
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, March 27


The Loopy-O
Halfway through the week! :D

I kind of had a scary revelation this morning. We have spring break next week. Then it will be getting closer to summer break. Then summer, then Scott is a Senior in High School. Time is going waaaaaaay too fast. I feel like some days I am wishing time away. Then, its like I want to stop it completely.

Not much big stuff to do today. I hope I can stay focused on the little things I need to do. Bus stop and babysitting, back to the grocery store.... I was so excited to get out of the store under $100 the other day, but now I have to go back and grab a couple of things I forgot to get. And I have to get another prescription for Scott. his blood work came back wonky for his regular dr, so I sent it to his Lyme dr. He read the results and said that his HHV6 is way to high and with new info on neutracils and monocytes, the virus is active again. Crap. At least it explains why he has been so tired and irritable recently. I *knew* that he was "off" -- just didn't know why.
See--- Mamas really do know best when it comes to their kids :)

Then I have to get the kids' Easter baskets ready this afternoon.
Did I tell you how my kids were "mad" at me for not dying eggs/doing a hunt last yeay? Yes, my 14 1/2 and almost 17 yo kids want an egg hunt. So what will I do?? You betcha! I have plastic eggs I am going to stuff with knock knock jokes, pennies and some choc. eggs. Scott gf (who is Jewish, my kids are atheist) is also going to be here so it will be funny.

I wish I had control of the time some days.
I want to get out of the supermarket under $20?????
I want to have scrap time today
I wish I knew what to cook for dinner......

Have a great one!!!

morning O fam- it is wednesday- I just finished my workout- I am back to routine. Today is my long day at work- and I am heading back tomorrow to do an evaluation- trying to knock off my wait list. I also had to head to town for my haircut. Even better, I took Friday off because it is a holy day. However it is my weekend to be on call for any new wound care patients. Such is life. I was not planning on going anywhere, just having time to get stuff done. We still have to put up the backsplash in the basement. Full moon tonight ladies- hang on to your hats!!
Lunchtime here !
I have already done my appointments for today.
Dentist in the morning , finished my root canal treatment. And got another appointment with another little hole *urg*
Went shopping and bought to much. We have legal holiday Friday and Monday and it always overextend me to buy for the next 4-5 days. Normaly I go shopping for food every day. It ends that I buy too much and spend too much money.

my son was at the orthopedist because of his back pains. he is too large and too thin and has to less muscles. So he got a prescription for medical gymnastics.

Besides my scrap time I do a little houswork.

The best thing, I already know what to cook for dinner:
Bought 2 trouts which I put in the oven- ready ;-)
Anika, eeek! root canal! hope you've seen the last of the dentist for a good long while!

Laurie. exercise. wish i could get my brain around it. Chris probably understands this concept:it's hard to want to exercise when, instead of making you feel better, it makes you feel worse....

Chris, the only time i kept wishing the years away was when my second and last kiddo was in college. i honestly couldn't WAIT to remove myself from having anything at all to do with a school. there's a storm of crap going on in education that is almost TOO MUCH for any parent to stay ahead of. and, believe me. parents NEED to find out what's happening these days in curricula and text books , etc. i just got TIRED of it all.

today. gonna meet a friend for coffee at Panera. and probably come away with heartburn. Panera's coffee sucks and gives me heartburn. then have to do some more Easter Dinner prep and get the house in shape so that the neighbor who's coming in to take care of my cat over the weekend won't think we're slobs. leftovers for dinner, so thinking about THAT isn't required. more snow flurries. more gloomy skies. GRRRRR!!!! :rant:

have a lovely Wednesday. any old way you can!
If you get out of the grocery store under $20, you won't have enough to fix a snack for the kids when they get home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FULL BLOWN SINUS INFECTION GOING ON HERE!! IICK!!! I am off to the drugstore in a bit...I need meds!!!!!!!!!!

Today and tomorrow then the kids are out of school for Spring break....10 days :fear: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!! not sure what I am going to do with them....Jaiden will be all out of sorts...she doesn't handle being out of school very well....that's why she is going to another preschool program this Summer.

That's it from my grumpy self today...hugs to everyone.
back for a few -- home after Bus #2 and before the Pharmacy opens at 9.
sheesh! If running around like a chicken with its head cut off actually burned calories, I would be a twig! :pound:

hi laurie! hope that your long day goes nice and easy for ya!

Anika (BTW, is that your real name? is it ok to call you Anika?)
root canal? eeep!!! Never had one of those but I imagine them not to be fun. Hope it doesn't hurt too much. Medical gymnastics- oh that sounds like it would be so helpful physically and mentally for your son. Nosy question for you and don't feel you have to answer.... since that is prescribed by a doctor, does your health insurance cover it? My plan covers very limited physical therapy and it gets so expensive so fast. I wish we could get better coverage for stuff like that.

Phyllis- yup, I totally know what you mean. Even when I clean- I know I have no choice, so I get into the "zone" and I just do NOT stop moving. As soon as I get home, its like I can't move until the next time I have no choice. Walking is usually ok for me, so I can't wait for the weather to warm up and dry up so I can get out with the dog.
I don't even want to think about future issues with text books. Maybe it is a good thing that our district is pretty broke. The kids haven't gotten new text books in ages. One of Cait's is held together by a rubber band- it is from 1994!!!!!! It's Lit not science so at least the content is safe.
I hope that Panera's doesn't do you in too badly. Do you drink tea? At least you'll have a good time catching up.
I am sending you some of our sunshine.

I got in the car with the boy i babysit for (he is 10 ) and I said how nice the sun was. His reply-- It was very unexpected. hahah!!!!

Oh Nana--- come and visit me and leave mike home with the kids and some rope.... I promise you blue bottles!!!!!
Feel better and take garlic. :D
Good morning - Made jerk chicken chili last night for dinner. Boy was it yummy. Both the boys went back for seconds. That always makes me feel maybe cooking is worth it LOL. It was sunny and went for a good walk. It actually felt a little bit like spring.

Chris yes moms do know their kids best. Good luck at the grocery store.

Phylis so sorry about your grey weather. Hope the sun comes out today! 13 in a row by the Pens. Awesome and very scary for my team.

Laurie congrats on getting back to your routine!

Anika oh I really do not like going to dentists but they do stop the pain. Glad you are done with your root canal.

Nana get those meds and get rid of that sinus infection! School vacation whew I remember those days and it was a lot of stop fighting and go outside and play LOL.

Have a great day all!
from yesterday.... got 15 min's before I have to leave....

Laurie- you said all of the snow is gone? I hope so. What a mess!!
I actually remember getting about that much on April 1 1996. I was almost ready to go out on maternity leave with scott, took one look out the window and called out. I had 3 car accidents when I was pg with him and I was not going to risk one more for a crappy job. But the snow was all gone by the end of the day. I guess I could have gone in, but who wanted to move at that point, let alone chase after 4-5 year olds!

Eva- (((((hugs))))) I guess that feeling will go on for a long long time. How is your dad holding up with all of this stress? Hope he is ok. Give him a hug from me, please.

Nancy- wow, playoffs already? Feels like the season just stared *wink*

Phyllis- I wish I could revive your head and get you scrapping again. Have you just payed around with some templates maybe? Sometimes that helps me get going.

Trudy- woot to pain free!!!!!

Angela- how awesome that you are helping out with the school stuff! I miss being able to do that.I bet Ben loves seeing you there.

Ick- Kristi- neck pain and driving is a bad combo, no wonder why you are so again. Hope it is better today!!

To everyone who reads this, have a fab day!

Funny Chris they want an egghunt :) Sorry to hear about the blood work from Scott is not okay. You're right, nothing can beat mother's intuition ... I hope he feels better soon!

Great Laurie you're back in routine! Good luck with your long work day!

Owww yuck Astrid a root canal :( hopefully you're not in to much pain.

Phylis, why not drink something else then coffee there if it gives you heartburn?

ow Nana, 10 day springbreak ... i'm already dreading this long weekend we have :help:

Today we got a phonecall about Wes, his lower legs and feet must be in plaster for 4 weeks (his calf muscles are too short), he can come next wednesday. He want orange plaster so they will try to get that for him :mrgreen:
stopping in for the first time in days!

I need a break! This bit going to the hospital every day has worn me out. Update on my mom--she had total hip replacement surgery on Thursday. Finally moved to an inpatient rehab unit last night. Now the real work begins. Although, the orthopod has her on non-weight bearing for a few weeks. I think when she is released from rehab she will need assistance at home. Wondering how that is all going to work?

anyway, I have been at the hospital every day since she was admitted. Finally going to take the day off from going to the hospital and I'm going to take the afternoon off and go golfing with my favorite golfing buddy. I need the time to myself.

My house is a mess. No food in the house. Need to go grocery shopping. I am so far behind in my job. I feel like I never took a vacation to Hawaii! Everything can wait--I'm on break this afternoon.

Good to be back. Hope everyone has a great day.
Morning ladies... Wow everyone is busy with their day already and I just got out of bed!! Yes I actually slept in, but owww my back is hurting again today. Oh well I will suck it up and just take some Advil and get on with it!! Looks to be a nice day here so far and hopefully I will get in a nice long walk. More drama at work as the new owner has put an ad in the local paper to hire people to work at his store. What will happen to all of us??? Guess we will find out soon enough, inventory on Monday and Tuesday Uggghhh!! So last day of regular work tomorrow and then the store is closed for Good Friday.

Chris - Hope Scott starts to feel better soon! You are right Mom always knows what's best!! Too cute what your little guy said to you about the weather, kids say the darndest things!!

Laurie - Nice to have Friday off, hopefully you do not get called out to work!

Anika - Not a great way to begin the day by getting a root canal!! Owww!! At least you have supper all taken care of LOL

Phylis - I am the same way with Starbuck's coffee, it gives me terrible heartburn! Perhaps they have a smoothie or something that you would like? Are you headed to see your Grandmen again this weekend? I FaceTimed with my babies yesterday and they opened their Easter package from us, so cute! Isaac loved his new book and stickers and we got Sadie some big girl underware (strawberry shortcake) and she wanted to put them on and show us, so she put all 6 pair on what a goof!! :becky: Mom had to distract them away from the chocolate until after dinner. It isn't Easter without some chocolate right?? Enjoy your visit with your friend!!

Nana - Oh I feel bad for you! All those days with the kids in the house!! Hope the weather is good and they can at least get outside to play, as long as those darn neighbour kids aren't there to bug them though! Have you got your house up for sale yet? A sinus infection on top of it all too, sending gentle :hug: to you my USA sister, hope this Spring Break goes by quickly for you and you get some time to yourself!!

Nancy - Yummmm jerk chicken!! always makes you feel good when they come back for seconds! You must be a great cook!!

Angela - Hope they can find that Orange Plaster for Wes!! Four weeks in plaster?? Not going to be fun! :mmph:

Terry - Thanks for the update on your Mother, sounds like it has been a nightmare for you! Take care of yourself sweetie, you are no good to anyone if you get sick!! Enjoy your golf day with your buddy, yes the rest of it can all just dam well wait!! Sending healing thoughts to your mother and hoping that you do not have to continue with this for too much longer :hug:

Well I am off to make the bed and get some breakfast, hoping to scrap a bit today also. Try to have a great Humpday everyone! :wave:
Morning everyone!! I'm in full fledged Easter Dress making mode. I made a Vogue pattern top for me two days ago and I'm hoping today to adjust the sizing to make a tunic-type thingie for my Emma who hates dresses. It has awesome asymmetrical lines, so I hope she likes it. I'm also going to hobby lobby to meet my Cora to pick out a simple pattern for her Easter Dress! She actually is letting me make a dress for her again!! I kinda ruined her in the tween years by making matching dresses for all three of my girls and me, so it took a LONG time for her to let me make her anything again!! :)

Pray that my dishes get done sometime. If that's the worst of my worries, I'm doing really, really, really well!!!

Anika, so sorry about all the dental work. I need three root canals, but I'm avoiding them because of the cost!! I have the worst teeth ever!!! Hugs to you!!!

Chris, Emma told me yesterday she wanted to hide the eggs because she didn't want to go looking for eggs with a bunch (3) of little kids!!! It made me cry inside a little bit!! We'll see what she ends up doing! We may have two hunts...one for littles and one for bigs!! hugs to you, too!!

Laurie!! Have fun with all of your work catching up! Praying you can relax this weekend!!

Nana!! No more sinus mess!!!! Just sayin'...love ya!!!

Phylis, sending you some of my sunshine! And I always get disappointed when I go to Panera, too! It's like the concept is more attractive than the food/coffee!! So I go to La Madeleine instead. Push through the gloom, darling!!!

Nancy, I'm coming over for leftovers today to your house!! Sounded great!! hugs!

Angela, 4 weeks! Wow!!! Have fun with orange, though!! That would make a fun, colorful LO!! :)

Terry, I'm so glad you get a break today!! When my mom had back surgery a few years ago, I stressed myself out so badly because I waited too long to take a break. It wasn't good for either of us!! Pamper yourself big time today!! And have fun golfing!! ♥

Waving to TRUDY and LINDA S!! and everyone else who pops in!!

off to sew, sew, sew!!! LOve you all!!!!!
We have a saying in Sweden that goes something like "Distress put your friends to the test". Today have proven that to me! My sister's passing was in the newspaper today.

Number of calls from my church "friends": ZERO
Number of calls from my childhood friend that I meet like once a year: TWO

PLUS: she came here and drank coffee and talked for like an hour.

It was wonderful to meet her again. I really need to be a better friend for her and text her at least from time to time. Maybe I should get me a facebook account even though I hate it? Just to keep contact with family and friends that matter. I mean - that's were people socialize these days. When you stare death in the face - you really start thinking.

How do you coop with the stress that Facebook can make you feel? That you feel the need to be updating your status all the time + keeping track of what everyone's eating for lunch and so on. Facebook was a huge stress for me when I had an account. But then again I added every idiot I've ever known. And that are MANY LOL
Anika (BTW, is that your real name? is it ok to call you Anika?)
root canal? eeep!!! Never had one of those but I imagine them not to be fun. Hope it doesn't hurt too much. Medical gymnastics- oh that sounds like it would be so helpful physically and mentally for your son. Nosy question for you and don't feel you have to answer.... since that is prescribed by a doctor, does your health insurance cover it? My plan covers very limited physical therapy and it gets so expensive so fast. I wish we could get better coverage for stuff like that.

No Anika isn´t my name:mrgreen:. my name is Astrid. Anik is my surname and the big A at the end comes from Astrid:rockon:. So my nick name is full my real name:-D

Yesterday I was also at the doctor about some pains in my hip and also got Medical gymnastics. We get always 6 appointments which are paid. If we have still pain we get another 6. We have only to pay an additional payment of 20 Euro for all 6. Perhaps my son hasn´t paid anything because he is on education.
Our health insurances are very good , although we always moaning about it.
My husband was at a ....kind like a rehab, but he hasn´t anything special, only to recover, for one week. You can choose where you want to go, 1 or 2 weeks, get breakfast, lunch, dinner, some medical gymnastic, stress reduction courses and so on. And the health insurance pay one part, the employer pay one part and the trade union pay one part and it´s a little bit to pay by yourself. I think we should be happy to have such help.

I need three root canals, but I'm avoiding them because of the cost!
What you have to pay for it ? I don´t have paid a cent for it and it was my 3rd or 4th