
Daily Ooo's Wednesday March 4


The Loopy-O
it is my niece's 11th birthday today. growing up so fast! I need these kids to slow down LOL

Not much going on here, another day with screwed up plans. I was supposed to work, but my client called me to reschedule to next week. She is stuck in the Dominican Republic! The weather here canceled all of the flights and they can't home until tomorrow . I am not sure if I feel bad them or not ;)
We were able to reschedule our Lyme appts for today and we were trying to fit in the car too. Then we find out that the warrenty we bought is a SCAM! Ugh- we are ticked at the dealer- we have been customers for 11 years! So we have to see what we can do about this.ticks me off.

The good news is that my mom is coming up to make some soup and some meatloaf for me- yay-- two less dinners that I have to deal with.

That is it for me, not feeling good today- at least I'll have lots to share with the dr.....

Linda- I can't seem to keep up either, and dang it I want/need spring!!.

Clara- how is Addie feeling today? Better I hope!

Hi Sally!!!! Can you send your troops my way next? :)

ME- what a nice day!! I am sure you needed it.

Kelly- your avi still is making me smile girl!!

Oh Sara, you must have done a bad job on yourself. Shouldn't you not be typing? LOL Feel better hon!

Dawn, hope you feel better too. And that Bakery kit is too adorable, can't wait to see what you do with it!


Well-Known Member
Too funny Chris today is my birthday too! Only I'm not 11 *LOL*

Just a fly by to say hello and to check in with everyone! Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Have been so busy. We had our final meeting with the speech therapy team (Birth to 3) for the boys on Monday. They do qualify. It was so hard to listen to them be described as delayed and have them list the things they are delayed on. I just wanted to scream ... "These are my perfect boys!" :D But, I know it is really for the best. This therapy will help them catch up. So I am trying not to be too down on myself about it.

We are coming up on even busier times, having to do with SIL's wedding. Last weekend was the bachelor party so Eric was out of town for that. This weekend I have 2 showers to attend as well as the bachelorette party. Next weekend is the only one we are open from now until the middle of April. The weekend after next we are going to the lodge at Eric's state park with 3 other couples for the weekend. Then the next weekend is another shower and Eric has a retirement party out of town. Then April 2nd we leave for Vegas. Come home the next Monday, then that Friday is the reception back here. So. We are busy!

Chris - good luck at your doctor's appointment. Big hugs sweetie. So sorry about the crap warranty!!!!!


Sandra - thinking of you sweetie.


...loves her some "O"

Special hugs to our sweet SANDRA!!!!!!

Chris, you will make it through today!!! and I'm hearing some hope there, girlie!!! you are doing sooo great!!!

Love you all!! gotta go crack the whip!! heehee!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. I've got my coffee and I am ready to go. Yesterday was a pretty good day, even with little sickie girl at home. I stopped by my church to take a friend of mine a coffee and we decided to do lunch after Addie's appt. Addie had a sinus infection so we got a prescription so that she can get better. I love zithromax. Can't beat 3 day antibiotics. Then we went out to lunch and were headed to Wendy's when we saw that there were $5 lunch specials at a local mexican restaurant. That was so yummy. 2 lunches and food for Addie for $14 including tip. You can't beat that. Then Addie and I headed home and took a nap. I thought I would sleep for just a little bit but instead Addie and I both slept for 4 hours. What the heck? I had stuff to do dang it, but I was not about to curse getting so much great sleep. My dh thought he would try and wake me up since I was laying in bed. I, of course, woke up angry that he thought I would wake up, much less for that. So, I threw him out of the room and continued to sleep. I love sleep.

So, today is my bible group. We have been reading Ester so I think we will be watching "A night with the King" tonight. Then I will need to find the veggie tales version for Ethan so that he can see it.

Oh, so our house is finally back to normal and we are back to two kids. The house seems so quiet now. I was glad to be able to help out but I am definately glad to have my house back.

Chris - Good luck at the Lyme appts today. That really sucks about the warranty stuff. Did you buy it through the dealer? If you did you should call the news people. WE have a guy in this area who just provides bad publicity to people who are trying to take advantage of others.

Kat - Happy Birthday to you!!!

Sally - I hope you get those kids beaten into shape and fully edumacated!!


Well-Known Member
Hi O's. It sounds like everyone else has been really busy too, we sure have!!! Girls are down for naps now (or at least confined to their room) so I am doing some catch up. I had a great MOPS group this morning. An Infant Swim Resource (ISR, this is the program that teaches babies as young as 6months to float if they fall into water) speaker came to talk about water safetly. She did such a great job, I was happy that she promoted water safety that parents can do without pushing her classes. Of course she talked about them but it wasn't just an advertisement for them. I am a total FREAK about safety when the kids are near water, too many years spent in the ED not to be.

Not much else going on today. I worked until midnight yesterday so I think I'll take a nap too :). When I did get home little man in the belly was going crazy so it took me a while to fall asleep, he even woke up Gunar kicking him in the back!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT!!!!!!!! I hope it is a wonderful day.

Tali~ It sounds like you have a really busy month ahead of you. Are you leaving the kids for the trip to Vegas?

Clara~ Ester is one of my favorite books. At IVCF camp one year in college we had a speaker that went through it and it was amazing!!! Gotta love the veggi tales.

Hi to Sally and Chris. Sally can you send some sunshine and heat up to the north? We need it! :)


Well-Known Member
just a quick note to let you know that I will be out of town the rest of the week... daddy's services will be on Friday evening and Saturday, and I have to leave today to make final arrangements... I'll see you all when I get back...

I love you, guys... thanks for being here with me!


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Sandra - Special love and thoughts your way
Chris - Man what a stinky dealer. I heard scam warranties were going around, but I thought they were mostly mail in ones.
Tali - I don't know if this will help any, but Speech issues are often the least ones we worry about at school. Just know that the help is good for them and it's all o.k.!
Clara - Hope things went well
Jos - I've seen a video about that...totally amazing.
Sally - you whip cracker. Hope it was a good day.
Kat!!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday my mafia friend!
Hi Karen!

Now all - This is the aftermath of my fall on one arm. Funny thing is, it doesn't hurt where the bruise is. But all the blood from the hurt on top of the arm pooled down. (Pesky gravity.) Look away if you get grossed out by icky bruises. But I'm on the mend...so that's a bonus. Off to put Ben to bed and watch Lost. TTYL!


Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Oooh ouch that looks sore and painful even if it isn't sore and painful where the bruise is.
Ok I'm popping in to say hi. Just doesn't seem enough hours in any one day for me to do all the things I need to let alone the things I want to. We have had builders here for the past 3 weeks as my son Lance who is 17 and autistic (I have 2 autistic boys), is getting his very own unit built in the backyard through disability services here in Australia. You can kinda read all about it on my blog so I don't bore you with too many details. today we have the painters back in....been here all week, the main gas company digging and refitting new pipes and the carpet/lino layer in as well. So that has kept us busy as well as occupied in different ways.

What else is new for us.....lol busy, chaotic and hectic is my life style and all I do to fit things in every day but I am managing. Of course you may have heard that Victoria has been (and still is) devastated by raging out of control bushfires. Here where I live it was pretty bad and we lost something like 61 homes, sadly one wheelchair bound person died and so much property and bush has been burnt. That's just here where I live - Eaglehawk. Thankfully although we had packed the car ready to evacuate we did not have to but it was scary. Our home was not lost and our neighbourhood although on high fire alert are safe as well.

Exciting news I'm on Karah Fredricks guest CT for the month of March and I am so excited about that. I've already almost scrapped one LO and will finish that today and plonk it in the gallery here, there and all over the place......lol. Awesome opportunity and I am taking so much needed "me time" into consideration as I have missed and sacrificed just about everything lately.

Kat - happy birthday.
Chris - hang in there girl, thinking of you and your mum is gorgeous. With all that I deal with I have no one who does that for me so when mum's done there send her my way. ;)
Tali - I have 2 autistic boys and both of them with speech and communication difficulties. As hard as it is to hear what professionals have to say remember that it's always in the best interest and needs of our kids. I am still in grieving process with both my boys because I can't believe that with my son Lance in particular just how serious his autism is. Hugs girl and you're in my thoughts.

Ok girls to everyone else hope your day/evening is fantastic. Hugs and luv to all. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Well-Known Member
Hi gals! Just a quickie pop in, sorry I've been MIA this week. It's been incredibly busy at work and all of the nutty patients have been in thanks to the moon cycle, it's just wearing me out :).

Tali-you amaze me how do you keep up?!!!

Sandra-((((hugs)))) love you sweetie

Chris, Clara, Kat Happy Birthday!, ME, Merkeley, Sara OUCH!!, ChrisT Hi, LindaP, Everyone, I'll check in on you Thursday!