
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, March 26


The Loopy-O
Hello and happy Wednesday, O-zies!

I'm in a good mood today, I had such a wonderful time with my kids here last night. I was able to fix everything for dinner, making sure I took plenty of breaks throughout the day. The corned beef looked and smelled very good. I was tempted to try a bite but thought better of it. We spent a lot of time talking about birds and TV shows and laughed at stupid things. After the meal, the guys all got up and cleared the table, leaving the women ~> :jawdrop3:
After dessert, we were in the kitchen together, and saw they left the serving dishes/food on the counter. Hey, it's a start! :rotfl:

I am almost done with the faery house. I had everything done and needed to glue a clear plastic sheet over the top of the book. The sides of the book with *slightly* off and the plastic sheet was like 1mm short. Gary and I tried to figure out out it would get glued and stay in place. Even if the sides were in the correct spot, I don't think it would have worked since the plastic was not that flexible. But Gary, my hero, had clear double-sided sticky tape and that did the trick. We were working on the wiring for the lights when we realized that the kit didn't come with the batteries. I ordered them from Amazon so they'll be here today.
After that, I was able to scrap a page for the upcoming Color Plays and OMG, the palette is just luscious!
I hope I can scrap another page this afternoon. :)

Gary and I are getting our blood work done and then taking the car for inspection on the way home.
It wil be nice to get out of the house at least :D

I hope I didn't just jinx it all! He had a lightbulb :lightbulb: moment and checked the wiring. And he found a wire with water damage. Not sure what that means, but, hey! If it took care of the problem, then, whatever! Keep those fingers and toes crossed!!!
NO WAY!!!!!! I hope that does the trick!
Hope that your stomach is back to normal-enough-for-you-to-eat!

That one (Sony) will copy from VHS to DVD...YES!!! ... I will have Son-in-law#1 help me move it to the bedroom and hook it up to the non-Smart TV in there. That TV was moved into the bedroom when I got the Smart TV for the family room - but the Geek Squad only hooked up the antenna to it... and not the DVD/VHS player. I want to copy the VHS tapes (4) that has my hubby on them onto DVDs so I can save and play them on DVD players.
That is so awesome!!
I am glad that you were able to make it through the intersection without having to go too far out of the way.
agree with you... I like to read the book first then see the movie. But I forgot to look for the Wicked book first this time. Must admit that I am glad I didn't pay to go to see the movie Wicked. And won't pay to see the 2nd one either when it comes out. DD#3 is a huge Harry Potter fan... and she got me to watch all the Harry Potter movies when she stayed with me when she had her foot surgery.
I was glad that we only paid $10 for the movie tix-- it was a matinee so it was perfect.
We watched the HP movies so many times too- over lockdown we watched them again. They kept us occupied for many hours :)

es the swelling is still normal. It is just coming up on four weeks and while it does feel like forever its not that long ago.
Glad that the swelling is "normal"
Time is so weird and stretchy and compressy all at once.

Not a lot going on today. Had a rough night and not much sleep so I feel like I am in a fog. Need to grab coffee.. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
I am sorry to hear this and I hope that you rested/slept better and are feeling a lot better today.

Hope it isn't this foggy for my drive to the hike tomorrow! Rain is supposed to hold off until the afternoon tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed
You got it!! How is the weather today, hope it is nice for your hike.
I have a huge list of projects to keep him busy and putting shelves in my craft room closet will hopefully be the first item checked off his list! I
You are so smart to have projects for him! :highfive:

Love the hoodie design, Mason will love it!
OOOOohhhhhh.. How cool, did you finish it? I can't wait to see! :fairy2:
I'll take pictures as soon as we get the lights working!

Time to get going, we have to leave in an hour and of course everything takes me 10000000 times longer to do.
Love and hugs!!
Morning everyone, quick in and out of here this morning. It is cloudy and misty but not raining and its just supposed to be cloud all day today. So hooray I won't get soaked to the bone on my hike. Today's hike is Dodds Narrows where we usually see lots of seals, otter and sometimes Orcas, hopefully all will be in attendance today! It will most likely be pretty muddy, so I will bring extra boots and maybe even a change of clothes in case I slip and fall in the mud. (fingers crossed that does not happen!). Anyway I better get ready to go its a bit of a drive to get to the trailhead and I need to dress in layers as I am not sure what the temps will get to. Yesterday we hit a high of 17C that is almost 63F. Almost summer temps, but not quite :giggle4: . Have a great day everyone and I will hopefully catch up with all of you tomorrow.:waving1
Good Morning Lovely O's!
Quick hello this morning as I mentally prepare for Wednesday and cooking. Should be another simple prep dinner to make but will just be me and another this time. Healing is going slow and steady. Its crazy that tomorrow will be a month. already.
@faerywings sounds like you had a great day yesterday. I did giggle that they just put everything on the counter in the kitchen. Cracked me up and totally "normal" but as you said, its a start. @taxed4ever I hope the fog lift Trudy and your hike is amazing. How fun to potentially see so many animals.
Have a wonderful day Ladies! Can't wait to see what you all create with the new CP that is to come. Cant wait to see the kits.
Hello and happy Wednesday, O-zies!

I'm in a good mood today, I had such a wonderful time with my kids here last night. I was able to fix everything for dinner, making sure I took plenty of breaks throughout the day. The corned beef looked and smelled very good. I was tempted to try a bite but thought better of it. We spent a lot of time talking about birds and TV shows and laughed at stupid things. After the meal, the guys all got up and cleared the table, leaving the women ~> :jawdrop3:
After dessert, we were in the kitchen together, and saw they left the serving dishes/food on the counter. Hey, it's a start! :rotfl:

I am almost done with the faery house. I had everything done and needed to glue a clear plastic sheet over the top of the book. The sides of the book with *slightly* off and the plastic sheet was like 1mm short. Gary and I tried to figure out out it would get glued and stay in place. Even if the sides were in the correct spot, I don't think it would have worked since the plastic was not that flexible. But Gary, my hero, had clear double-sided sticky tape and that did the trick. We were working on the wiring for the lights when we realized that the kit didn't come with the batteries. I ordered them from Amazon so they'll be here today.
After that, I was able to scrap a page for the upcoming Color Plays and OMG, the palette is just luscious!
I hope I can scrap another page this afternoon. :)

Gary and I are getting our blood work done and then taking the car for inspection on the way home.
It wil be nice to get out of the house at least :D

I know you are enjoying your day out of the house!!! Can't wait to see a picture of the faery house!
NO WAY!!!!!! I hope that does the trick!
Hope that your stomach is back to normal-enough-for-you-to-eat!

That is so awesome!!
I am glad that you were able to make it through the intersection without having to go too far out of the way.

I was glad that we only paid $10 for the movie tix-- it was a matinee so it was perfect.
We watched the HP movies so many times too- over lockdown we watched them again. They kept us occupied for many hours :)

Glad that the swelling is "normal"
Time is so weird and stretchy and compressy all at once.

I am sorry to hear this and I hope that you rested/slept better and are feeling a lot better today.

You got it!! How is the weather today, hope it is nice for your hike.

You are so smart to have projects for him! :highfive:

Love the hoodie design, Mason will love it!

I'll take pictures as soon as we get the lights working!

Time to get going, we have to leave in an hour and of course everything takes me 10000000 times longer to do.
Love and hugs!!
Unfortunately the stomach is a mess again today and includes a headache! Lovely! :sad2:
Good Morning Lovely O's!
Quick hello this morning as I mentally prepare for Wednesday and cooking. Should be another simple prep dinner to make but will just be me and another this time. Healing is going slow and steady. Its crazy that tomorrow will be a month. already.
@faerywings sounds like you had a great day yesterday. I did giggle that they just put everything on the counter in the kitchen. Cracked me up and totally "normal" but as you said, its a start. @taxed4ever I hope the fog lift Trudy and your hike is amazing. How fun to potentially see so many animals.
Have a wonderful day Ladies! Can't wait to see what you all create with the new CP that is to come. Cant wait to see the kits.
A month already!!! That is crazy! But glad the healing is steady.....even if slow-going!
Quick in and out
IBS is kicking my butt this week! And I've added a headache with it! This too shall pass!

Getting ready to put another freezer meal in the oven. I fed Mark the other half of my turkey bacon ranch sandwich from Arby's yesterday, so he didn't want the cilantro-lime chicken burrito bowl last night. I'm glad since I'm under the weather! All I've managed to do today is get the pre-release CP pages uploaded and remain in my pjs all day. Got 2 other pages done for a kit I downloaded, too. That's about all I can handle today!

Have a good afternoon.
I'm late getting in here to say "Hi"... Been going crazy scrapping with Color Play collections! WOW... fantastic - and love the colors and themes. Just remembered tomorrow is trash & recycle pickup day. They get here early... early...early... 7AM... so need to put the bins out this evening.

Need to get lunch ... HAGD
Well hello ladies
I went over to my friends house to get leaves for the Monarchs as they get bigger the are little piggies we had a nice visit too. Yesterday was all work in the yard...Jay went to club to do a few things. Found 6 caterpillars so I put them in the habitat. Got plants ready for the plant sale at the club next month. moved some of my plants. I made dinner then watched TV which I rarely do. .Stupid me volunteered to help 2 friends make the stuff for the Spring Tea at the club. I made the menu up so they can print it out. Friday will be help my friends bake. Saturday will be set up at the club then Sunday is the tea so I will be in the kitchen all day. I will be so glad when it's over. Lucky it's a big fund raiser!
Today I went to get eyes checked all is good no change to my contacts so that was nice since I just bought 6 months worth. Got the date and time for my deposition for my shoulder injury. My sweet daughter called so we had a nice chat, I sure look forward to seeing her and the rest of the family in June.. A lady came over to get some plants I was giving away now if I could only give more away. I hung some orchids in the trees but decided one was getting too much sun so I moved that.
We have been sleeping with the sliding glass door open at night and I love it. We hear the pond frogs and the birds, it's amazing how active they are at night.

@vickyday I'm sorry you are not feeling well I know it really interrupts your busy life. Hope you feel better soon.

@faerywings it sounds like you are taking care of your self so that is great. I'm glad you enjoyed your family time.

@AK_Tracy It's a month already. It sounds like you are healing well so I'm happy for you. I hope you get more nice weather so you can get outside to read and recover.

@taxed4ever I look forward to seeing the photos from your hike today.

Well that is it for me today/tonight.
I am sure most of you saw the news... I had no more than finished my earlier post when I got a text from DD#2 that her husband had just passed away. He had a massive heart attack and even though they worked on him for almost an hour he didn't survive. DD#2 called me right after that and we talked for over an hour. She has good church friends who will be with her... and make sure they drive her home (35 miles) and stay with her. Their son should be coming down tomorrow (Illinois to Missouri) to be with her. Not sure yet when the funeral will be held. Unfortunately I am not up to traveling any more but both DD#1 and DD#2 are planning on going... and I an sure both DS#1 and DS#2 will also go. DD#3 came down this afternoon and spent several hours with me. We needed that time sharing our grief and sorrow. BTW... you can see DD#2 - Leslie's photo in the gallery: HERE
Thank you all for your sympathy and caring.