snow.
I have to go over to the asssisted living place with the deacon today for Ash Wednesday and communion service. Then do something vegetarian about dinner, then to the Board of Supervisors meeting at 6:00 to advocate for more money toward lower-income housing.

For me to get to a Hobby Lobby is almost like @AK_Tracy to Costco. None nearby. I need to look for a fabric store toward the west. There are large rural and Mennonite populations in the Shenandoah Valley so there must be something.

Aren't they the worst? And downright mean on top of it all.

Yes, I broke my wrist in the fall. The surgeon made me wait 6 weeks to bike, not because I couldn't use the wrist, but because he was worried I'd fall and it would be apt to break again. I can't remember when I last fell on a bike, but you know that if it were a problem, that's when it would happen.

Tangier Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, is disappearing under rising ocean levels. The author spent a year there living with the people and writing about their lives. And about crabs. I spent 2 weeks reading it with a constant yen to drive to the Eastern Shore and eat crabs, but it's not the season.

Off to face the day!
I hope you find a fabric/hobby store nearby!
Morning lovely ladies... it is a sunny beautiful morning with fresh snow on the mountain tops, so pretty!! I am meeting my SIL Veronica and her daughter today and we are going on a hike to Stoney Hill. She is not ready to hike with our large hiking group yet so I will not be going on that hike this morning. My SIL has an appt with the bank this morning and then they will come here and I will drive us to the trailhead. I think we will go for a late lunch at the Shipyard Restaurant or perhaps drive to Genoa Bay to the lovely restaurant out there. Yesterday got away from me as I went to get some cash from the ATM and of course the two that are at my Bank were not working grrr. So I stood in line for about 15 mins just to get a bit of cash!!! Then off to Hope Farm, but along the way I of course hit every single red light. It was just one of those days!! Went to the grocery store after and hit every single red light going there also. I had to remind myself that there was no hurry, take a deep breath and relax!! Came home and made some cauliflower wraps and had my lunch. It poured rain all day long and so I worked on a birthday card for SIL Linda's 70 birthday which is coming up at the end of the month. FIL had a fellow come with a stump grinder and got the two huge stumps removed from his front lawn. Felt sorry for the guy working out there in the pouring rain and FIL watching every move he made :giggle4: . I was glad to be in my craft room away from the noise! I am hoping that after today I will be able to sit down and open my photoshop and get some scrapping done it has been a sad few weeks for me as I miss my brother so very much and I really need to find my mojo and have some scrap therapy. Hoping today will help out all three of us as we do the hike and have a visit. I better get into the shower and get ready to go soon. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! :waving3:
I hope the walk does everyone some good! :hug4::lovey3:
Good morning! I feel like I could have quoted everything said so far. I was cracking up and laughing. You ladies were on a roll today.

It *is* Wednesday. I am losing all track of time, yeah... worse than usual.
Yes, confirmation that it IS indeed Wednesday. I man home and not allowed to go cook at the church today. I am glad I thought ahead and planned for this day to be covered too. I thought (yeah first mistake I thought) I would be able to tackle the world. My daughter was a bad example of what I thought would happen. She scabbed over in days not over a week later. But yes it is Wednesday.
Plans for today:
See yesterday's itinerary.
:giggle4: Read a book. Curl up on the couch and read a book. Be a good faery and tuck those wings in and relax. Oh wait, I think the saying is "pot calling kettle" :floorlaugh: I at least waiting till hubs went to get groceries before I got up and swapped laundry.
I spent my actual birthday day in Georgia with best friends and we had a total blast painting ceramics! I can't wait to see my highland cow butter dish finished.
Happy birthday!!!! The cow butter dish is adorable!!!! I love highland cows. They're adorable.
After my ankle surgery, I needed knee-high compression socks and I found the cutest ones with skull and crossbones and dog prints. But if you are going for hooker wear, might I suggest a Bedazzler to add some bling?
:floorlaugh: I wish!! I'm so allergic to the polyester in the tights that I have wool cashmere tights under and so they really dont stay up as the rubber dots (also allergic) aren't on my skin. But oh it would be fun to be sparkly while doing nothing!!!!!
For me to get to a Hobby Lobby is almost like @AK_Tracy to Costco.
This cracked me up! Our nearest Hobby Lobby is in the lower 48 so I feel your pain that they're too far away. Is there any kind of button sizer you could buy that would then help you know what buttons you could order?
Refer back to February's AJ Challenges! :hug4: :lovey3:
Oh SNAP! Vicky got you there!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

As I said, it is Wednesday and it feels really weird not to be getting ready for cooking at church. But I cant. I wouldn't make it an hour let alone 8+ hours of cooking and waiting for son to be done with youth group. But I think I knew I wouldn't be up to it two days after getting home and did plan with my friend who's taken over for me and she has everything to do dinner tonight. Next week is spring break so I should be good to go when I go back.

@taxed4ever Trudy sounds like a beautiful morning for a quiet hike with just your SIL. Snow topped mountains and sunshine. Sounds blissful.

Well, time to summon a second cup of coffee :giggle4: Hubs said just bat your eyes and I'll get it. However the evil glint in his eyes and laughter makes me a tad worried,but here goes .......... :floorlaugh:
Good Morning,
The sky opened up this morning and poured the rain! We needed it....maybe not such a huge dump, but it will probably soak in quick enough. We are under a tornado watch until 1:00 p.m. Welcome to springtime weather!
IBS is in full swing today, so I won't be eating much until later after things settle down! About all I could handle was my coffee! I had scheduled a play date with Ilene, but we postponed that. It's a PJ day for me!
Have to take the car back to the mechanic after church tonight! Will it ever end?!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Good morning! I feel like I could have quoted everything said so far. I was cracking up and laughing. You ladies were on a roll today.

Yes, confirmation that it IS indeed Wednesday. I man home and not allowed to go cook at the church today. I am glad I thought ahead and planned for this day to be covered too. I thought (yeah first mistake I thought) I would be able to tackle the world. My daughter was a bad example of what I thought would happen. She scabbed over in days not over a week later. But yes it is Wednesday.

:giggle4: Read a book. Curl up on the couch and read a book. Be a good faery and tuck those wings in and relax. Oh wait, I think the saying is "pot calling kettle" :floorlaugh: I at least waiting till hubs went to get groceries before I got up and swapped laundry.

Happy birthday!!!! The cow butter dish is adorable!!!! I love highland cows. They're adorable.

:floorlaugh: I wish!! I'm so allergic to the polyester in the tights that I have wool cashmere tights under and so they really dont stay up as the rubber dots (also allergic) aren't on my skin. But oh it would be fun to be sparkly while doing nothing!!!!!

This cracked me up! Our nearest Hobby Lobby is in the lower 48 so I feel your pain that they're too far away. Is there any kind of button sizer you could buy that would then help you know what buttons you could order?

Oh SNAP! Vicky got you there!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

As I said, it is Wednesday and it feels really weird not to be getting ready for cooking at church. But I cant. I wouldn't make it an hour let alone 8+ hours of cooking and waiting for son to be done with youth group. But I think I knew I wouldn't be up to it two days after getting home and did plan with my friend who's taken over for me and she has everything to do dinner tonight. Next week is spring break so I should be good to go when I go back.

@taxed4ever Trudy sounds like a beautiful morning for a quiet hike with just your SIL. Snow topped mountains and sunshine. Sounds blissful.

Well, time to summon a second cup of coffee :giggle4: Hubs said just bat your eyes and I'll get it. However the evil glint in his eyes and laughter makes me a tad worried,but here goes .......... :floorlaugh:
Bless his pea-picking' heart! :coffeedrinker: ;) :giggle4:
Real quick in and out. Got my shower and dressed. Waiting for the hearing aids to finish charging (so I can hear what the Doc has to say... :floorlaugh: ) We are having lull in the wind (today only). Thank goodness it is calm right now since I have to keep this Doc's appt. I will make a quick run to the grocery store after seeing the doctor. I have not gone outside the past few days due to all the dust/dirt in the air. They had a doctor on the news yesterday warning those with mobility issues to stay home because of the high winds...and the danger of losing your balance and falling. The winds will back tomorrow and Friday with a forecast of snow this weekend. Yes, the Lion is roaring and that makes me want to stay home and snuggle in with a hot drink and a good book to read.

I had to pop in and check on the Tic Tac Toe Challenge before I leave. Seeing some fun LOs.... If the winds are back up tomorrow, I will not be on-line probably. We had had a lot of power outages with the high winds so I stay off the computer just in case.
Real quick in and out. Got my shower and dressed. Waiting for the hearing aids to finish charging (so I can hear what the Doc has to say... :floorlaugh: ) We are having lull in the wind (today only). Thank goodness it is calm right now since I have to keep this Doc's appt. I will make a quick run to the grocery store after seeing the doctor. I have not gone outside the past few days due to all the dust/dirt in the air. They had a doctor on the news yesterday warning those with mobility issues to stay home because of the high winds...and the danger of losing your balance and falling. The winds will back tomorrow and Friday with a forecast of snow this weekend. Yes, the Lion is roaring and that makes me want to stay home and snuggle in with a hot drink and a good book to read.

I had to pop in and check on the Tic Tac Toe Challenge before I leave. Seeing some fun LOs.... If the winds are back up tomorrow, I will not be on-line probably. We had had a lot of power outages with the high winds so I stay off the computer just in case.
Stay safe Kay! Dont get blown away! Sounds rough but glad the winds died down enough since you have to keep this appointment with the doc.
Popping in to say hello. Chris, your "daily activities" crack me up. What else can you do? I know how frustrating it must be because you're not a "sitting on your butt kind of person". Thinking of you Girl.

Nice to see you all on here and Tracy @AK_Tracy I haven't checked in on you, but I hope you're doing as well as can be expected.

Hugs to everybody. I just got the Color Play blog post done and I had SO many beautiful layouts to choose from. https://oscraps.com/community/threads/color-play-is-live-on-the-blog.41737/

I've been in a bit of a funk, but I'm crawling out of it. We've had warm temps - 70 most days, but had a bad wnd storm night before last. When you have a metal roof, it's even worse. We got a lot of wind and rain, but thankfully nothing else. Today is beautiful.

I played golf a week ago today. Don't know if we're playing today or not. It was pitch dark when we finished and I was riding with Adrienne. Neither one of us can see very well in the dark, so it was a wild ride and we had to cross a busy road to get back to the clubhouse. Someday, they might get smart and put headlights on the golf carts, but they never have, so I doubt they ever will.

Hugs to everybody. XOXO
Popping in to say hello. Chris, your "daily activities" crack me up. What else can you do? I know how frustrating it must be because you're not a "sitting on your butt kind of person". Thinking of you Girl.

Nice to see you all on here and Tracy @AK_Tracy I haven't checked in on you, but I hope you're doing as well as can be expected.

Hugs to everybody. I just got the Color Play blog post done and I had SO many beautiful layouts to choose from. https://oscraps.com/community/threads/color-play-is-live-on-the-blog.41737/

I've been in a bit of a funk, but I'm crawling out of it. We've had warm temps - 70 most days, but had a bad wnd storm night before last. When you have a metal roof, it's even worse. We got a lot of wind and rain, but thankfully nothing else. Today is beautiful.

I played golf a week ago today. Don't know if we're playing today or not. It was pitch dark when we finished and I was riding with Adrienne. Neither one of us can see very well in the dark, so it was a wild ride and we had to cross a busy road to get back to the clubhouse. Someday, they might get smart and put headlights on the golf carts, but they never have, so I doubt they ever will.

Hugs to everybody. XOXO
Hi!!!!! :wavinghello:
Glad youre climbing out of the funk. This time of year is funky for sure.